Pomona was going to take Scamander to dinner at the conservatory, the same one where Gerald Rohart had been the year before.

In fact, Hufflepuff College is not always so fond of food. It happened that Rohart was still in Hogwarts at that time. When he returned to school after becoming famous, he soon found that Hufflepuff students were bigger than that. He gained a lot of weight in the first class, and then quickly analyzed the reason with his Ravenclaw smart brain——Pomona Sprout is a lover of food magic, and the food produced after she practiced food magic cannot What a waste, the kids go to the kitchen and find that there seems to be always good food ready.

Besides what she made herself, there were also house-elves. There used to be a dean who liked wizard operas very much. Although he would "naturally" give priority to Hufflepuff's students, if he didn't pay attention to his waistline, he wouldn't be able to choose. There were many handsome men in Hufflepuff College at that time Beauty.

This is just like Feliway likes to organize choirs and concerts, Ravenclaw will have many singers and performers; Minerva likes Quidditch, Gryffindor has many Quidditch fans; as for Slater Lin is because Snape loves to make trouble for Gryffindor, so the students of Slytherin also love to provoke Gryffindor.

Others will think that this is not unusual, as Slytherins and Gryffindors have been feuding for many years. However, in Slughorn's era, Slytherin students started chasing fame and fortune early on, striving to become "displays" on his display rack, so they didn't have time to "quarrel" with Gryffindor on campus. play".

Ah~ in summer, the sky should be clear and cloudless, and the meadows are so green and thick, you want to take a few pints of iced pumpkin juice, sit on it, and enjoy the May breeze with flowers .

But all of this was ruined by the dementors near the Forbidden Forest. Their appearance will inevitably lead to low temperature, and the flowers will not bloom. The wind on the grass was a torture, compared to the warmth of the conservatory, which had a view of Hogwarts.

Dementors had been banned from the school grounds since they attacked Harry Potter, and although Harry only lost his broom and Cedric was admitted to the hospital wing that time, it was a wake-up call if Dumbledore didn't use the patron saint of the phoenix to drive them away, let them see his strength, they might use the Quidditch field as a "dining place", and there are so many little wizards who can't summon the guardian.

It's normal for Albus to be pissed off, but what's more frightening to kids these days than dementors is the upcoming exam week, especially in fifth and seventh grade, who don't just want to Take final exams, as well as owls and newts exams.

The black market for "smart drugs" has reappeared, and every year someone believes in these things, and Pomona has to use high-level enchantments on some greenhouses with poisonous or dangerous plants to prevent people from accidentally ingesting them.

In addition, she also found a "duty person", although he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Password!" asked Neville Longbottom in the Greenhouse.

"Hecate," Pomona replied.

Then Neville opened the greenhouse door from the inside.

"Professor!" said Neville cheerfully.

"I still don't think anyone will steal my hair and make Polyjuice Potion," Pomona said to Neville. "If he has the ability to make Polyjuice Potion, what's the 'smart drug' he needs."

"What if it's a senior year? Hermione can make Polyjuice Potion by the age of two." Neville said.

Pomona was tempted to use the example of the Slytherin Quidditch captain, who couldn't make that advanced potion in sixth year.

But given Neville's tendency to blurt out... the conservatory that would have kept him out of the castle could be the one that left him alone.

"Introduce, this is Newt Scamander." Pomona gave up Scamander behind him, "He is the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."

Also a famous alumnus and an author, Scamander does not have the "confidence" like Rohart, showing off his best smile selected by "Witch Weekly" wherever he goes. Instead, he kept explaining to her on the way here why her pet "little" turtle grew so big, probably because he became less sad and emotional away from the place where abandoned pets were everywhere.

"It's an honor to meet you," said Scamander politely.

"It's an honor to meet you, too," Neville replied dryly.

Then there was nothing.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Pomona asked Neville.

"I brought sandwiches," Neville replied dutifully.

She had a little bit of a conscience, and it lasted only three seconds, then she put the picnic basket on the table, and after casting the space expansion spell, it became very pretentious, and Neville watched in amazement as she put the food on the table one by one. on stage.

Nut pies, ice cream, roast chicken, lasagna, if Scamander hadn't said the three of them couldn't eat that much, she would have brought almost everything to the Halloween table.

"Why is the password hecate?" asked Scamander.

"That's the name of the Whomping Willow." Pomona set out the food and looked back at the edge of the field. "You planted it after you left school."

Scamander looked in the direction Pomona was pointing. He didn't ask why Pomona named a tree.


She heard thin voices from Scamander.

Then she saw a Bowtruckle popping out of his coat pocket.

"This is Pixar." Scamander put his hands in front of his pockets so the Bowtruckle could grab his sleeve. "He's an old friend of mine."

Bowtruckle Pixar landed on the console like a trapeze performer, and he looked around.

Pomona was very nervous. She heard that Bowtruckles would choose trees that could be used as wand materials to make their homes. Are the trees she cultivated good enough?

"What does he eat?" Neville asked.

"It's not the same as what we eat, but he thinks that when eating, he should have his own place on the table."

Pixar nodded grimly.

Pomona thought it was so cute that she wished she had one, but Bowtruckles so dear to her were rare.

"Where did you go this time?" Pomona asked.


"Why where?" asked Pomona.

"I heard that there will be a new election for the president of the International Federation of Wizards." Scamander said.

"Nonsense, wouldn't it be nice for Albus to be president of the Federation?" Pomona said with a smile.

"He defeated Grindelwald, but I heard that the mysterious man seems to be coming back again. He is busy dealing with domestic affairs, so does he have time to deal with the work of the International Federation of Wizards?" Scamander said.

"What can the International Confederation of Wizards do?" She poked at the nut pie unhappily.

"For example, international competitions, this year's Quidditch World Cup will be held in England." Scamander said, "There is also the Three Wizards Cup."

"What Three Wizards Cup?" Neville asked.

"It's been canceled for a long time because of an accident the last time it was held, but I've heard that the British Minister for Magic is very confident that it will be able to host this tournament," Scamander replied.

"Are you kidding me!" Pomona pointed to the rag-like dementors outside. "What about these?"

Neville looked at Pomona in bewilderment.

"The Triwizard Tournament is jointly held by Armstrong, Bray Barton and Hogwarts, and the venue has always been provided by the school." Pomona explained to Neville, and then looked at Scamander.

"The best way is to actively cooperate with the Ministry of Magic and bring Sirius Black to justice, so that the dementors can be withdrawn without affecting the school's competition." Scamander explained to Pomona, "I heard that Black Once a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

"So Fudge thinks Albus is harboring Sirius?" Pomona asked aggressively.

"I'm just telling you what I've heard," said Scamander, about to take a bite of the lasagna.

"Have you seen wizards from other countries?" Neville asked.

"Ahem, yes." Scamander cleared his throat.

"What do they look like?" Neville asked.

"Haven't you seen it?" Scamander asked.

Neville shook his head.

"I think you understand why I don't let Rolf study in England." Scamander looked at Pomona.

She was absent-minded, wondering what the problem was all the time in her mind.

Scamander chatted with Neville.

After lunch, they took a walk as if after dinner, from the herbal medicine classroom to the Quidditch pitch, there was no one there, no matter how nervous they were studying before, there were people practicing.

They found a place to enter the center of the arena, stood on the ground and looked up at the high platforms of the four colleges. In last year's Quidditch Academy Cup, Gryffindor and Slytherin fought inextricably. In the end, Harry caught the Golden Snitch to decide the outcome.

Nor can it be said that he "caught" it, but nearly swallowed the Snitch, for which he broke his arm.

Originally it was only a minor injury, compared to Draco Malfoy falling off the broom at high speed, but Rohart...Harry had to drink surprisingly bitter bone water and endure the long night of bone growth. Painful, and then he heard the rustling snake language.

Draco, like Harry, was a Seeker at an early age, and his dad sponsored a broomstick for everyone on the Slytherin team, and because of the accident, his mom wouldn't let him stay in the Slytherin anyway. In the school team, generally speaking, Slytherin did not perform well this year, and it was Ravenclaw who "comes from the quiet lakeside" with Gryffindor.

Boys won't let girls in competitive games, even if Harry's opponent is a girl named Zhang Qiu.

"It's a good place to set up the playing field," Scamander said. "What do you think it's going to be like?"

"I don't know, what do you suggest?" Pomona asked.

"How about the maze?"

"Is this your idea or the idea of ​​the International Confederation of Wizards?" Pomona asked skeptically.

"You asked me first, and why didn't you ask if it was Dumbledore's idea?"

Pomona fell silent.

"I... I'll help," Neville Longbottom stammered.

"Come if you want." She said listlessly, she was short of manpower to arrange such a large venue.

"Are you going to stay at school for the summer?" Scamander asked Neville. "I heard that your headmaster doesn't allow students to spend the summer at school."

"What is your Headmaster?" Neville asked Scamander strangely.

Scamander said nothing, and Pomona didn't answer, because Albus wasn't the headmaster when Scamander was at school, and he was still allowed to spend the summer at school.

Then Tom Riddle enrolled, he inadvertently opened the Chamber of Secrets, a fatal accident ensued, and students were not allowed to stay in school after that.

They used to watch the pantomime of the Fountain of Fortune together at Christmas, but when Albus was the headmaster, everyone was on vacation, and they had to apply instead to stay in school.

It's the saddest thing to be alone during the holidays. Harry doesn't like the Dursleys any more. If everyone leaves, he will have to go back to the "home" he doesn't like. He even passed the "prison break" in the second grade. Means, left with the help of the Weasleys.

"How about having Neville over to your house for the summer, Scamander?" Pomona took the opportunity to say, "You can take him with you when you come over."

"When did I say I'd come to help?" Scamander asked.

"At Hogwarts, if you need help, just ask," Pomona said with a smile. "Are you right, Longbottom?"

Neville nodded grimly.

"Aren't you studying for your exams?" asked Scamander ferociously.

"It doesn't matter if it's ready or not, I'm sure the last one." Neville said confidently.

"You're a teacher, you don't care about this?" Scamander looked at Pomona.

"I'm very busy. Unless someone helps me share it, I have time to tutor him." She said proudly.

Scamander's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hahaha" she laughed heartily. At that time, she was still wondering why wizards in the 16th century would invent the happiness spell.

What else is easier than happiness?

That year, the subject chosen by Felix for the third year's Charms subject was the Happy Charm, and Harry, as usual, couldn't control his strength, making Ron Weasley laugh out loud.

She also read the book about dark wizards in the 16th century, and knew that that era was the dark age of religious wars and witch hunts, and the series of religious wars did not end until the signing of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia , this peace treaty also marked a watershed in the Middle Ages.

Before the commencement banquet of that school year, in addition to warning of the danger of dementors in his speech, Albus also said: "Even in the darkest hour, happiness can still be found, as long as someone is still thinking about bringing light" .

Pomona held the wand, and if she couldn't cast the Joy Charm together like Harry Ron did, could she use it for herself?

She has to be extremely careful, because if she can't control her strength well, she might laugh like a lunatic, and the place where she will spend the rest of her life might not be a monastery, but a madhouse.

At this moment, the carriage started to move, and she looked through the window at the nuns who were neatly lined up outside the monastery and watched her leave.

Their eyes met, but they were indifferent until she looked away and continued to move forward with the carriage.

Whomping willow catkins do not float in spring

I assume it's public

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