When Pomona came to the door of the principal's office, a white-haired old man had just come out of it. Even though his back was facing her, she recognized him immediately.

"Mr Scamander!"

The old man turned his head, his eyes widened in surprise, as if he was wondering how this stranger could know him.

"Have you forgotten me? I almost became Rolf's dean." Pomona immediately introduced.

"Oh... oh! I remember." Scamander said suddenly. "You're the girl who spent the summer at my house."

She pursed her lips, unable to comment on his "good memory".

"After graduation, I chose to stay in school and became a professor of herbal medicine and the dean of Hufflepuff."

"Is your raven all right?" Scamander asked again.

Pomona was speechless again.

The tortoise has a long lifespan and is easy to care for, but she kept him "free range" in the rainforest in the girls' lounge, and then she couldn't find him.

"It's fine." She smirked.

"Your tortoise is a sulcata tortoise. It lives in the Sahara desert. You shouldn't put it in a fish tank with water, and you shouldn't feed it meat. It's a herbivore." Scar Mander said.

Pomona still kept smiling "Have you eaten yet?"

"Actually, I was about to..." Scamander pointed outside.

"After so many years away from school, I think you will miss the food in the cafeteria." She continued to smile enthusiastically and said, "Please tell me what you have seen on this trip. Will "Fantastic Beasts" be reprinted?"

Scamander was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind her, she turned her head and found that it was Snape.

His dull black eyes stared ominously at Pomona for a moment, then back at Scamander, and the corners of his mouth curled into a fake smirk.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr Scamander."

"You are..." Scamander looked at Snape.

"I'm the Head of Slytherin, Severus Snape," he said, reaching out to Scamander, who gave him a gentle shake, and then it was like touching a stick. Snakes... Perhaps Scamander would never come across a real snake like he was just now.

"I've heard of you," said Scamander dryly. "What a young man."

"Thank you for the compliment," Snape said slickly.

Then no one spoke.

Time suddenly became very long.

"You need the headmaster, don't you, Severus," Pomona said with a dry smile, then looked at Scamander. "Come on, let's go eat."

She was about to pull Scamander aside to make way for the old bat.

"Are you here today for the hippogriff?" Snape asked aggressively, looking at Scamander.

"Oh!" she exclaimed.

"What?" Snape looked at her angrily.

'Don't ask him so directly! '

She widened her eyes, thinking for a moment that her eyes could convey the information she expressed.

Snape obviously didn't hear her message, and then turned to look at the old Newt Scamander.

"That Hippogriff, the student it scratched belongs to my academy."

"I know, his surname is Malfoy, right?" Scamander said calmly.

"Yes." Snape drew out what sounded like a snake hiss.

"I heard there was a basilisk at Hogwarts last year, and this basilisk lived in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets," Scamander said.

Snape narrowed his eyes.

"Can I go and see it?" Scamander went on.

"I think……"

"I'm hungry, let's go eat," Scamander said, smiling at Pomona.

Pomona looked at the smiling Scamander and the expressionless Snape in amazement, how much she wished the children in the academy could see this scene now.

"Come on, don't get in other people's way," Scamander reminded Pomona.

"Hagrid will be in the dining room, too," said the old bat, after the two of them had bypassed Snape. "Do you think he'd cry and say he didn't take good care of Sirius Black's pet?"

After speaking, he walked towards the principal's office with high-spirited steps as if he had won a battle.

He opened the door without knocking, and then closed it with a "bang".

Both Pomona and Scamander were subconsciously subconsciously leaned back by the wind blowing from that door, and then looked at each other speechlessly.

"I've heard from Albus that Buckbeak has been at Black's London house," said Scamander. "How could it be at Hogwarts, when Black is already riding it into school?"

"No." Pomona pouted, looking lifeless.

"Then why..."

"Let's go, let's go back to the kitchen." She said helplessly, "Let's chat while eating."

==================================================== ==============

The dean of the monastery was a woman in her 40s. When she heard that Georgiana was going to eat at the monastery, she welcomed her, but she hesitated when she knew that besides the three of them, there was a company of French soldiers.

Fortunately, the French brought their own dry food. They found firewood in the forest, set up sentries at several important entrances and exits, and cooked French onion soup.

It is said that this dish was invented by Louis XV when he was hunting. Even stale baguettes will soften in this soup, and butter and cheese can provide heat in cold weather.

It is very difficult to eat this dish in France, thanks to the developed animal husbandry in the Netherlands. Although the young bulls cannot produce milk, they can be used as vegetable cattle, and the milk-producing cows can produce a lot of milk after breeding, but it is difficult to produce milk. meat, they are sent to Belgium for fattening.

The Belgians have to grow their own food. The situation is just like what Adam Smith wrote in "The Wealth of Nations". The arable land and pastures have formed a competitive relationship. In addition, the food has to be exported to other countries, and the farmers mainly eat potatoes.

Ranchers get more benefits from pastures than farmers get from fields, and landlords can get higher rent from pastures, so they are more inclined to change their land into pastures rather than arable land.

Although the "land enclosure movement" constituted "sheep eating people", the excrement of sheep made the land fertile and increased the yield per mu. She only realized it after thinking for a while.

The "agricultural revolution" cannot be achieved by using horse-drawn plows, as in the industrial revolution, using steam engines to increase power. The advent of chemical fertilizers broke the ancient alliance between cropland and pasture, and people did not need the fertilizer produced by livestock to improve the soil.

In the past, her field of vision was limited to the greenhouse, and the environment of the greenhouse is different from the agricultural environment. The environment of the greenhouse is controllable, while the farmland has to face changes in the wind and clouds, various natural disasters, and sometimes even man-made disasters, she remembers The Battle of Waterloo took place in June, not far from the "grain of ear", and the wheat was almost ripe and ready to be harvested.

Even if this war is not considered trampled or damaged by shells, if a wildfire occurs, it will cause huge losses, but it seems that it rained heavily that year, because of this rain, the fire did not ignite, and the soldiers also Gunpowder and flint and steel need to be inspected before going into battle to make sure they are not wet.

In the era of cold weapons, people would use whetstones to sharpen their weapons. On the day Buckbeak was executed, the executioner of the Ministry of Magic was sharpening his knife outside Hagrid's hut. She heard it in the greenhouse, and it was blowing far away with the wind. The voice sounded creepy, and it made Hagrid very uncomfortable. He yelled at the executioner outside, but the other party was unmoved and continued to sharpen his knife slowly.

In fact, the executioner could not do that, but when he knew that the sound would cause torture to others, he deliberately ground it slowly, as if the harsh sound was some kind of "fairy music" to him.

She missed the summer holidays with the Scamanders, which was probably what every kid looked forward to the most.

However, she also saw Scamander and his assistant chop steaks there and feed the carnivores. belly".

They are not cats, even if they are disturbed, they will get up and bite people.

These animals are often of economic value, but care must be taken in raising them, otherwise a careless breeder will become Pomona's favorite dragon manure for flower gardening.

It was really a good fertilizer, not only had the fertility of chemical fertilizers, but also wouldn't cause pollution, but she wasn't going to raise a dragon like Hagrid just to get dragon dung.

As for the basilisk, it sat in the secret room for almost a year after it died, but it was not decomposed by microorganisms (that is, decayed) like normal animal carcasses. It took them several weeks to remove all usable materials from it. The place was collected, and the money from the sale of these materials made Hogwarts a fortune, which made up for the loss after the "big money lord" Malfoy quit the school board.

So Newt Scamander really came to school to save a hippogriff?

It is undeniable that Buckbeak is a very rare species. It is covered in silver and white. Some species of hippogriffs have brown fur all over their bodies. This color is very suitable for wild environments and facilitates their predation. They're smaller, though, and no one thinks they're "cool" when they see them.

While drinking the porridge, she looked up at the sky outside the window, and there was nothing in the sky at this time, there were no players playing Quidditch on broomsticks, and no guests who came to Hogwarts by flying horses, of course There are no dragons either.

But there was always a scream in her ears, which sounded like the cry of an eagle.

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