Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2526 man on a mission (nineteen)

Every grade and every college has a few outstanding and "bottom" people. It can be said that Simon Finnigan and Neville Longbottom are "difficult brothers and sisters".

He and Neville were paired together in Potions class in the first year, and then the two of them "cooperated" to blow up the cauldron, not only turning the scabies potion into a potion with blisters, but also splashing everywhere, causing Half the classroom suffered.

He was paired with Harry in Charms class in second year, a very simple levitation spell that made feathers fly, and he blew up again.

In the third grade, he didn't blow up anything. In the second grade, the school was at risk of being closed because of the Chamber of Secrets incident. Simon thought that the exam would also be cancelled, but things didn't go as he thought. In the third year, he was holding a newspaper in the auditorium, saying that Black was sighted near the castle, spreading panic to a certain extent, but he still didn't cancel the exam, so he pinned all his hopes on the exam questions predicted by Hermione Granger .

Neville's partner in divination class was Dean Thomas, Dean Thomas and Simon Finnigan were inseparable, and Dean Thomas was there when Simon sent the prediction exam questions to the greenhouse, and his grades were just as bad , only slightly better than Neville and Simon.

His talents were more focused on drawing, but Hogwarts wasn't an art school.

Pomona hopes that Neville can make some friends. The best way is to let them spend the summer vacation together. Anyway, she plans to send a list. Of course, she does not give students the opportunity of "internship" just to save costs.

Dean still has the skills to paint, what can Simon do?

A knock on the door interrupted Pomona's train of thought, and Justin Finch-Falerie entered.

"I've already collected the list you want." Justin said enthusiastically, and put the parchment on the table in Pomona. "These are people who are willing to stay in school."

"Thank you, Justin," Pomona said with a smile. "You've been a great help."

"It's an honor to serve you, Dean, what else can I do?" Justin asked.

"Your family lives in London, right?" Pomona asked.


Pomona wondered if he should borrow Justin's connections in the Muggle world to find out about the situation in Grimmauld Place, after all he almost went to Eton College.

"My mother asked me to say hello to you." Justin said immediately, "I don't know if you are free during the summer vacation. She wants to invite you to my house."

"I think it's going to be a busy holiday season this year," Pomona said, "but thank you mom for the kindness."

"Is there anything I need to pay special attention to or prepare for next school year?"

Pomona thought for a moment. "What language do you speak besides English?"

"You speak the language of the mermaid?" Justin asked.

"No, there will be foreign wizards coming to Hogwarts, both Durmstrang and Bray Barton are international schools, taking students from more than one country, they don't just send contestants, I think maybe because the decision was too hasty , It was decided at the end of the semester that they will send multiple contestants..."

"I see what you mean, Dean." Justin said with a smile, "I will organize a team of volunteers."

"I think you can prepare now, you don't have to wait until next semester." Pomona also said with a smile.

Justine bowed and happily left her office.

There are always a few "teacher's pets" among the students in each period.

Pomona smiled and shook his head, continuing to look at the map on the table.

Even the simplified version of Qimen Dunjia is dangerous for these minors, and she doesn't want to make an accident and get the Triwizard Tournament banned again.

She looked at the scribbled Simon's name, exploding... fireworks, maybe the contestants could cast spells to release the fireworks so people outside could get in and give first aid.

"Dean, are you free?"

She looked up and saw Graplan standing in the doorway.

"Come in," she said, rolling up the drawings.

"Principal Dumbledore just informed me that I will be a substitute teacher for the Protection of Magical Beasts class next semester, and Professor Rubeus Hagrid has other arrangements," Graplan said.

Her first thought was that Hagrid had been fired.

"I see," Pomona said.

"He also asked me to tell you that there is a meeting at seven o'clock in the evening, in the principal's office."


Then Graplan went away.

Pomona glanced at her pocket watch. It was less than two hours before the meeting, and she could go to the auditorium for dinner.

"This is the resident teacher!" She gritted her teeth and said how much she wanted to be like the teacher in class, leaving school and returning to her home after class.

Then she thought, hey, she's not married yet, so how can she have a home of her own?

She came to the teacher's seat in the auditorium full of complaints. Sinista was also there. Although she was the classroom teacher, she was one of the few who were still in school at night. When she saw Pomona coming, she immediately offered to say hello.

"Have you heard? There's big news in the Muggle world. A serial killer has been arrested."

"How many people did he kill?" Pomona asked casually, taking a seat next to her.

"Twelve girls, all of them buried in the yard of his house," Sinesta said. "They rented out their spare house after they furnished it, and then they lied about hiring maids, and these girls disappeared. .”

"Oh~ Merlin's beard." Pomona exclaimed.

"When are you interested in this kind of news?" Snape came over and sat next to the two.

"The weirdest part is that the bodies were discovered because of a psychic who reported to the police that the missing girls were there."

Pomona recalls the haunted Shrieking Shack, which originally belonged to Scamander and was converted into a dormitory for the female teachers, and then...

"Are there any spare houses in Hogsmeade?" Pomona asked Snape. "I'd like to rent a few."

"Why do you ask me?" he said coldly.

"You know Malfoy..."

He didn't want to talk to her at all, and ate the baked potatoes on his plate.

"It's really scary." Pomona frowned, looking at Sinista.

"There are more terrifying things." Sinista lowered her voice. "Three of the missing girls are believed to be related to the Death Eaters, and they disappeared during that time."

"Eat, it's getting cold," Pomona said.

Sinista glanced at Snape, who was eating in silence, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Then Pomona and Sinista talked about other things, and they left the table around six-thirty in the evening, chatting as they climbed the steps up the tower.

"Goodbye," said Sinista, who was leaving for the Astronomy Tower.

"Goodbye." Pomona waved. She was going to the principal's office tower.

But she hadn't gone very far before she met Snape, who had left first, standing at a window overlooking the school.

The school is not brightly lit except on opening day, when only a few windows are lit.

She also went to the window and looked out at the castle.


"Cirius Black killed three wizards in Hogsmeade," Snape said. "Have you heard?"

She was in shock.

"He didn't do that!" Pomona said immediately.

"how do you know?"

Pomona realizes that Snape is trying to induce her, but she asks "Who can prove he did it?"

"Dementors," Snape said softly. "The Ministry of Magic believe them."

"How is that possible?" Pomona asked in disbelief.

"They believe that Dementors will obey the rules." He sneered. "They don't hurt 'innocent' people, they are only allowed to 'handle' criminals."

"Did you tell them about the dementors attacking Harry Potter?"

"I'm just a teacher who speaks lightly, how can I have the qualifications to speak on that occasion?" He said strangely, "I believe that the meeting tonight may be related to this matter."

"Thanks for the reminder, Severus."

"You're welcome." He said haughtily, walking up the stairs.

Pomona watched his back from below, lost in thought.

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus once said: I must die, I must be imprisoned, I must endure being exiled, I know it all, but must I die moaning? Do I have to cry and whine? Can someone stop me from smiling while I'm in exile?

She'd always thought that Severus had learned something from the Death Eaters, at least the Slytherin boy who had yelled at the door of the Gryffindor lounge after being rejected had changed.

He's learned to be graceful, like You-Know-Who himself, and his graceful demeanor belies his origins, a Muggle orphan.

Severus even learned to use sage, which smelled just as bad, but much better than frog brains or something.

He was standing at this place just now with this smell left, she took a deep breath, and a blurred hallucination appeared in her mind.

"Pomona." He looked back at her from above. "We're running late."

She blushed, but she wasn't sure if she could see the flickering torches of the castle, so she lowered her head and followed his steps to climb up.

She didn't feel tired at all, but felt light on her feet, like meeting fellow travelers on a lonely journey, even though they weren't chatting along the way like she and Sinista had just done.

At the same time, she was also thinking about a problem.

Telling the truth does not mean rebellion, but a ground-breaking revolution.

If, at a later meeting, she told everyone what happened that night, how would the others react?

She reached out and tugged at Severus' robes, and he looked at her strangely.

"If one day I do something really bad, will you forgive me?" she asked.

"Do you know why the Unforgivable Curse is unforgivable?" he said.

"Have you used it?" she asked.

"What about you? Did you do something bad?"

"I ask you questions, why do you keep asking me?" she complained.

This time he didn't ask back, but just switched and left.

She was so angry that she punched him away, and he stared at her at the place where he was beaten.

"Haha." She smirked.

"What are you laughing at?" he grumbled, pulling off his robe.

"Welcome back, Severus." She sighed. "Welcome home."

Before he could speak, he heard Fei Liwei's voice. His office was on the same floor as the principal's office.

"Good evening, both of you, are you free after the meeting?" Fei Liwei said, "I wrote a new song."

"Let's talk about it after the meeting," Pomona said lazily, and God knows if anyone else was in the mood then.

==================================================== ========

Catnip does something magical for cats, and maybe sage does the same for her, although there's no real sage in this place, just a similar botanical pattern on the teapot.

She doesn't belong here, there is nothing she wants here, why does she have to be Madame Pompidou as Bertin said, instead of Madame Estellade who was driven away?

The "people" here are all dead, and it is meaningless for her to work hard for the lives of these people.

She finally knew what the problem was.

Avada Kedavra takes the life of a person, but the body seems to be asleep.

The swan in the ballet Death of the Swan is dying because it is an animal and it does not understand what Epicurus said.

But it was still beautiful, even when it groaned to death.

On the contrary, because of their ugliness, some people still look so embarrassed even if they don't die moaning.

At the last moment of his death, what he saw was a pair of lake green eyes, which were beautiful, but not the black lake of Hogwarts, which was still black in clear weather, reflecting the sky like a mirror and mountains.

She looked at the fire opal ring on her hand, took it off, and put it on the table without any regrets.

When she took off the bracelet that hid her hair, she hesitated, but she took it off anyway.

Then she felt an unprecedented relief.

She touched her neck, and a black swan pendant appeared as if out of nothing, exactly the same pair they bought after watching the movie "The Godfather".

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