From the bathroom came the boy's crying and the chanting of spells.

The incantation was repeated over and over, while the smell of blood in the air faded, and there was less blood in the pool.

A person's blood can never be so much, but when it flows into the water, it will mix together, so that the whole pool is full of blood. In contrast, the boy lying in the pool of blood looked like some kind of sacrifice.

The strange thing is that even though he was cut by the sword, the white shirt on his body was not damaged at all, but his already pale skin became whiter due to the massive blood loss.

The instigator had already left, and he didn't know that this place almost became a murder scene, and he himself was the murderer.

Although he is also a child, he will still be imprisoned in Azkaban because he uses black magic that cannot be stopped by conventional means.

She slowly opened her eyes.

There was a lot of blood in the dream just now, she thought a lot, the Countess who bathed in the blood of a virgin, the Archduke Ferdinand, the blood on his uniform, and the famous yellow diamond "The Conqueror", he was the last The man who brought the cursed gem to the public and the yellow diamond later disappeared from view.

She once met a vampire named Giovanni in Venice, who was a friend of the fairy-tale king Frederick II, and for some reason, some people thought he knew where the diamond was, and they tried to kidnap him.

She'd thought it a bad omen from the start, a real doom diamond, and it was hard to imagine what kind of person would want it.

The carriage stopped at this moment, and she retracted her thoughts and looked out the window.

She came to a canyon on the outskirts of Brussels, with dense forests and branches covered with white snow.

Then the major who picked her up appeared, he opened the door for Georgiana, the cold wind blowing her face made her shrink her neck involuntarily, and then got out of the car.

"When, when, when~"

She heard the bell, then looked in the direction of the bell, and found a church bell tower.

She took a few steps forward and changed the angle of her gaze...

"The Abbey?" Georgiana said in amazement. It was still French and looked new.

"How do you feel?" the major asked her.

Was the major asking if she thought it would be good for her to spend the rest of her life in this convent?

Just then, Lupe, the mayor of Brussels, walked towards her together with the architect Henri-Aricos Monte.

"How do you like it here?" Lupe asked.

She didn't understand how he could ask such a question.

"How do you think this place is used to build a prison?" Monte pointed to a forest in the distance.


"Panoptic prison with plenty of light and ventilation."

"Oh." She suddenly realized that she thought this place was used to imprison herself. "Is this monastery newly built?"

"No, it existed at the beginning of the 12th century, and it used to belong to the Cistercians." Lupe replied, "Because of many wars, many places became ruins, so they were rebuilt."

She didn't ask why they weren't rebuilt as they were. With so many new buildings, the damage was obviously not caused by aging.

"The selected location, we will start construction in the spring of next year." Lupe said.

"Aren't you opposed to taking away the liberties of the citizens, Mr. Mayor?" Georgiana asked. "And it has been suggested that a similar prison be built in England, but it was rejected. People fear that they will become slaves."

"Prison is a place that needs health, order and safety more than any other place. Ma'am, a prison without effective management is more like a nightmare. People of all kinds are crowded together, and only the strong can survive." Lupe said without hesitation "That kind of place doesn't allow criminals to return to society, but rather allows good people to learn how to commit crimes."

"What you said just now really sounded like a reporter. I remember that you were the one who proposed the construction of the panopticon." Monte said lightly.

"Have you already chosen?" she asked.

"This is just one of them, do you want to see other places?"

"Let's go around again, we've come from a long way, don't leave right away, at least say hello to the dean." She walked towards the monastery along a small path.

While passing the vegetable garden, she spotted the priests at work...

"Nun?" she said incredulously.

Everyone looked at her puzzled.

"We can't build a prison next to a convent where nuns live."

"What are you worried about?" Monte asked with a smile.

"What if the prisoners harass them?"

"Then they have to escape from prison," Monte continued.

She still felt that it was inappropriate to do so, so she continued to walk in, and there was a small house not far from the vegetable garden, which was the kitchen of the monastery, because the visitors came without notice, and the meals were not prepared in advance, Georgiana did not know this Because their canon is still due to famine, the batter porridge is so clear that people can be seen, and the bread is too dry. Fortunately, there is cheese, otherwise it would be really hard to swallow.

It is impossible for this kind of food to appear on the dining table in Hogwarts. They cannot bring a feeling of happiness. The children will complain and howl when they see it, but she has no intention of holding them accountable.

The meals provided by the hotel in the morning are very good. Even if the food of other table guests is not as rich as Georgiana's, they will not be hungry.

This creates the illusion that they are not "currently" going through a famine now, that the bankers have put out 26 million francs of bonds to buy relief food, and someone who can't even eat what she has in front of her.

From a humane point of view, the food in prisons should not be too bad. Bentham believed that the administrators did not have the right to starve the imprisoned.

But a large number of prisoners will consume a lot of food. Even if human beings are not as edible as giants, a large number will be terrible. The giant war is precisely because they are hungry that they rob human food and even use human beings as food.

No matter how good the food at Hogwarts was, it couldn't make Remus's pale and weak body look healthy and rosy after being transformed. In fact, there was a solution, which was to eat human flesh, but he would definitely not agree to it.

Then she thought of Bill, who loved raw beef, and who was lucky, although he was disfigured by the werewolf's scratches.

Later, she remembered the thief who was imprisoned for stealing half a pound of beef mentioned by White, the former Bow Street detective. The corporal punishment has to step on a roller continuously, and everyone must complete the prescribed amount, but the boy can't finish it.

Maybe it's because he's too weak to steal beef if he's not hungry.

Maybe it's because he's too weak, just like Lupe said just now, in a prison where all kinds of people are crowded together, only the strong can survive, and there is a certain gap between teenagers and strong adults. Some teenagers feel that they have grown up and want to challenge adults. "Try it" and you will know where the gap lies.

Pomona has always felt that growing children must eat meat, which is one of the main sources of protein the body needs.

Apart from Fu Rong, there were actually other people who complained that the school food was too greasy. She heard it, but was unmoved.

==================================================== ========

"Scamander? Newt Scamander?"

"Yes... yes." Zacharias Smith, who came to the "Information", nodded breathlessly. "I met him in the corridor."

"You read that right?"

Zacharias shook his head again and again.

Pomona left the office and headed straight for the principal's office.

She guessed that Newt came for Buckbeak, because Buckbeak's grandmother was raised by the Scamander family, just like Muggle guide dogs. Whether the parents have acted aggressively.

Hippogriffs are very "cool" pets, but they are also expensive. Generally, richer families can afford them, such as the Black family and the Malfoy family. However, hippogriffs are not horses after all. What's more, Buckbeak is Sirius' pet.

Although Buckbeak is smart and strong, it just can't bear the weight of Sirius and James Potter. Later, after Sirius bought a flying motorcycle with a drag bucket, it was abandoned in the old house of the Black family. Blake's house-elf care.

Draco Malfoy's injury was actually not serious, but he had a mother who cared too much for her son. There were quite a few mothers like this in pure-blood families, so there was a need for the Hippogriff aggression certification.

Aggressive hippogriffs are generally not bred for further breeding, and calling for Buckbeak's execution like Lucius Malfoy's is going too far. But Filch wouldn't allow him to resume caning, let alone Draco "seeing blood".

No matter how smart Buckbeak is, he is still an animal. He only made a mistake once, and the main reason is not caused by him. Is it necessary?

She walked hurriedly, and the hallway echoed with her footsteps, her steps were not as big as the old bat could, and she could only increase the frequency, which sounded like she was running.

==================================================== ==============

"We're here for lunch." Georgiana put down the dry bread in her hand.

Lupe and Monte were taken aback.


"It's almost lunch time." Georgiana looked at the two of them and said, "I didn't eat in the morning. Could it be that I went back to the city hungry?"

"If you insist," said Lupe, bowing.

She looked at the others, and Monte was a little reluctant, but said nothing, while the major who had brought her here looked at her scrutinizingly.

"Have you any other plans, Major?" Georgiana asked.

"My job is to escort you, ma'am. Your itinerary needs to be kept secret." The major said with a smile, "I will obey your arrangement except for deciding the departure time and route."

She froze for a moment.

The major touched his hat to her and turned away from the kitchen.

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