Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2477 hope theater

The allure of the court for most people lies in the luxurious decoration of the rooms, in the clothes of the guests, in the lavish entertainment and feasting, and in the money, fame and power, which are like magnets to attract men and beautiful women who yearn for success .

It may be because it used to be a mint. For the sake of preventing theft, the lighting in the "theater" is very bad, even in the daytime, it is very dark.

"how do you feel?"

asked Langenhofen as Georgina looked around.

She didn't answer his question right away, she still thought of the bankers too simply, she just thought of the British Royal Navy's blockade of French ships, and they had to pay much more than commissions to transport food to France cost. But she didn't expect that they would sell the bonds directly. They only need to declare to the outside world that the French government will definitely exchange these food bonds, and international buyers will come to their door. In the pocket.

The British said that there was no shortage of food in England, and Georgiana thought that they were backed by grain support from the United States. Even if British grain was exported at a high price, they were not worried about famine. The "Bread and Blood" movement is against low-priced food from foreign countries. When the price of food increases, land rent will also rise. Farmers will not make much money from the skyrocketing price of food. If the price is lowered at this time, they still have the risk of bankruptcy. .

This is also the reason why the "Corn Law" was pulled out at this time. Protective tariffs are very necessary. At the beginning of the French Revolution, it was mainly concentrated in the cities, where most of the workers were. Also, without a source of income, how long can you last without income by relying on debts and pawns?

A person cannot go against the times too much, otherwise he will be tolerated by the times. This distance should make people feel that they can catch up, and it will not be like two racehorses. Will go to chase, whatever the horse in front runs.

Georgiana didn't know if Belgium had a policy to eliminate tariffs on importing British steel, and she didn't know what industrial products Belgium would exhibit at the World Expo. She knew that the Panorama Prison could be built quickly with steel and cement, and the cost could be saved.

Although she is dressed luxuriously at the moment, this shabby and dilapidated "theatre" does not bring the power of a "magnet". There is a watch in her mind, which has not "ticked" yet, because it represents the machine. It works fine. Such as the police, prisons, public education, public assistance, bridges, roads, forest territories, and postal services are all public utilities. Bonaparte has given her a lot of power, but he has not given her the right to mint coins.

Brussels people want money, their stock exchange has been repaired, which financial center does not have gold coins flowing?

But not only Georgiana, but Shaputar was not authorized to agree to this matter. Without enough interests, how could he persuade the other party to agree to the reform.

Even Queen Maria Theresa of Austria couldn't push her tax reforms across the empire, she was a real queen and lived through the wars for the Austrian throne, Georgiana was just a mistress, how much weight does her words have ?

Art is originally separated from daily life, and ordinary people have no chance to meet so many gods, but genre painting turns daily life into art.

There is a goddess who is closely related to human life, that is, the goddess of justice and fair trading. Someone even gave her a compasses and weights, both of which were excavated from the ruins of Pompeii.

"Do you know what the problem is?" Georgiana said suddenly.

"What?" Langenhofen asked.

"Boring." Facing Langenhofen's confused face, she smiled and said, "A peaceful life is too boring."

"Maybe so for someone who is used to a quiet life..."

"When it's getting worse, you have to keep it humorous." Before the barrister started his tirade, Georgiana said, "This is what my students taught me. They are very good entrepreneurs. They opened a very interesting joke product. shop."

Langenhofen didn't seem to understand what she was talking about.

"If I build this place into a gorgeous opera house, there will be people who want to attract people's attention with extravagant dresses and superficially elegant etiquette. This was the case in the court of the Bourbon royal family in the past. However, there is no such competition in the Consulate. I don’t want you to use your thoughts in the wrong place.”

Langenhofen hesitated to speak.

Georgiana seemed to ask him why the people of Brussels were unwilling to tear down the city wall. Maybe they would tear it down by themselves, so Napoleon agreed to let them build a mint.

"I've heard that in England, children in orphanages wear uniforms," ​​said Georgiana. "Usually blue and gray, because those two kinds of cloth are the cheapest, but I guess raising people is not raising economic animals." , to keep costs down, and let them create the greatest economic value, so I think those war orphans can have their own clothes and school uniforms, and they should be no different from ordinary children with parents.”

"That would be a lot of money," Langenhofen said numbly.

"But it can make the textile factories in Belgium work, and more people can be employed, especially women." Georgiana smiled. "I heard a story that once the police in London wanted to drive out prostitutes, so they carried out a "prostitute" on the street. rounded up', but they accidentally arrested a laundress who came home late, and they were taught a severe lesson by her."

Langenhofen shook his head.

"France conducted a census, and for the poor, they exempted direct and indirect taxes. In the future, if someone really wants to be exempted from paying taxes on beer, he can also apply. This is a good deed, not a moral kidnapping. She paused, "In addition, beer can be distributed to the poor for free. The current water is not clean. I am worried that diseases will be spread through unclean water."

Langenhofen looked at her silently.

"You may have heard that when the news of Louis XVI's death spread, Queen Catherine asked everyone in the palace to mourn him for six weeks. She has a lot to learn from her." Georgiana paused again." For the 'greater good'."

"Can't even Antwerp have a mint?" asked Langenhofen.

"I don't know, sir, I don't even know why he went to Aachen," replied Georgiana.

"There are many exiles over there..." Langenhofen suddenly stopped.

"I think you have misunderstood." Georgiana hastily explained.

But Langenhofen seemed to have grasped the key point of the problem, and nodded perfunctorily.

She sighed and didn't want to stay in this empty and dark place any longer. As for her original plan to set up the police station here, it seemed that she was going to fail.

What she wants is "sunshine" and "transparency", unless she carries out a major transformation here, it is not easy to complete it, not to mention that there are more difficult changes than building changes, she feels that she does not have that ability, and hopes that there will be more in the future. A wise, sensible person can do this.

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