The person who came to deliver the letter was Napoleon's adjutant, chief surveying and mapping engineer Simon Bernard. After delivering the letter, he went to Villefort in the northern suburbs of Brussels, which was the station of the railway built from Mechelen.

Vilford has been an important strategic location since the 12th century. The Duke of Brabant and the Duke of Greenburgen have long competed for it. Special wedding.

At that time, during the Hundred Years' War between England and France, the Duke's daughter Margaret had a marriage contract with the son of Edward III, but because of the Brabant Succession War, the Duke had only three daughters, Joanna, Margaret and Edward III. Maria, when Joanna inherited the dukedom, Margaret's husband, the Count of Flanders, raised troops to occupy the Duchy of Brabant and its capital, Bruel. It was also at this time that Vilford built walls and fortresses, surrounded the city, and obtained sovereignty over Brabant and Mechelen in the name of his wife.

From the day it was founded, Villefort has been a military fortress, and it also has the duties of a national prison, but it is also located on the banks of the Seine, and it is also the confluence of the Brussels-Schelde Canal. It is a handicraft and commercial city. Due to the vigorous development of the cloth industry and trade, the transportation of the Seine River in Villefort became increasingly important and became an important inland port. Later, Charles V ordered the excavation of the canal linking the Scheldt River and Brussels. After the canal was opened Soon several piers were built in the center of Brussels.

In the 14th century, Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, formulated a plan to canalize the Seine, but it was not until the reign of Mary of Burgundy that Brussels was allowed to dig a new canal.

Brussels is downstream of Mechelen and Wilford, so all ships going to Brussels will be charged tolls when passing through these two cities. Once the canal linking Brussels and the Scheldt is completed, Mechelen and Wilford will be Unable to collect toll tax.

Mechelen directly protested, while Wilford expressed concern that it would affect the water flow, and it was delayed until Charles V ordered the construction of the canal. In fact, the canal had already been dug to Wilford before the order was issued. How Herron and Wilford protested. Also because of the role of this canal connecting Brussels and Antwerp, it has become a battlefield many times.

This canal not only plays an economic role, but also has the function of flood control. It can play the role of overflow whether the Seine River or the Scheldt River overflows. It passes through a valley and can be used as a flood discharge area.

The French moved the lace textile, paint, furniture and other handicraft industries in Vilford to Metz, and kept the gunpowder, iron foundry, coke factory, etc. Velford itself will be fortified, and there is also the largest prison in the south of the Netherlands , the Dutch call it "tuchthuis", which means punishment. It used to be Joanna's Duke Castle belonging to Brabant, and later became a checkpoint to control Brussels and Leuven. It has been a national prison since 1408. Someone was burned to death in it after the religious trial, until 1774 The year was nearly abandoned due to disrepair.

The rise of the Enlightenment thought in the 18th century, after which people began to have different views on prisons, especially those who were lightly punished. People would rather re-educate and correct than torture and corporal punishment. This re-education included forced labor. After all, "laziness" was regarded as Root of all evil.

In 1766, according to Maria Theresa's request, it was built as a "model prison" and an "improvement institution" was set up. Bowens said that prisoners should be used as weavers. This is not new in Belgium, because many construction sites obtain cheap labor from this place.

In 1774, Maria Theresa decided to completely renovate the dilapidated prison. Therefore, a design competition was held. The new prison took into account the ventilation and separation of male and female prisoners. Then the century-old dilapidated castle was completely demolished. , the demolished material was used as the foundation of the new prison, which took three years to build, and in 1779 about 270 prisoners were placed in it.

However, although it is called a "new" prison, it actually feels very gloomy, with poor lighting, limited views, and ventilation problems. The designers and builders were accused of fraud and quickly lost their reputation. The post of court architect. During the French Revolution, it was used as an Austrian military hospital and a refuge for the homeless. In 1794 it became a French military hospital, a center for the release and transfer of petty criminals. It was overcrowded from the start.

Since the spring of 1802, there has been an outbreak of typhoid fever in this prison, and the death toll has increased sharply. The investigation committee believes that it is caused by the humid air. The French asked the prison to bury the prisoners together, not in the cemetery of ordinary citizens.

Females are not the same as males, and that analogy may not be appropriate, but if a female baboon in a population is social, her pups are much more likely to survive and be happier. As a woman, Georgiana should not have thought of such eerie things.

Before Pomona heard that Europe would fall into chaos, she was panicked and anxious, and wanted to prevent everything from happening. For this reason, Severus also had conflicts with her. He used a very risky method to make her give up her original Intend.

She told Edgeworth that she regretted letting the Irish build prisons. After the turmoil in 1798, many Irish people were still imprisoned on abandoned ships, but what Edgeworth said next shocked her even more. . Typhoid fever, an infectious disease, will cause a wider range of deaths if it is not properly controlled. What's more, the current punishment and discipline department is obviously not enough, and it is impossible to continue to detain prisoners inside.

Although there is no privacy in the prison, it has ventilation and lighting, so Edgeworth's reaction was not as intense as she imagined.

It may be that the times are different, Edgeworth believes that prisoners are held in different cells, lack of communication with each other, they can only see the guards, and the guards can see everyone. Coupled with the blocking of the blinds, they don't know if the guards are lazy, so they restrain their behavior all the time.

Two arrested prisoners, the police know that the two are guilty, and if they do not accuse each other when they cannot communicate, both will be acquitted due to uncertain evidence. If one confesses and the other does not confess, the confessor will be released immediately because of meritorious deeds, and the person who does not confess will be imprisoned for ten years.

People think that the optimal solution will be chosen, that is, neither person will confess. John Nash once used this analogy, if everyone invites the most beautiful girl, then the girls’ friends are not willing to be substitutes, and in the end only one person wins, and everyone else loses. Conversely, if everyone invites the girl’s Friends, everyone has a partner.

But the "experimental results" prove that there is a gap between reality and imagination.

There was a small island where such a thing happened. A group of defected British navy came to the island. There was no shortage of food on the island. In the beginning, the rebels could work together to deal with the aborigines on the island, and waited for the last aborigine to be wiped out. Well, they killed each other in order to compete for better land, resources, etc., until there were only two people left. At this time, they swore in the name of God that they would never hurt each other, but one person died because of asthma and lack of necessary medical treatment. died.

When a passing American merchant ship spotted the island, the only men left were teaching the children on the island, and all the adult males, whether native or British, were dead.

Georgiana never dreamed that one day she would become the "devil head" who built the national prison. Last night, Langenhofen proposed that the postal fee can be used to build the road. Now the 200,000 francs given by Bonaparte can be used for other purposes , such as building a prison or something, but she decided to leave this option to the people of Brussels or the parliament to discuss.

The personnel and funds are all ready, and the materials can be imported from abroad or produced by ourselves. There used to be a quarry outside Brussels, but after years of mining, it is almost gone. After all, Brussels is a place where wars often occur, and buildings are repaired and destroyed. , Destroyed and repaired, that's why architects like Henri-Alex Mount used new materials such as cement and steel.

The previous fortifications used bastions, an architectural form that is rare in the 21st century, as most of the walls have been demolished. It existed in the 19th century, but Napoleon proved that with high mobility all static defenses are useless.

But now it was his turn to build the fortifications himself, and it was himself he had to defend as other nations began to learn his style of warfare.

Napoleon said that there is no impossible in his dictionary.

Perhaps he did dispose of the Valenciennes tax collector overnight, gave her the papers, and returned to Paris along the avenues. After all, dealing with the Louisiana Acquisition is more difficult than Belgium's defense, but he may also take advantage of the pressure on Hamburg to disintegrate the North German Neutrality Alliance headed by Prussia.

Due to the twisted and complicated diplomacy of Prussia, it was difficult for them to establish a solid alliance with other countries. The British gave Saxony the technology of textile machines, but controlled the raw materials of the cotton textile industry. This relationship is more binding than any covenant .

"So, he really went to Maastricht?" asked Edgeworth.

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Georgiana shook her head.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and they came to the Imperial College of Arts and Sciences, where the headmaster personally led the students to wait at the door.

"Tell Lupe what we just said." Georgiana said, and then the door was opened, and music sounded around her. She got out of the carriage with the help of a Brussels MP.

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