"Mrs. Sevres! Please tell me..."

Georgiana closed the car door to block out the shouting. If the police hadn't stopped her, the reporters would have surrounded her.

She really wanted to close the curtains of the car door. Although there were no cameras and SLR lenses comparable to binoculars, she still felt the feeling of being surrounded by people, as if her every move was being watched.

In fact, there is a zoo in Versailles. Its center is an octagonal pavilion. There is only one room on the first floor, which is the king's salon. One side of the octagonal pavilion is the entrance, and the other sides have large windows facing seven closed animals. iron cage.

Bentham didn't say whether his design had borrowed from this. Although the prisons across the country can ensure the survival rate of prisoners, they have no privacy. For training institutions that persuade people to become naturalized, this may be a perfect design. It can not only reduce supervisors, but also reduce the contact between supervisors and prisoners, and restrain corporal punishment and torture. But there may be other psychological problems with people in this power situation, with isolation and surveillance.

There was once an American psychologist who conducted an experiment with prisoners. The participants were all students. They were assigned the roles of policeman and prisoner. After only a few days, they became completely different people.

In order to make the "prisoners" obey, the "police" will come up with some tricks. They are all college students, and they don't realize that what they are doing violates the law.

Even the scholar who developed the experiment was almost addicted to it, until his fiancée found out, and stopped the experiment from continuing to avoid greater harm.

There is another experiment, an actor plays the role of "student", and the subjects participating in the experiment play the role of "teacher". Every time the "teacher" presses a button outside, the "student" inside will receive an electric shock, and the amount of current can be continuously increased . Whenever the "student" is disobedient, the "teacher" outside will press the button and increase the current. Most of the "teachers" will continue to press the switch. Although the students are very painful, only a few will refuse to do so .

The Territorial Prison would be a proving ground, and at worst it would become Uxtagar, where Newt Scamander had been and Theseus had almost been Manticore's breakfast.

That prison also conforms to the structure of the All-District Prison, the difference is that it is built underground, and there is no sunlight coming in from the other side, and the watchtower is replaced by a manticore.

She sighed, trying to relieve the suffocation.

The enlightened autocracy adopted by Frederick the Great made the "enemy" Queen Maria Theresa follow suit and reform the old system. The French Republic is also using enlightenment ideas to spread freedom, equality, and fraternity, and to break the traditional feudal system.

In 1768 the Polish Parliament banned magistrates from dealing with witchcraft cases, but in 1775 14 women were executed in Doručow. According to the dossier, the wife of a local nobleman fell ill, and the women of the village were accused of cursing her. The judges at the time ignored the laws of the parliament prohibiting witch trials and sentenced the women. In 1776, the villagers asked the nearby cities to re-investigate the case. However, Prussia was busy integrating the new territories acquired by the first partition of Poland until 1783. The original dossier was only assessed in 1999, and it is well documented that six women were burned at the stake, not 14, and it is not even certain that they were actually executed.

However, in 1776, the Polish Parliament announced the prohibition of torture and witch trials. In 1793, Poland was partitioned for the second time. During this transitional period, another witch trial took place. The city of Poznan no longer belonged to Prussia after the second partition. So the local judge used this as a reason to abolish the prohibition of torture and witch trials. Two women with inflamed eyes were accused of using magic on their neighbor's cattle.

Speaking at a public meeting, even if he made a very slight mistake, he would immediately attract abuse and roars from the audience. Amidst the uproar and disdainful voices, the speaker would stop speaking quickly. If order is not maintained, then the speaker who makes a counterargument may not only be thrown eggs, but may even be beaten to death on the spot.

Grindelwald's speech in Paris was like a gorgeous show. He was like standing on a watchtower in the center of the panorama, surrounded by followers standing in "cages". They were so domineering and paranoid that they discriminated against Muggles. , almost to the point of being impossible to add, but it is not enough to cultivate and exploit dissatisfaction alone.

He must know how to ignite a hope worthy of publicity in people's hearts. Grindelwald's "performance" at the inauguration ceremony of the Wizarding Union is not as good as Paris. Wizards wage war on Muggles to prevent them from destroying the world, not just Muggles Guacai experienced the First World War.

He gave the disaffected and frustrated people a justification that any violence that is not based on a solid, spiritual foundation will sooner or later be shaken and unreliable. Just like a cannon fired in the mud, every time it is fired, it will sink into the mud due to the recoil, and it needs to be adjusted again to point to the correct shooting direction. During this process, people's psychology will change.

Will such a panoramic prison become an identification room? Some petty criminals may recognize serious criminals in other cages, such as a thief who stole a barn and recognizes a robber who went into a farm to rob and kill and then set fire to the evidence.

But she also hates informants, especially those who falsely accuse in order to obtain a reduced sentence. Although the adjacent prisons are invisible, they can still hear each other's voices, not to mention sign language and semaphore. way of communication.

The door of the carriage was opened suddenly, startling Georgiana.

"Have you found Stanley?"

"He's at Valenciennes." Richard Edgeworth handed Georgiana a document.

"Who's in Valenciennes?"

"Napoleon Bonaparte, this is the result of the high tax collectors of Valenciennes, who are all guilty of fraud," Edgeworth said. "The customs duties from Belgium to France have been cancelled, and they are still collecting."

"What did he do with it?" Georgiana said, opening the rolled-up document.

"The 200,000 francs seized will be used for public purposes, repairing Brussels Avenue or irrigation canals." Edgeworth said on the side, "The same is true in other places. Once a bureau chief has money, he will form a force. Seeing such a large amount of money diverted from the original intention of benefiting the public will only arouse the latter's strong dissatisfaction."

Georgiana ignored Edgeworth, she quickly read the document.

It was freshly written, the ink seemed to have not dried out, it was blurred in places, and Napoleon's name was signed in the corner.

She remembered that he left last night. It would take a day from Brussels to Valenciennes if the road conditions were good and there were no robbers. What's more, he had to investigate and collect evidence, deal with those tax collectors, and write Send someone to send the case back from Valenciennes, and the morning is not over yet. Is it in time so soon?

"He's not in Valenciennes." Georgiana put away the scroll, "but at least the money for road repairs won't be worrying."

"How can you be sure?" Edgeworth asked.

"Have you Irish ever built a prison?" Georgiana asked Edgeworth.

At this moment, the carriage started to move. After the sun rose completely, the soil in the mud would be dried in the sun in a few hours, and then a solid ground would be formed, so there was no need to worry about the wheels getting stuck in the mud.

But before that, they still need to continue to stagger in the mud.

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