Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2497 Ezekiel's Rod

Georgiana once wrote in a medieval manuscript: If a man has the misfortune of having a righteous soul, a lovely daughter, and a powerful neighbor, he may indeed be considered doomed.

The right of the first night appeared in the Middle Ages, but whether it really existed for a long time has not been verified. This word only appears in some literary works used for satire and social criticism.

Until Voltaire included the word in the "Dictionary of Philosophy", and it was soon widely circulated, the French believed that one of the many immoral powers in the old system was the right of the first night.

Germany is a patriarchal system. Queen Teresa of Austria wanted to inherit the throne through the Austrian Succession War, and finally ruled in the name of her husband.

Teresa Campini has no father, no fiancé, or any other person who can be called "lord". Her chastity is like a silver coin on the ground. There is no one around. Anyone can pick it up. Whoever it belongs to, it is inevitable to compete with other discoverers in the process of picking it up.

Even if she has a "master", her father or fiancé will have to face this problem. Napoleon described the French army as a flood rushing down from the Apennine Plateau. Not all people think that this "flood" is like a beast, like the water flushing a toilet, it can flush the decaying feudal system into the sewer.

Frederick the Great was the representative of the enlightened autocratic monarchy, and he was also deeply influenced by Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire. However, it was the French Revolution that really overthrew the feudal system. The system was overthrown together.

The most infuriating thing is not that this power is inherent, but that when some people bully others, they look reasonable, legitimate, and justified.

Monarchy is granted by God, where does the legitimacy of the aristocracy come from? Isn't it given by the provisions in those feudal codes?

She will not strongly oppose Napoleon's signing of the "Academic Affairs Covenant" like the members of the parliament. The church is not completely right, but it also has merits.

When dealing with the body-snatching case, Georgiana quoted part of the "Sackley Code", which was also recorded in Montesquieu's "On the Spirit of Laws". The new Civil Code does not contain clauses on the handling of dead bodies, but according to the customary law, it is barely reasonable to use customs to judge right from wrong, and customs are produced in people's long-term social life. The "Sackley Code" It has been implemented for so many years and has long been integrated into people's living standards, but this does not mean that she supports the full return of this old law.

A marriage that is "rightly matched" does not necessarily mean a happy and happy marriage, because the contract of marriage combines the property, land or other things of the two families together. After getting married, the husband and wife can have their own lives. This is the case with the French aristocrats in the old days. Michelangelo’s lover, the Marchioness of Pescara, Victoria, is also like this. She matches her husband’s status, but her appearance is not liked by her husband. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't save her marriage, and he cared more about war and the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

Franz and Sissy are not considered "well-matched" because they are together because of love, and then Franz's mother appeared, she is a staunch supporter of "well-matched". It is not easy to find a person who understands and loves you in one's life, and it is even more stringent if you add the condition of "matching the same family". Raphael also had his own lover, but the "Virgin" Margaret in this painting was considered unqualified to be buried with Raphael by the world, and they were forcibly separated. Instead, it was his prominent fiancée who was buried with him.

The words of Canbini's mother had a great impact on Georgiana. One of the three major ideological emancipation movements, Renaissance Italy still had this kind of feudal thinking.

No, it is the ruler of Austria who has this kind of thinking, and the people of Milan don't accept "good match". Some people can have fun outside while accepting the bondage of a painful marriage, while those who are regarded as "fun" want to break through the shackles of "good family" and complete cross-class love and happy marriage.

In feudal prejudice, it is wishful thinking for a ballet dancer to want to be a marquise.

But the "Swan Princess" is also a "princess". Ballet is a very beautiful art. How can she not be worthy of your family's subjugated "prince"?

If Pomona had accepted the "good match", she would not have joined the Wizarding Wars, and she would have stood against Voldemort.

Purists believe that pure-blood wizards should marry pure-blood wizards. People who marry half-bloods or even Muggles are considered shameful, and marrying Muggles is even more shameful.

British pure-blood "nobles" do not have titles such as dukes and marquises, but they have learned the style of Muggle royal nobles.

Extreme pure-bloods will "purify" the world they consider "unclean", Voldemort created the half-blood wizard supervision committee, and Grindelwald directly went to war with Muggles.

Pomona also participated in the Battle of Hogwarts. Even the giants had to join the Voldemort camp and the Hogwarts camp. She tied up several "hostile" giants with the devil's net, but she felt it was unnecessary Talk to Campini's mother about this.

Did Pomona say that they would let go of their past and come to a hug representing friendship?

She herself didn't mean it that way, but others thought so, and they forged this grudge.

Teresa Campini is from Genoa. When Georgiana and Campini's mother looked at each other, in addition to Georgiana's face, there were Teresa's eyes in those eyes. She danced with hatred Looking at Georgiana's back.

The Italian woman in the TV series is very hands-on, and an actress who can dance elegant ballet does not mean that her temper is also "elegant".

After leaving the restaurant, Georgiana planned to go back to her room, but she suddenly found that there were many doors in the hotel, like an endless maze.

She felt happy, "last time" she also encountered a similar situation, and came to this world from the real world, but which door should be opened?

She stood in the hallway for a while, in the silence, every door was the same.

It didn't take long for her to hear the sound of gurgling water, and then water gushed from the end of the corridor. When the water was about to touch the toe of Georgiana's shoe, she subconsciously took a step back.

A pattern appeared on the water, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs painted on a brick wall to be precise, but she couldn't understand what it said.

A hand suddenly appeared, brushing a horizontal wooden stick on the eagle's head representing Horus, it was very inconspicuous in the whole pattern, if it wasn't for that hand, she would have ignored it.

"Do you know it?"

Georgiana turned her head and found that the door of a room was open, and there was a person sitting at the coffee table by the window...

"Grindelwald," she said in shock.

At this time, Grindelwald was still in his prime, with a healthy complexion and a charming smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Have you ever been to Venice, is it fun?" Grindelwald asked again.

She froze for a moment.

"How do you..."

"You want a private space, just the two of you, with no one else intruding, what does that remind you of?" Grindelwald asked.

"Do you think I'm stupid if I say heaven?" Pomona said helplessly.

Grindelwald smiled.

"His tricks are not that complicated. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been to the Room of Requirement?"

Pomona watched him cautiously for a moment.

"Been there."

"How can there be such a large space on the top floor?"

"It used the space expansion technique."

"I'll give you another chance." Grindelwald raised a finger.

"It was a gift from the Ministry of Magic to Hogwarts when Hogwarts was founded," Pomona said.

"How does it work?" Grindelwald asked again.

"Mind acceptance spell."

"Or, you can piss and turn around in front of the door." Grindelwald said with a smile.

"So Albus used the Mind Acceptance Charm on the Mirror of Erised, and whatever Harry wanted, it would be prepared for him."

"The Room of Requirement prepares a space, just like where I am now." Grindelwald looked around. "Do you want to come in and sit?"

Pomona didn't move.

"Let's go back to 'Stick', do you remember the Vanishing Cabinet?" Grindelwald added.

"You mean the Death Eaters entered Hogwarts Castle through that locker?" Pomona asked.

"The cabinet in the house has a door, all you need to do is open it." Grindelwald said, "Have you checked the cabinet after the accident?"


"What did you find?"

She was lost in thought.

"They're all made of wood." Grindelwald said slowly, "If the cabinet can be locked, do you think the 'bad guys' can enter the castle through the cabinet?"

"They'll be locked up!"

Grindelwald shook his head.

"Wrong answer, miss, or are you going to have me call you a professor?"

"Miss is fine." Pomona said relaxedly, "Why do you..."

"Likeable?" Grindelwald smiled. "You don't mind if I'm a dark wizard?"

She laughed.

"What did you find in Venice?" Grindelwald asked.

"A key," Pomona replied. "A key that lets me go anywhere I want."

"Because there is no key, that cabinet can only be matched with another magic cabinet." Grindelwald said softly.

"But I have that key, and I can open any door," Pomona said.

"Not all doors, such as the doors in the magic space, the doors of the cabinets in the Room of Requirement, if they don't have this function, then they are not much different from ordinary 'door keys'."

"I think there is still a difference..."

"If you want to go back, just look for something like that. What was the earliest function of those two wardrobes?" Grindelwald said.

She is confused.

Wardrobe is of course for storing clothes...

"What's that stick for?" asked Pomona.

"When did you learn to turn firewood into needles?" Grindelwald asked.

She looked down at the hieroglyph in the water, which had begun to dissipate.

"Why are you telling me?" Pomona asked.

"You can turn firewood into needles because you believe you can do it. Don't lose that confidence." Grindelwald said, "And don't be like me, thinking that you can destroy the whole world."

"Oh~" She frowned.

"We made an appointment to remake the world, but he withdrew and said that what I did was too crazy. I didn't want to ruin that date, so I didn't tell him that he was not determined enough." Grindelwald pointed Once the door was opened, it slowly closed "Do you think he changed the world?"

"Someone told me that an admirable liar is not because of how scheming he is, or how well-planned and seamless he is, but because he inspires the people and changes the face of the world." Pomona watched the door close a little bit, and the light It also disappeared.

"It seems that you are not ready to leave." Grindelwald said, "Don't forget that question, what else did he use on that mirror besides the Mind Acceptance Charm?"

She didn't have time to ask, because the door had already been closed, the water under her feet receded slowly, and the maze-like corridor returned to normal.

"Excuse me!"

A traveler with luggage passes Georgiana.

She was in a daze for a while, and saw a glass on the chest of drawers, she turned it into a test tube, and then imitated Albus's method, pulling a strand of silver from her forehead and putting it into the test tube.

Then she put it into the bracelet and left the floor.

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