Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2528 man on a mission (twenty-one)

Albus placed a book in front of Pomona.

"What's this?" she asked.

"The 'prize' I got in Cairo when I was young." Albus smiled. "Merry Christmas."

"What am I expecting?" She picked up the book and opened it casually, only to find that it was actually in French.

"Are you expecting me to send you a dress to the Yule Ball?" Albus looked at his star robe. "If you don't mind."

"I like the cloak you gave me last time." She smiled and flipped through the book. "What is this book about?"

"Soul," said Albus, "do you remember the diary Harry destroyed with the basilisk teeth in his second year?"

"I remember, what's wrong?" Pomona put down the book.

"Tom, I mean You-Know-Who, still in his 16-year-old form, very handsome," said Albus slowly, "but we all remember what he looked like when he was possessed by Quirrell."

She thought of the evil face in the Mirror of Erised, and nodded slowly.

"I don't want to say this as Christmas approaches, but I think the content of this book is very enlightening." Albus sinks himself into the armchair "The author of this book believes that the soul begins with a body and has As a body for the soul, the soul begins to exist, and this existing body is the soul's territory and tool."

Pomona listened intently.

"If a soul becomes multiple by a certain relationship, it will exist in all known and unknown forms, such as the diary, and the body of Professor Quirrell." Albus said slowly.

"One soul is multiple by some relationship?" Pomona asked.

"You know the East, and what does the East know about ghosts?" Albus asked.

"But that's not the case with Riddle's diary," Pomona said.

"Tell me, why is it different?"

"They think that the soul will affect cognition, and people will become abnormal, but Tom Riddle..."

"Very different from the You-Know-Who we know," Albus continued Pomona's words.

"He's crazy," said Pomona resignedly.

"We paraphrase Muhammad..."

"Wait, Muhammad?" Pomona asked confused. "Who is Muhammad?"

"The author of the book you're holding," said Albus.

"But the book is in French." Pomona quickly flipped through the book in her hand.

"It was originally Arabic, translated into French, and Muhammad lived in the tenth century AD, when Europe was still in the 'Dark Ages'." Albus explained. "At first, I thought Tom Riddle It's just a memory, like we saw in the Pensieve, but Tom communicates with Harry, Ginny, and plots, and I don't think a memory can do that."

"So, you think the diary is his soul?" Pomona asked.

"This is what I want you to think about. If a soul becomes multiple by a certain relationship, it will exist in all known and unknown forms. What is this relationship?" Albus said.

Pomona couldn't answer.

"Don't worry, I can't figure it out, so I need your help." Albus said with a smile, "Do you like this gift?"

Pomona turned to the book again. In the book, there was an image of a man in a hood standing in front of a mirror.

"Obviously the author has read ancient Greek books." Albus said, "In the chapter you read, he mentioned Pneuma."

Pneuma is an ancient Greek word meaning breath, a mixture of fire and air, and in religious texts it means spirit or soul, and it is also a circulating gas that ancient medical scientists believed was essential to life.

The author of the book analyzed two reasons why people sometimes see things, such as people shaking back and forth, left and right, or mirror images.

When people look in the mirror, they will feel that what is in the mirror is themselves, because there is a comparison before, and what appears in the mirror is similar to what is outside the mirror.

The person in the mirror is not you, but your shadow, which is a visible object, and the darkness is invisible, but whether it is a visible shadow or a dark shadow, the outline and shape are the same.

Where there is light there is darkness, where there is length there is short, where there is thickness there is thinness, and these things cannot be felt if they are isolated from each other.

When people stand two mirrors facing each other, the world inside the mirror and the world outside the mirror will be formed. There is only one person outside the mirror, but there is a passage in the mirror, and there are countless you, but the countless you in the mirror are different from the mirror. There is a relationship outside of you.

"Replication?" Pomona asked.

"I prefer to be individualized and separated," Albus said. "Judging from the appearance, the diary is a 16-year-old Tom Riddle, and Quirrell is an older him."

"But diaries don't look like people," Pomona said.

"The body is not the form of the soul in a mere way, it is a part of the parts of the body, 'combined and mixed' together by a certain 'combination and mixing', and the soul is imprinted in these parts." Albus said .

"You mean, the reunification of soul and matter?" Pomona asked in amazement.

"I talked to Felius, and he firmly believes that this is impossible." Albus sighed, "But I believe Tom can do it, but attaching a soul to an object is different from a human body .”

"Oh~" she wailed, "You-Know-Who is really crazy."

"I heard from Minerva that Mr. Longbottom hasn't mastered the Conversion Charm." Albus said suddenly, "He doesn't understand something that's 'easy' for Miss Hermione Granger to master. Can you help?" him?"

"Starting with a hybrid form of soul and body?" Pomona said with a laugh.

"You've changed, Pomona, you used to say 'yes, Headmaster' to me," said Albus. "What made you change?"

She stopped smiling.

"Are you still drinking compound soup, right?" Albus asked a little seriously.

"Yes, principal." She said with her head down.

Albus didn't speak, but stared at her threateningly.

"Read this book well," said Albus in a hoarse voice. "Go and call Severus."

"Yes, principal," Pomona replied.

When she got up and was about to leave the headmaster's office, Albus spoke behind her again.

"When I was young, it was Gellert Grindelwald I saw in the Mirror of Erised, as you may have heard, we used to be very close friends."

"I've read Basida Shabbat's book," Pomona replied.

"Everyone has a time when they are young. When you are a little older, you will know that love is a poison..."

"You told me, Albus," Pomona interrupted him, "and there's only one antidote."

"Yes." Albus nodded. "Do you want to know what the antidote is?"

She didn't answer the question.

Or rather ask Albus that question.

But she probably knew that even if it was poison, it would taste sweet.

==================================================== ======

If you can't give him love, give him power, as Georgiana once said.

At least, he can't even be a prisoner, who told her to disrupt his "life".

He has already been an emperor, and maybe he wants to be an emperor again, but now he must first face a problem in order to achieve that goal. In the new French constitution passed by the referendum last time, the term of office of the first ruler is not for life. "Come over" requires a referendum, but the question is, will others agree?

What's more, she can go at any time herself. Matilda, Citizen Rushfoucault, Mr. Martin and others, they all have their families in this country. Should they also abandon everything and become exiles?

The Duke of Choiseul actually left a "descendant". He adopted a cousin's son, who was pardoned and returned to France in 1801. In fact, even without the French Revolution, this adopted son would not be able to inherit anything from his cousin. The Duke of Choiseul owed a large amount of debt, and even sold his mansion in Paris, which is now owned by Chaputal.

The bustling yesterday has become empty, life is like a dream, some people can only be happy in the dream.

The premise for her to experience all of this is to have the beauty of a mixed-race Veela, without beauty, she has nothing.

In the wizarding world, not all mirrors reflect "reality". Maybe when she really "woke up", she found that she was actually sitting in front of the Mirror of Erised, and she was just one of the people who wasted time in front of the mirror. .

She turned to look at the teapot she had broken, and put it back together with a Restorative Charm, as if nothing had happened.

But she can repair the teapot, but she can't repair her own heart. Who said that torn souls must be murdered?

She wanted to cry heartbreakingly, as if she wanted to turn the water of the Urk Canal into brine, but in fact she couldn't shed a single tear.

It's like she turned into a statue that can't cry, and only rain can cry instead of her.

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