Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2498 impatient magician

The mirror of Erised reflects people's desires. These desires are various, but who would associate these desires with going to the toilet?

However, if a person cannot go to the toilet, the painful constipation will be known within a few days. Buddhism believes that seeking but not getting is a kind of suffering. Many people pursue the Philosopher's Stone. Even if he has enough money to not need alchemy, he still longs for the immortality brought by the Philosopher's Stone.

When a woman looks in the mirror, she sees herself aging day by day. In order to slow down the aging speed, she is willing to try anything, but maintaining her beauty may not necessarily keep the love she wants.

Corresponding to desire is conscience. Some people have that conscience, but they don’t have that ability; some people have that heart, but because they are young and poor, they don’t have that ability. Those shackles are gone, and the "person" is changed.

The Mind Acceptance Spell is useful to everyone. Both Voldemort and Harry want the Philosopher's Stone. If it is accepted in full, then Voldemort, who came to the Mirror of Erised before Harry, will get the Philosopher's Stone first. .

So there should be another restriction on the Mind Acceptance Curse, that is, only those who want to find it but don't use it can get it. This is also a test by Albus Dumbledore, to test whether Harry's heart is like that. Not as hoped.

Just like double transfiguration, this is a high-level magic. Pomona never thought about it before. In fact, a magical creature like her with a longer lifespan than a human can take this path.

This is a lonely and long road, and it was unbearable for her before, but now it is different.

Her research results may be discovered one day, and she may be dead at that time, and she does not know what kind of person is coming, so she also needs to create a durable and long-lasting space to store those things, and still A thinking acceptance spell similar to Albus was set up at the door, which can only be seen by those who meet the conditions of her choice.

Such conditions are very harsh, but she is not looking for a partner, she needs to be tolerant to the other party. Once knowledge falls into the wrong hands, it can have dire consequences, and if little Tom Riddle hadn't been exposed to the wizarding world, he would never have done as much harm as if he had mastered powerful magic later on.

Everyone has a secret, someone hides it in the closet, and never shows it to the world all his life, only letting others see his respectable side.

He would stand in front of the Mirror of Erised only when he remembered the other party occasionally, no matter whether it was a phantom or a memory displayed in the mirror.

Children can't understand these things, but old people may understand them. Knowing this, however, was not commendable, and she wished she never knew.

At least Harry had a happy college life, staying true to himself as Albus planned towards the end.

He has a pure, luminous soul, like his patron saint, driving away those dementors hiding in the dark forest.

She made another mistake, trying to be the female version of Merlin, and even thought she had found King Arthur.

This may be one of her many desires, but she was like most women at the time, because the desire for love overshadowed everything else. The mirror is actually a good thing, although it will make some people get lost in it and spend their time in front of the mirror, she also believes that the mirror was not used in the first place to create illusions to confuse people.

The real purpose of many magic props is different from what later generations thought. The Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic also stores a lot of items besides the prophecy ball. Research and experiment.

This is actually an interesting job. If she hadn't chosen to stay in school, she might have applied for it.

There are still countless possibilities in her life, she can't give up just because Severus doesn't come to pick her up, this is what she thanks Grindelwald, she can try to rush out by herself. Though his encouragement may have been, as he put it in his speech, a false hope.

How much does she like him now? Even if he talks about destroying the world, she can find an excuse for him. Enlightened autocracy is an incomplete reform. Its purpose is to maintain the old autocracy, while revolution is to completely destroy the old system and establish a new order.

Albus had too many scruples, he was afraid of losing more after losing Arianna.

The phoenix can only be reborn after Nirvana. In Nirvana, its old and tarnished body will be turned into ashes, and a new little phoenix will emerge from the ashes.

What she has to do may not be to stop Muggles, but to prevent wizards from being affected as they were during the Reign of Terror. After the Muggles have ended their turmoil, wizards will return to their world and continue to adapt to their new lives.

"Good morning."

Georgiana looked at the man who greeted her, who was smiling at her in a friendly way.

"Where were you just now?" asked the Scavenger.

"Just at the hotel, not going anywhere," replied Georgiana.

"Why didn't I find you?" asked the Scavenger.

"I didn't notice you either." She replied indifferently, just as she was about to walk around him, he blocked her way with his arm stretched out.

"Don't play tricks."

"Are you threatening me?" Georgiana sneered.

The scavengers did not speak.

"Can I go?" Georgiana asked.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a burst of crying.

Georgiana rushed over and pushed open the door of the next room. Alice was crying with a letter in her arms.

"What's the matter?" asked Georgiana anxiously.

Alice ignored her, and continued to cry, and it took a while to catch her breath.

"Charles rejected me." Alice choked up.

Georgiana patted her heart. She thought that Mrs. La Rochefoucauld, who had been attacked by a robber in the head, was dead.

"Why do you seem to be relieved?" Alice accused Georgiana tearfully.

"How did he refuse you?" asked Georgiana.

"He said he has a marriage contract, and the other party is the daughter of a Spanish count. How is this possible? I am the daughter of the Duke."

Georgiana wants to tell Alice that there are no nobles in France now.

"Do you think he will love you because of your high title?" Georgiana asked.

"Isn't it so?" asked Alice.

Georgiana didn't know what to say for a moment.

"My family is much richer than hers, too," Alice went on.

"Men like to compare these things, we women are not like this."

"It didn't say in the letter that she was prettier than me?" Alice looked at the crumpled letter in her hand with red eyes.

"I think what he's trying to convey is that he's met someone else first, and you can go to someone else."

"Who am I looking for?" Alice asked confidently, "This trip is almost over!"

"Are you blaming me?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"Ahem." Alice's governess coughed, and the young lady who was wayward a second ago immediately changed her sitting posture, looking elegant and polite.

"No." Alice choked up. "I just hope the trip is rewarding."

"Are you unhappy?" Georgiana asked.

"I am very happy."

"I think these are your gains." Georgiana sighed. "Young people in England will go on a 'grand tour'. Usually they choose Italy, but they also go to other places in Europe. You can just treat it like this."

She stood up and looked at the letter in Alice's hand.

"It's actually a good thing that he rejected you. At least you still have a chance to find other happiness before you make an irreparable mistake."

Alice lowered her head, then raised her head again, "Is this why you are so angry this time?"

"Half right," said Georgiana indifferently.

"What about the other half?"

Georgiana said nothing.

"Is it because someone put their nose on their face and forgot their identity?" Alice said.

Georgiana did not expect a noble lady to say that.

But she thought about it again, who stipulated that a noble lady must speak elegantly?

"I guess..."

"Would you believe me if I told you she didn't do it?" Alice said in a low voice.


"It's Leila." Alice whispered, "She's in charge of people coming in and out, but there are always people who don't care about her obstruction and take people in casually."

Georgiana was startled.

"Don't say I told you." Alice said hastily.

How can I describe her surprised mood at this moment, just like Harry in the first grade always thought that the villain who murdered him for the whole school year was Snape, only to realize that he was a good person at the end, and the real villain was the timid-looking Quirrell , who made Snape look like a villain?

And Georgiana laughed, just as she had done the first time she saw it, only now without the livid old bat beside her.

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