Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2475 transition

In Muggle fairy tales, Santa Claus will ride a reindeer sleigh on Christmas Eve, come to the good children's house through the chimney, and stuff their Christmas presents into the wool socks hanging on the fireplace for them.

It's really hard to imagine that a figure like Santa Claus can get into a chimney. In fact, children who can get into a chimney are often children under the age of 14. They will be sent by their parents to chimney workers as apprentices. The job was dangerous because mansions were built with complex flues, and children who cleaned them sometimes died because they got stuck in the walls and couldn't get out. Although a petition was submitted in 1788 to legislate the protection of chimney sweep children, and it was successfully enacted, the bill was only a "charitable act" in the implementation process. If the parents did not lack money at home, they would give their children Buy them presents instead of sending the kids down the chimney.

The bill caught Georgiana's attention because a wizard also participated in the legislative process. The wizard's name was David Potter, who was Harry Potter's great-great-great-grandfather. Like other laws, the bill was blocked at first, but David Porter may have used some "sleight of hand" to pass the bill in Parliament without any difficulty.

This is of course a violation of the International Statute of Secrecy, but no one has evidence to prove it, and this bill has since become a dead letter, let alone cared about it.

During the heyday of the industrial revolution, many countries, especially the UK, used child labor on a large scale in the process of industrialization, which promoted economic development and increased family income in the short term, but the "over-exploitation" of children led to the country, Society and children have long paid a heavy price.

For every 1,500 prisoners arrested in London, there are close to 400 underage prisoners, and these underage prisoners are often locked in adult prisons, where they not only do not correct their behavior, but seem to be It was like entering a "further education school" and learned more advanced methods of committing crimes.

What is even more shocking is that the high-risk age of these juvenile prisoners happens to be 15-20 years old, that is, when they are about to reach adulthood.

They soon learn that by stealing they can easily acquire more than labor to feed themselves and their parents, whether it be chickens in the henhouse, pigeons in the dovecot, or jewels in the jewelry box, if they hadn't Know how to sell stolen goods, they will learn in prison. Therefore, there have been proposals to detain juvenile prisoners separately from adult prisoners, or to establish a reformatory school like Stonewall Middle School.

Well-meaning people feel that the human soul is eternal, that God can see the noble qualities in every child like us, and that love should be the most important emotion for all those who try to influence these children.

But Georgiana heard that the "teacher" at the reformation school believed that the whip was better than "education of love", and Fernon's sister Maggie thought so too. Before she was blown into a balloon and flew into the sky, she heard that Harry It's nice to be whipped.

Child labor not only seriously destroys children's physical and mental health, but also deprives them of the right to receive normal education. With the deepening of industrialization, the requirements for technology are getting higher and higher. Children with low educational levels can no longer adapt to the needs of production and cannot Competent in technically demanding production procedures, this was particularly evident in mid-19th-century England.

Other countries, especially Germany, pay attention to basic education, and their development is astonishingly fast. At this time, people realize that exploiting children is actually exploiting the future of Britain. Children begin to be regarded as the wealth of the country, not the parents. If you send it out to make money, social workers will intervene. The chimney law was also truly implemented after 1875. It took nearly a century for the entire bill to go from legislation to practice before people regarded it as a "shameful bad habit."

Children from poor families are sensible, especially boys, who start to work early. Girls were much more complicated. They developed very early, and Napoleon also had a "lover" named Georgina, who was not yet of age, although Georgina was in every way very mature.

It's the nature of this day and age that no one thinks it's problematic to have that kind of relationship with an underage girl. Bonaparte didn't have access to these things in Corsica before, and he didn't have the opportunity to meet them before he became famous. When he reached his current position, "all kinds of strange phenomena" appeared one after another.

The big city is a big dye vat. Compared with the bustling city, she prefers the ice and snow in Scotland. Like Hermione, she likes reading as a "pastime", although this is difficult for Ron and Harry to understand.

She wanted to drop everything right now, go to the library of the wizarding world, and look up information about thestrals. This kind of animal is obviously related to death, and almost all the people she meets here are dead people. If thestrals have the ability to travel between two worlds, she can leave here.

Yes, she was waiting for Severus to pick her up, but that didn't mean she was going to be a "princess" who was in charge of screaming all the time, leaving all the things that required thinking to the "knight" to solve.

It's just that she soon found that she didn't have that time, and she still had to go to social activities, and before she could witness Leonard being handed over to the Belgian police, she boarded the carriage and headed to the city center.

There are more children attending Sunday schools in the countryside than in more industrialized cities. Education was originally the privilege of the middle and upper class, and the lower classes dared not reach it, but people quickly realized the harm of ignorance and illiteracy to society. People felt that educated people were less likely to be fooled than ignorant people. Moreover, the rough appearance of the lower-level people poses a threat to the personal and property safety of the upper-middle-level people.

But Georgiana thought of Voldemort. If he hadn't gone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and learned the skills of using magic and the knowledge of contacting Horcruxes, would he have caused so much harm to society?

She took out the rough clarinet again, and compared the Sirius in her memory with the one she saw just now. She remembered that she had a "dream" yesterday, in which a pool of blood appeared on the ground, and two black shadows were fighting over it. , one of them won, he lay beside the blood, and soon mutated, looking like a man covered in tattoos.

The Sirius in her memory, especially after returning from Azkaban, had always been thin, while that man had a body of strong muscles.

That couldn't be him, because Sirius was dead, in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic.

His body passed through the hangings in front of the arch and fell to the ground.

The crux of the matter is, where did that arch lead? As far as she knew, it had existed before the Ministry of Magic had been formed, or even before Whitehall had been built.

She also met one in the Alps, and that kind of curtain seemed to be manufacturable, even Grindelwald used it when summoning his disciples.

Harry is a kind child, but the things he encounters now are not something a child can handle, not to mention that Albus Dumbledore is no longer around.

She has no one to rely on but herself.

"Angel? What an insulting word." She muttered, putting the flute into the bracelet.

"Compared to Sweetheart?" asked Albus, who was sitting across from the carriage.

She ignored him, but chose to close her eyes and fall asleep.

After all, if he was a figment of her schizophrenia, then she'd better ignore it.

If he wasn't, then she'd better not talk to him easily until she figured out whether he was an enemy or a friend.

After all, it was Eve who talked to the serpent casually, only to be tricked in the end, and as far as a helper was concerned, instead of being helpful, she was cast out of Eden along with Adam.

She should have put a seal on its mouth, a pity she didn't, so why should she?

Can't, or don't want to? Because she has been too long and no one wants to talk to her, she is so lonely that no matter who the other party is, she is willing to talk to him.

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