Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2478 hope theater

In the Titanic, Rose's mother had a hard time getting along with Molly, who got rich because of the gold rush, which is not uncommon in aristocratic circles. For "old money," inherited wealth is more respected than hard-earned self-made wealth.

For example, the Dukes of Abel in Spain almost all inherited their wealth, and the equally wealthy British dukes have increased their assets by 10 times because they invested in the Grand Canal linking the two cities of Renton and Birmingham.

But no one talked about it at the party, only people from the New World would sit down and talk about making money. Engaging in public welfare and charitable activities, serving as the honorary chairman of various charitable organizations is what they pay attention to. After the French Revolution, many European nobles became impoverished and were forced to sell famous paintings and their treasures before the 18th century. British nobles The rich took the opportunity to make acquisitions, so there are a lot of wealth in private mansions in the UK.

They called it "invidious consumption," and when Georgiana thought the nobles were making their carriage lights look dirty because they couldn't afford to maintain them, what they really meant was to keep low key. Now when it came to occasions where they were the only ones, they began to dress extravagantly again.

Georgiana felt that it might be difficult for the emerging French military aristocrats to integrate with them. The main roads often lead to big cities, where there are comfortable hotels or palaces to live in, while small places often have poor conditions.

This not only means eating and sleeping in the open, but also requires an accurate map. If the map is not accurate, it is possible to go the wrong way and eventually cause the legion to get lost. Napoleon met a guide. Without the help of an ordinary farmer, it would be difficult for Napoleon's army to cross the Alps.

They are completely two worlds, like those bastions that look impenetrable, they are actually not very defensive, as Louis XIV has proved, shells can go over the walls and hit the city center . Once the city is opened, all the beautiful roofs and body decorations will disappear.

The Louisiana Acquisition is not only the expansion of American farms to provide raw materials for the industrial revolution, but also has crucial links with the expansion of the United States, Spain, and so on.

The Dutch East India Company once promised each investor to give them 18% of the income. To achieve this goal, the Dutch East India Company needs to do everything possible, including the slave trade.

Once the slaves were freed, the price of cotton cloth would double or triple, which the Times of Europe thought would have devastating consequences for Britain. However, the abolitionist movement intensified in Britain, and even the British navy used slavery to implement "fishing". After all, the world is now at peace, and the distinction between "hostile countries" and "neutral countries" cannot continue.

The destruction of transportation infrastructure promotes the export of cotton, grain and other crops. Barings Bank and Hope Bank, which were originally the backbone of the acquisition, are now keeping a low profile as if they were not involved, while European investors, who are behind the funds, have acquired the grain issued by France. Bonds, they can force France to exchange them, if France does not repay, then they can destroy France's credit. As long as Louisiana is sold, not only the money can be repaid, but there will also be a surplus. Only in this way, France and Britain are bound to go to war.

Georgiana saw the adopted daughter of the former Duchess of Abel again in social occasions. She was still watched and talked about, which reminded Georgiana of Leta Lestrange. I heard Minerva said that she would use a curse to "sew up" her classmates' mouths in school. No one thought that she would be burned to ashes in Paris and at the Grindelwald rally.

Theseus was not that sad, even though he was her fiancé, or most "normal people" would not react so violently, and would do anything for love.

Love is a more powerful driving force than hate. People sometimes choose to turn a blind eye to people and things they hate, but love makes Jack sacrifice himself for Rose to live. Rose also changed his surname to "Dawson" after being rescued and did not return to Carl. Although, that's just a story.

Leta Lestrange felt so ashamed that she killed her brother that she was even willing to use her own death to pay off the debt.

She's also not of the same world as Theseus, and maybe Newt Scamander, since she's a Slytherin.

They are very extreme, so it is easy to follow the path of the Dark Lord; similarly, they also regard their love as a treasure, guard it and never give up.

Bella loves Voldemort. In order to find out his whereabouts, she tortured the Longbottoms, and later went to Azkaban like Sirius.

She longed to be loved so deeply that she could have continued to act if Harry hadn't publicly said that Severus loved Lily.

It is known as the earth is round, how can she prove to the world that "the earth is flat"?

Even if she finds a substitute—she knows that Napoleon is dead, she knows that he hates Muggles the most, whether it is revenge or temptation, she doesn't care, everything in front of her is illusory, she just Wandering in this illusory space.

‘People like us can neither go to heaven nor go to hell, that’s why we came to this place, are you right? '

As if feeling Georgiana's voice, the adopted daughter of Duchess Abel raised her head and met Georgiana's eyes.

For a brief moment, she thought she was back at Hogwarts, sitting at her desk in her school uniform, covered in graffiti.

In front of her is a dog that looks a lot like the "evil spirit" that represents bad omen in a divination class.

"You never thought about being with Newt?"

"You never thought about being with that 'bad dog'?"

She felt that such a conversation was meaningless because...

"He's a friend," Pomona said.

Rita, or anyone else, didn't speak.

"Is Newt your friend?" Pomona asked again.


"Newt, is he just a friend?" Pomona asked again.

"Leta" didn't answer.

"Have you ever played a prank?" the other person asked after a moment, "Like putting a big dung ball under someone's desk."

"I do not have it!"

Pomona screamed when she realized that there was really a big ball of dung under her desk.

She "leaves" before it explodes, and if she's still the Head, she'll definitely give Slytherin 10 points.

When Georgiana regained her senses and looked at "Leta", she was smiling unrulyly, as if the prank just succeeded.

"Would you like to go over and say hello?" asked Edgeworth.

Georgiana looked at the "family" and didn't speak.

"I think I see what Newt means to Leta," Georgiana said.

Edgeworth didn't seem to understand what she was saying.

Nor was she going to explain to him.

Because he will never understand.

In Dante's Divine Comedy, there is such a line written on the gate of hell: those who enter this gate should give up all hope.

She felt that it was not time to give up hope. Maybe this was the reason why she couldn't go to hell.

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