While Harry Potter was asleep, Albus held his wand to his forehead and pulled a strand of silver from his forehead.

"Shh." He pointed a finger at Madam Pomfrey.

"It's not right for you to do this." Madam Pomfrey lowered her voice and condemned.

"After Mr. Potter wakes up, I will ask him some questions, and I think some details will be reflected in the memory, but will be ignored in the description." Albus said while putting the piece of silver wire into the test tube "Are you right, Professor."

"Mr. Potter's poor expressiveness can be seen from his thesis." Snape said from the sidelines, his expression as if he had just eaten a piece of snot-smelling Beebe.

"Just a little memory, right?" Minerva asked from the sidelines. "Just about being in front of the mirror."

"What do you think?" Albus asked again.

"Go ahead," Pomona said to Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey tried to argue but was silent, so Albus led the way out of the hospital wing.

"Come with us." Albus said suddenly when he reached the door.

"Me?" Pomona asked in surprise. She planned to stay in the medical wing to help Madam Pomfrey. Harry was not the only "patient" tonight, but Ron Weasley, who was in a coma, was also included.

"I need your advice," said Albus.

"You go," Madam Pomfrey said to Pomona.

So Pomona went with the other two deans.

The wizard's robe dragged on the ground of the castle, making a rustling sound. Both Gryffindor and Slytherin are actually very particular about dressing, not to mention the always solemn Minerva, even the one wearing her mother's floral shirt The snotties have all changed.

She looked down at her dirty and muddy witch robe, and she didn't feel ashamed. The four colleges represented the four elements of wind, fire, water, earth, and they were all equal.

They came to the principal's office in silence all the way, Albus summoned the Pensieve, and then he pointed his wand at the Pensieve, a blue fire ignited around the Pensieve, and then the "water" in the basin Turned into steam, forming a water curtain.

Albus now put the memory he had just taken from Harry Potter into the Pensieve, and soon some images appeared on the water curtain, and when it was clear enough to be discerned, Pomona found that it was Quirrell standing in front of the Mirror of Erised.

"I've seen that stone." Quirrell looked greedily at the mirror and said, "I'm going to report it to the master...but how can I get it?"

"Déjà vu?" Albus said to Snape, who remained expressionless.

"But Snape hates me!" said Harry.

"Oh, he really hates you, don't you know? He and your father hated each other when they were in Hogwarts, but he doesn't want you to die at all." Quirrell said lazily .

"I remember when Professor Quirrell enrolled, Severus had already graduated," Minerva whispered in Pomona's ear.

"You think Severus really doesn't want Harry Potter to die?" Pomona lowered her voice too.

"Severus will indeed cause some trouble for Mr. Potter, but I don't think those actions will endanger his life." Minerva said relaxedly.

Pomona didn't know what to say.

The old bat just wanted to give Harry Potter a gloomy childhood and make his life worse than death, but since the dean of Gryffindor thought it was no big deal, why did Pomona meddle in so much business?

"Sometimes, I find it difficult to obey my master's teachings. He is a great wizard, and I am too weak." Quirrell said fearfully.

"You mean, he was in the classroom with you at that time?" Harry Potter gasped.

"He was with me all the time, never alone," said Quirrell, trembling. Some strange ideas about good and evil, the Dark Lord made me realize my mistakes and ignorance, there is no actual good and evil, only strength is the most important."

'It is strength that brings happiness. '

Young Snape, still in his Slytherin uniform, said so after a training session.

'Food can make people happy. '

Pomona, in his Hufflepuff uniform, offered him a cookie, and the little guy who had just made the bold statement took it and ate it.

'Why don't you say thank you? ’ asked Pomona.

Snape didn't answer.

She felt that this was impolite and this habit should be corrected.

"Come here, Potter!" Quirrell yelled at Harry, and Harry hesitated for a moment before walking towards Quirrell.

"Tsk." Snape bared his teeth in disgust.

"I told you that Potter cannot be handed over to the Dursleys." Minerva said to Albus a little excitedly.

"What do you think?" Albus asked Pomona.

"Normal kids would be horrified and run away when they see this scene," Pomona said. "But I think Mr. Porter has other plans."

"Let's see what happens next," said Albus, and all eyes turned to the water curtain again.

"Come here Potter, look in that mirror, and tell me what you see?"

The picture went black suddenly, then turned back on again, and Harry walked up to the mirror and saw a pale face that had frightened him.

There was heavy breathing in his ears, and the pounding of his heart.

'I must lie. ’ There was a whisper in Pomona ‘I can’t let him have that rock. '

She looked around, as if she was the only one who heard the voice, and then the reflection in the mirror suddenly laughed. He winked at Harry, reached into his pocket, and took out a red stone.

Pomona looked at the Philosopher's Stone that countless people yearn for, and her heart trembled for a moment, but she quickly turned her gaze to the boy wearing glasses, and her heart regained her calm.

"What do you think, Pomona?" Albus asked.

"Only the happiest people see themselves in front of the Mirror of Erised. I remember Harry seeing his parents in the mirror before."

Everyone is looking at her.

"I saw myself shaking hands with Headmaster Dumbledore and winning the House Cup." Harry in the water curtain was lying.

Quirrell cursed angrily.

"Go away!"

Harry staggered two steps from being pushed by Quirrell.

"He's lying..." came a hoarse voice from Quirrell.

"Potter, come here!" Quirrell yelled, "Tell me the truth, what did you just see!"

"Let me talk to him."

"But master, your physical strength is not enough..."

"Enough to deal with this." The hoarse voice hissed like a snake.

Quirrell undid his hood.

"He's changed," Snape said in a low voice.

Quirrell also had a face on the back of her head, and to be honest, she couldn't tell if that face looked like Voldemort, because it was like a bad mask.

"Harry Potter, we meet again." The evil and ugly face said with a smile, and the voice sounded horrible and weak.

'How sad your mother would be if she saw it, Tom. ’ Pomona thought to herself, ‘She definitely wants you to look like your dad. '

Then Tom Riddle goes into a tirade like all big villains, and then he points out that the Philosopher's Stone is in Harry's pocket, how did he find it? Not only did his eyes grow on the back of Quirrell's head, but they were also covered with a hood.

Since Quirrell is facing Harry and his back is facing the mirror, Voldemort's face can be reflected in the Mirror of Erised, and it seems to become an ordinary mirror in an instant.

This scene made her feel extremely uncomfortable, as if the evil suddenly had a concrete form, but at this time Voldemort was still telling lies that no one believed, inviting Harry to join the Death Eaters and giving him eternal life.

How stupid does it take to be fooled like this?

The adults watched the children in the water curtain fight against the big devil. The mysterious man who was so powerful that he dared not even say his name should have been easy to deal with an 11-year-old child, even if he was weak. And Quirrell, a frail adult. But a miraculous scene appeared, as soon as Harry's hand touched Quirrell, Quirrell cried out in pain.

"What do you think?" Albus asked looking at the water curtain.

"Unicorn blood," Severus said.

"Not Lily's spell?" Minerva asked.

"He disintegrated," said Pomona, looking at the water curtain.

Quirinus Quirrell, the brilliant Ravenclaw who loved to travel and taxidermy wildflowers, just turned to ashes and fell.

"This..." Minerva stuttered in surprise.

A shadow flew out of Quirrell and hit Harry Potter. Harry wailed and fell to the ground. The difference from Quirrell was that Harry was still receiving treatment in the medical wing.

"Lily's spell deflects the Avada Kedavra." Albus held up a hand "but it doesn't do that."

With the flick of his hand, the picture in the water curtain was reversed, and Quirrell's skin turned stone gray, and then fell to the ground.

"I don't think it should happen in a child's dream, Severus, can you help Mr. Potter?" said Albus.

Snape took his cloak and left the headmaster's room without looking back.

"I'll go back to the lounge," Minerva said. "It's almost dawn, and the students will have a lot of questions."

"Don't forget Mr. Longbottom who was petrified," said Albus. "He's been through a lot, too."

McGonagall left, leaving only Pomona in the principal's office.

"Do you think Mr. Potter is doing the right thing?" Albus looked at Pomona.

"Of course he prevented Voldemort from being resurrected," she said immediately.

"That's not what I asked, just now you said that Harry only saw himself in the mirror."


"Why does he feel happy when he's in danger?" Albus asked.

"Gryffindors have always been adventurous."

"Actually, I hesitated whether to sort him into Slytherin or Gryffindor." said the Sorting Hat on a high shelf, "but he himself seemed very reluctant to be sorted into Slytherin. I obeyed." to his will."

"And what about Neville Longbottom? He's been trying to get into Hufflepuff," said Albus, laughing.

The Sorting Hat pouted and stopped talking.

"He was born in July, like Harry Potter," Albus said to Pomona.

She looked at Albus in bewilderment.

"There are many kinds of courage. It is not just facing the enemy. It also takes courage to stand your ground before your friends. You are a true Hufflepuff, Pomona. Honesty and tolerance are the Hufflepuff school spirit. As courage is to Gryffindor, shrewdness is to Slytherin, wisdom is to Ravenclaw, Mr. Longbottom tried to keep his friends from taking risks, and although he failed, do you think you can tolerate a dishonest person?" Albus asked.

She wanted to say 'yes'.

"Lying is not a good habit," she said dryly.

"Even if his dishonesty is to defeat evil?" Albus asked again.

"If he is a liar, even if his purpose and essence are good at the beginning, it will be unpredictable in the future."

"But if Harry doesn't lie and hide his motives, how do you think he's going to beat Quirrell?" Albus asked.

"his hand……"

"He didn't know he had powers like that." Albus cut her off immediately. "His discovery was an accident."

"You don't know either?" Pomona asked.

Albus' blue eyes looked at her through half-moon spectacles, and she looked down.

"I hope you will think about this question carefully, and I think you should have an answer before the holidays." Albus turned around, "Go and inform Severus to come."

"Yes, principal." She said obediently, opened the door and left the principal's office.

==================================================== =============

Georgiana looked at the snow scene in the yard, she made a choice between "loser" and "dishonest", she accepted Neville Longbottom, it seemed that what others said, Hufflepuff really became An academy for idiots.

Students like Hermione should be liked by teachers in Muggle schools, and Pomona is no exception, but the old bat doesn't like Hermione, not because she is a Muggle, but because she knows everything." Miss Know-It-All".

She always raises her hand in class and always gives college points for the correct answer, so she's right about everything?

It's not so easy to be alone, and Hermione wouldn't have joined Ron and Harry if it wasn't for the Halloween troll, and she was in distress because she was crying alone in the bathroom.

Albus was buried in Hogwarts after his death, where was Grindelwald buried?

The Romans could leave their corpses in the wilderness, but some people couldn't bear it, so it is a good thing to collect corpses for others.

No matter how capable a person is, it is impossible to dispose of his own body by himself. After Voldemort died, no one was alive or dead, so Bella used the Cruciatus Curse to torture the Longbottoms where he had gone.

Georgiana turned the fire opal ring, and she seemed to have an indissoluble bond with the cemetery.

She buried Albus, who was going to bury her?


Georgiana looked back at Leila Durenard.

"You looking for me?"

"Sit down and talk," Georgiana said, and with a wave of her hand, the steaming teapot floated up.

Leila was a little surprised, but sat down on the sofa. A cup floated in front of her, and the teapot that followed immediately filled her with tea.

Leila looked at Georgiana in awe, and Georgiana smiled at her, looking "nice".

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