Sirius has an old house-elf named Kreacher at home.

Sirius had never liked it, and he didn't like Sirius, and he didn't even care much about the other house-elves at Hogwarts, and the kitchen happened to be the place with the most house-elves in the whole school.

In order to avoid Filch when they were studying, they made a Marauder's Map. The high-sounding reason was to make it easier for Remus to go back to the dormitory after the Screaming Shack was transformed. In fact, it was more often used as a prank. .

Not long ago, Remus captured it from Harry—apparently it had gone through an unknown journey—when Harry ran to the Slytherin cellar for unknown reasons, near the pier where the newborn boat landed , and then he met the old bat returning from the night watch, and it was Remus who saved him.

The Hogwarts kitchen is one of the few places not shown on the Marauder's Map, and anyone who enters the kitchen disappears as if entering the Room of Requirement, which happens to be not far from the Gryffindor common room.

The last time the fat woman was attacked, she deliberately didn't remind everyone about it, although she didn't remind others about it.

It was still hard for her to believe that Sirius would betray James. He bought a motorcycle with a drag bucket so that he could go to the Muggle world with James. In fact, they could each have a flying motorcycle. , but he bought that kind.

"Who brought Buckbeak to Hogwarts?" asked Scamander.

"The Black house-elf," Pomona replied.

"Why?" Scamander continued.

"You mentioned last year, did you know that Harry Potter almost missed the start of school because he missed the Hogwarts Express?" Pomona said, "Last year there was a staff member of the Ministry of Magic who Illegal modification of Muggle supplies was dealt with when he modified a Muggle car, his son was driving, Harry Potter was the passenger, they forgot the invisibility spray, and then their flying car was killed by at least 12 Muggles Witnessed."

"What does that have to do with Buckbeak?" asked Scamander.

"Probably when Sirius was in fifth grade, and he was flying Buckbeak over the school one morning... a lot of girls ran to the windows and screamed at him." Pomona said numbly, "and James , he won Quidditch too, and then someone thought they were getting the show, so they found a broom and were so stupid as to try to ride around on it."

Scamander didn't laugh, his eyes widened in shock. "I remember using the Hippogriff requires the Disillusionment Charm."

"That's right, it's in accordance with the International Statute of Secrecy, which must be used in the Muggle world, and doesn't need to be obeyed in the wizarding world." She continued numbly, "Sirius didn't intend to show off, but Buckbeak wanted to go for a ride. He has been doing that since the beginning of school, but he just came back a little late that day and was seen by others."

"I still don't understand..."

"It was Snape who told Mrs. Malfoy that if Sirius came back, he would definitely find transportation, most likely Buckbeak, the Hippogriff of the Black family. So in order to prevent him from sneaking into the school, threatening Draco Malfoy's safety, she'd better send Buckbeak to Hogwarts, so Mrs. Malfoy asked the house-elf of the Black family to send him to Hogwarts Express before school started. Leave it to Hagrid at school."

Scamander seems to be really old, he still doesn't understand what happened.

"It's not about your breeding. Buckbeak was retrained by Sirius Black to deal with werewolves."

"How did you know?"

"I have the same question, why did you bring up Malfoy before the Chamber of Secrets question?" Pomona asked.

"Albus told you?" Scamander asked.

"It's sort of it." She said lightly, "New hatred plus old hatred... Sirius Black is Mr. Potter's godfather, and they have had a bad relationship since they were students."

"I can understand the old hatred, what is the new hatred?" Scamander asked.

Pomona opened his mouth and swallowed the words he was about to say.

"We're here." She came to the door of the lounge. "Want to go back to your former dormitory?"

Scamander stood at the door without answering, just as the lounge was opened from the inside, and two students came out from inside.

"Hello, Dean," they said in unison, but they didn't recognize Newt Scamander behind her.

Newt watched them until their backs disappeared down the corridor.

Pomona stood where he was and said nothing.

"Time doesn't seem to change," Scamander said. "I went to school in the same uniform as them."

"Keep thinking like that." Pomona smiled and led Scamander into the lounge.

The tables and chairs in the public rest area were moved to make a large open space, and there were many jumping ropes, hula hoops, and yoga mats, and several students were practicing yoga in tights.

Scamander was astonished.

"It's been like this ever since our Quidditch match with Gryffindor was interrupted by dementors last semester." Pomona said helplessly, "Their target seems to be Mr. Potter, but our Seeker The hands got involved too, and then nobody went to the pitch to practice Quidditch."

"Was it?" asked Scamander.

Pomona looked at the elderly, still thin Scamander, and at the students who were strangled into Michelin tires by tights, and shook his head.

"We're too close to the kitchen," she said in a low voice.

"I've never been to a girls' dorm, can I?" Newt asked.

Pomona maintained a standard smile.

"Of course." She said sweetly, "But it's just a public rest area, you can't enter their room."

So Scamander walked in the direction of the girls' dormitory familiarly.

When his feet stepped up the stairs in the girls' dormitory, the magic above did not touch, and the stairs did not turn into slides.

He looked at Pomona in surprise.


"Of course." She said with a smirk, "This magic is originally designed to defend against 'minors'."

Scamander went down the stairs to the girls' lounge, and he was amazed by the appearance of the tropical rainforest, even though he had actually been to the tropical rainforest.

"It's always been ice and snow over there in the boys' quarters," said Scamander. "Just like outside the castle."

"Because you don't like being in the dorm?" Pomona asked.

"No, there's no room for my animals in the dormitory." Scamander looked at the rainforest and said, "If it's the same over there, I don't need to find an empty classroom."

Pomona did not speak. The layout of the school was designed by the school founders, and no one has the right to change it, sometimes even the principal.

However, a major change was made in order to lay the bathroom plumbing. No one thought that the entrance to the secret room was actually in the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

"The Basilisk is dead," said Pomona. "Potter killed it with the sword of Gryffindor."

"I know," said Scamander calmly, "it seems that the Department of Magical Creatures will not be dispatched."

"This time you come..."

"Oh, look!" Scamander ran towards a rock. "Here's your turtle."

Pomona froze.

Scamander knelt on the ground, put his ear to the stone and listened for a while, then took out his wand, and the turtle that had been regarded as a stone by Pomona was turned over. Shaking in the air.

"Why is it so big?" Pomona said in amazement, "I remember it was only as big as a fish tank when I was a child."

"It's a male," said Scamander. "You didn't find him a companion?"

"I think he can find his partner," Pomona said.

In fact, she has always believed that it is unreasonable for the school to strictly stipulate that freshmen must have pets. Not everyone has a sense of responsibility, or is willing to accompany them until they grow old. Many pets are thrown away after students graduate, and some of them are looking for food. The smell made its way to the kitchen, and the house-elves were willing to keep them, like pets with owners.

After the school has been established for so many years, she feels that she must not be the only one who knows how to raise a tortoise, and it will definitely find a new partner.

"He's not happy here," said Scamander. "I'll take it away, don't you think?"

"Of course." Pomona said without hesitation, without any reluctance.

She has never treated it as a pet, and the purpose of raising it is to meet the requirements of the school, but Scamander said that it is not happy, which makes her a little concerned, since the atmosphere in the college is very relaxed.

"What's its name?" asked Scamander.

"Turtle," Pomona replied.

"that's all?"

"That's it." She shrugged pretending to be relaxed.

"You don't love it, do you?" Scamander asked.

"Do you love all your animals?" Pomona asked.

Scamander didn't answer.

"You're not human," he said after staring at her for a while, "despite your disguise."

"How did you know that?" Pomona asked.

Scamander didn't answer her, he opened the suitcase, and then cast a levitating spell, and put her turtle in it, maybe one day it will return to its native Sahara Desert.

"You know, there's a way you and Albus are alike," said Scamander, after placing the turtle.


"Don't be your lovers, you'll be cruel to them," said Scamander, closing the lid of his suitcase.

"Then you're wrong, I've never been in love." She said inexplicably proudly.

"You didn't scream at Sirius Black?" Scamander asked.

I thought about it, but when she saw other people doing that, she held a book in a serious manner and looked in a corner, looking very indifferent.

"I've seen him naked," she said with a smirk.

If it was before, she would definitely be "killed" for saying that.

"After his Animagus transformation?" Scamander said.

"How do you know so much?" Pomona asked.

"More than you think, how does your werewolf friend fare after drinking the modified wolfsbane potion?" Scamander asked.

She didn't speak.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Scamander walked out with the suitcase. "The weather is fine today, let's go for a picnic outside."

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