Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2476 hope theater

Tom Riddle Jr.'s mother gave birth to him in the Wood Orphanage, and if this had happened in the late 18th century, she would have probably been sent to a foundling's place, a lot of women for one reason or another , had to give birth there, and quite a few of them, like Merope, would die after giving birth, and some would be dying, but more people would simply leave their children in the Abandoned Baby Hall and let them live on their own self-destruct.

Not all children are eligible to enter the Abandoned Baby Hall, because the rules stipulate that children must be under two months old and in good health. After meeting the requirements, the baby's birthmarks, scars and other information must be recorded, and then a lead "tag" will be worn around their necks as their identification.

Then they will be sent to nurses in the suburbs of London to receive breastfeeding. The Abandoned Baby Church will give these families a certain amount of subsidies. When they grow up to a certain age, they will start to learn to work. Before the Industrial Revolution, boys often could not avoid physical labor Or the fate of going to sea, while the girl is destined to take care of the housework.

The original abandoned baby hall was located in the "Common Homeland of Voyagers", a hospital open to sailors, and many of these children also became sailors.

The Bow Street Detectives were established long before the Thames Police Service, which was originally established to catch "night marauders", usually groups of children who would sneak into the Thames diverted the boats before tipping the cargo into the river to be picked up at low tide. The amount involved in this method of theft was £500,000 in 1796 alone, and the role of the Thames Police later became "to protect commercial property from 'unprecedented plunder' and to help sea laborers to better respect their profession. Conduct".

There are hundreds of riverside quays on the Thames, some used for storing goods, and some empty warehouses occupied by children lounging nearby and opportunistic. Not all parents are cruel enough to send their children to chimney chimneys or to work as "apprentices" in factories. With the development of the industrial revolution, the population of British cities has increased rapidly. Population mobility has led to increasingly crowded cities. Parents are busy with work, and children Will get together and play together.

Although "General Ludd" is a fictitious character, it has a prototype. It is said that the colonel was an Irishman. He did not betray his companions, nor did he tell what he had done among the workers. He went to the gallows with all his secrets.

After Dumbledore's Army was exposed, although it was not Cho Chang who leaked the secret, it is unforgivable for children to be an "informer".

Having acne scars on the face is scary for girls, not to mention they spell the alphabet, but it is also a characteristic of children's behavior. Machine smashing also occurred during the Luddite movement. In 1779, 100 machines were destroyed in Lancashire.

Think again about the home of William Pitt Jr., the prime minister who once supported "children reduce social burdens and support themselves".

Those street vagrants are not stray cats and dogs, they can be hunted and killed, but there is no shortage of "violent policemen" like Jack the Ripper, who only pick out prostitutes. During the French Revolution, there was such a koan. There was a prostitute named Marion, and she had a regular customer named Danton. Compared with the "incorruptible" Robespierre who kept himself clean, Danton often mixed with them Together, when Danton and Robespierre had a disagreement on the establishment of the French Republic, Robespierre's supporters organized a debate on the legitimacy of the flesh and blood business.

Robespierre's supporters believe that Marion was forced to engage in this profession. It was hunger that forced her to sell herself. Only by eliminating the exploiting class can the social and moral order be reorganized.

There were food riots in that era, and even pregnant women participated in the hijacking of food trucks. According to Malthus’s population theory, the growth of means of living cannot match the exponential growth of population. It needs to go through hunger, heavy labor, restrictions on marriage and war. Only by eliminating the "lower class" of society by other means can the effect of this law be weakened.

But when it comes to conscription and war, the huge population base is of great use again. France can recruit a huge army in a short time, and Britain has to go to the United States to recruit sailors to serve as a navy.

Then it was the turn of Marion's "mother" to reply. This old bustard came from the "lower class". Her words were relatively vulgar, and she probably meant that doing this business has nothing to do with exploitation. It is just a way of survival. Some people work with their hands. Some people work with their brains, while others work with their backs (referring to coolies carrying sacks). Why aren't women allowed to use that?

There is nothing moral or immoral about this, but a natural right. There is no distinction between high and low in happiness itself, whether it is spiritual or physical.

Democracy should be the embodiment of the will of the majority, and this involves the "public will of the people". Robespierre believes that this is a noble morality, so the general will of the people is also equal to justice. Robespierre The freedom I think is based on certain rules.

Danton, on the other hand, believes that the so-called moral standard kidnaps everyone and restricts everyone with a so-called reasonable system. Danton believes that individual freedom is the real freedom, not a freedom based on the public will of the people.

Desires are given naturally, and everyone has the freedom to satisfy their own desires. This general will of the people is actually no different from the king's ban and religious precepts. Danton believes that as long as there is no coercion, it is her personal choice for a prostitute to engage in the flesh and blood business, and there is no so-called general will to deprive her of it. From this, there are two views of prostitutes’ freedom and free prostitutes, which also make this case unresolved Koan.

From the incident of Jack the Ripper to the end of the 20th century, people's attention has always been on the serial killer. Few people cared about the victims, even though they appeared prominently in the world in the form of abandoned corpses on the street. in front of the eyes.

At this time the carriage stopped, and Georgiana looked out the window, and she came to the Grand Place in Brussels again. Outside the door was the building that used to be the Mint.

She began to recall in her mind that when she read travel magazines, it seemed that there was a Mint Opera House in Brussels.

She may be such a weird person. Compared with the beautiful opera house, she prefers the "theater" of Bow Street Runners, which is very suitable for the new police headquarters.

But God and the police are not always there, when the dementors attacked Harry Potter, he used the god of guard, although he did it against the law, but if he chose to wait, he and Dudley had already been kissed by a Dementor.

This is also the meaning of going to a magic school and studying "Defense Against the Dark Arts". A wizard cannot even have the power to defend himself.

The car door opened, and it was Langenhofen who opened it for her. She looked down at the quivering wheat ear-shaped flower on the bracelet, which now concealed her wand and an ugly clarinet. If the clarinet was played and the thestrals would appear, then at least she would not have to worry about being burned in the square.

So she kept smiling and got out of the carriage with Langenhofen's men.

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