Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2527 man on a mission (twenty)

The Room of Requirement is sometimes not so much a clutter room full of old things as it is always arranged to be what the caller needs.

Here Pomona and the house-elves found a large tent that was most likely used for a large event and then forgotten here.

As long as the hole bitten by Hu Meizi is repaired, it can still be used, and then Pomona asked the elves to continue searching, and they found several smaller tents, each of which used the space expansion spell, which can Divided into several rooms, and then put furniture inside, with these tents, there is no need to go to Hogsmeade to rent a house for students to live in. Camping by the beautiful Black Lake in midsummer might bring fond memories, and she was smug about her "wisdom" and she definitely didn't do it to save money.

"The Headmaster," said Honey the house-elf. "The Headmaster of Ravenclaw is waiting for you outside the door."

Her good mood vanished in an instant.

"Tell him I'm not here!" Pomona said in a low voice.

"Honey can't lie to a wizard," said the house-elf pitifully.

Pomona rolled her eyes and slumped out of the Room of Requirement.

Filius was standing in the corridor, wearing a stiff tuxedo, looking like he was about to attend a concert.

When he saw Pomona, who was covered in ashes, coming out of the Room of Requirement, after the two of them were relatively silent for a while, he praised, "It's just right for you to dress like this."

"Thanks, Felius," said Pomona politely. "That's just fine for you."

Feliway sighed heavily, shook his head, and walked down the stairs with his short legs, Pomona followed behind without haste.

At this time, she deeply felt the benefits of power, and Minerva did not need to participate in this operation because she was the vice principal.

When the two arrived at Myrtle's bathroom, Felius took out his wand from his jacket pocket and pointed it at the entrance of the secret room, and he opened the entrance without using Parseltongue.

"You go first," said gentleman Felius.

"I really don't think it's necessary to say women first at this time," Pomona muttered, then jumped in and slid down the tube to the bottom.

The rat's bones acted as a cushion, and now she felt that it was all right to be a little dirtier in her dirty witch's robes.

On the other hand, Fei Liwei who slid in next, his tuxedo was spotless, still the same as before.

"Let's go." Fei Liwei said, and walked inside first.

The sloughed skin of the basilisk is still there, but it has been rolled up, which makes the entrance of the secret room much neater and cleaner.

When they reached the door, the second door to the Chamber of Secrets was open, and Snape was facing the dead basilisk with his back to them.

There was a faint stench in the secret room, and it was unclear whether it was caused by the sewage or the rotting corpse of the basilisk.

But if it is a normal animal carcass, even if it does not rot into a skeleton in a year, it will be highly decomposed, and it will not be the same as the current basilisk, which only died for less than a week. Although the position of the eye was pecked blind by Fox, exposing the flesh and blood, there were no flies or other insects flying around it.

Maybe it's because the basilisk's blood is also poisonous, like its venomous teeth.

"It didn't look like a snake, it looked like an eel," Pomona said.

Felius and Severus watched her together.

"The snake only has two fangs in its mouth, while the eel's mouth has all sharp teeth," Pomona explained.

"Where do we start?" Severus asked Felius.

"Generally I would suggest starting from the abdomen, but Mr. Potter has left us with a gap, and we can use it." Felius said.

"What about you?" Severus asked Pomona patiently.

"I agree." She nodded again and again, "Have you ever seen a whale corrupt..."

The two men didn't want to pay attention to her, she still kept chattering, "Although it looks fine on the surface, but its stomach is full of gas, once its stomach is broken, inside..."

"Pomona," Severus called, "if you're not going to help, you can step aside."

She immediately jumped away from the basilisk, and Felius was still looking for the opening in the basilisk's head.

Harry Potter put his hand into the basilisk's wide-open mouth, then pierced the basilisk's head with the sword of Gryffindor from the upper jaw, and he himself was bitten by the basilisk's fangs. Phoenix's tears, maybe he was dead at that time, but that was the only way the second graders could find to deal with the basilisk.

Basilisk hides are not only as impenetrable as dragon hides, but are also immune to many spells, as are dragon hides.

The main reason is that it has not been seen for many years. Of course, those who witnessed it are dead. It is not only dangerous to ordinary people, but also dangerous to dark wizards.

"I'll lift it up, try it," Felius said.

Then Felius raised his wand and floated the basilisk and the smaller head of the huge body a little bit. When it died, it was on the ground with its head on the ground, which happened to be where the breach was.

At that instant, the body of the basilisk moved as if it were going to sink into the pool in which the body was.

"Stop!" Pomona yelled.

Filius also put the basilisk's head back in its place, and it made a heavy sound.

Severus took out a pocket knife and tried to slit the basilisk's jaws open.

It was silver made by goblins, since when did Severus get rich enough to buy such expensive things himself?

Then she remembered the 20 Galleons that were taken away from him for the potion to get rid of hairy crabs, and instantly understood where his money came from.

"Don't cut it, look at mine." Felius said, seeming to give up the preparation to dissect from the head, and aimed his wand at the basilisk's abdomen.

"chirp chirp~"

The harsh sound echoed in the secret room, like a drilling machine cutting hard marble.

A minute later, Felius lowered his wand, and there was only a white mark on the basilisk's scales.

"We can't do it the usual way," Pomona said. "The basilisk is not a product of nature."

Snape raised his wand, and a strong sour smell began to fill the air.

"You melted it, how do we collect materials." Felius said.

"Don't worry," Severus said, "it won't work."

The three see some liquid dripping from the basilisk to the ground, corroding the ground into smoke.

This is one of the consequences of human creation. Powerful dragons will also be decomposed by small creatures and enter the food chain cycle again. When humans create items, they only consider how to make them powerful, and they don't consider how to deal with them later.

Anyway, on the first day of dealing with the basilisk, the expected bloody scene did not happen, and this was the content of the meeting that night.

As for the issue of dementors, that is a matter of the Ministry of Magic. Although it was not created by alchemy, the lunatic black wizard did not consider how to destroy it when he created it. Ghosts are just starting to play it safe, ignoring Ministry of Magic rules.

Pomona sighed, and Neville probably had a hard time learning such advanced magic, but Harry Potter has improved a lot. She felt that his magical talent was more like his mother than his active father. .

James is actually not bad. He has changed a lot for Lily. It is very important for one person to be willing to change for another person. She always thinks so.

==================================================== ===========

Georgiana took out her quill and began to write:

As someone who has experienced this, I want to tell you one thing. When Josephine decides to return to you, it proves that she still loves you, just like I leave you now and return to him.

Josephine cried that night, did you feel moved when you saw her tears? If yes, then it means you still care about her.

A woman's tears are only useful to those who care about her. If there is a woman crying heartbreakingly on the street, some will stop and some will leave silently. Whatever happened to that weeping woman is a "passer" to those who don't feel it, to be forgotten on the next street corner.

Our brain is like a warehouse, which contains many things. In order not to make the warehouse full, some old and broken things will be thrown out. My husband once described himself as a used tissue, don't you think I'm weird? Things that others have used and don't want are still regarded as precious things by me.

I said to him, I don't like heroes, because heroes die early, I really hope he can live.

But because of you, I now understand one thing, it's because he's different from the crowd that I notice him. In our world, many people oppose black magic, because black magic gives people a bad feeling. An Arab scholar wrote that darkness is what is lacking in things that have the characteristics of light, and we can see it. Light, but darkness is invisible, and what is also invisible is transparency, just like the water of the Black Lake, which looks black on the surface, but is actually very clean and clear.

Most of us are looking for something like that, and death can bring fear back to life, which is a pull from the familiar and habitual routine that many people don't like.

But if we repeat what we think of as "truth" day after day, I am afraid that I will be like the man in the cave that Plato said.

I don’t know whether I’m more afraid of dying or living like that. Now that I’ve figured it out, you can send someone to chase me down, as long as he has the ability to do it, but I won’t go back with him.

She paused when she wrote this.

That hallucination Albus once asked her: Do you still think it is important for a person to change?

She has the answer now, but she doesn't plan to write it down. Writing the letter like this is enough for him to be furious, and there is no need to continue to provoke.

Will he send a hunting party? Not necessarily, because Grassini had not sent anyone to chase him when he went to Russia.

When the ink was dry, she rolled up the paper and put it in the trembling flower bracelet, planning to take it out when the time was right.

Sometimes, once the novelty is over, the more you know a person, the less you like it. It turns out that many beautiful things are like illusions created by the sun. After being dazzled for a while, you will no longer have that feeling when you wake up.

She felt sorry for that guy, no wonder Josephine asked him fearlessly, "Who else would love you but me"?

Then she took out the paper and added a final sentence, intending to put it into the bracelet when the ink was dry.

But then tears fell on it, blurring the last line, and she wasn't going to rewrite it.

Garbage mood needs to be cleaned up just like garbage, and the things that should be thrown away should be thrown away. After all, no one's home is a house of responsiveness. It seems that there is infinite space and a mountain of items.

"Mountains meet mountains, people meet people, and you will meet better people." She said softly, and put the ink-dried paper into the trembling flower.

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