Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2447 Cecum Zone (1)

Schiller once wrote such a poem in the collection of poems "Greek Gods":

When you ruled the fair world,

Lead that generation of happy people with that gentle joy,

A pretty god in the mythical world.

Worshiped then, so glorious,

Compared with now, how much has changed!

At that time, wreaths were used to worship the temple for you.

Georgiana received a warm welcome at Imperial, and she was given a sumptuous lunch in the college dining room.

Usually, she is the one who prepares the banquet at Hogwarts. She likes the process of cooking, but she doesn't mind eating what's ready-made. She spent a very pleasant afternoon here.

Lana once spent 200,000 francs to buy a set of tableware from Sevres to decorate his new house. When chatting with Principal Nedham, she wondered if she could allocate a sum of money from the porcelain factory every year to set up a scholarship. In addition, she I also like the interpreting student who accompanied them very much.

French is mostly spoken in Brussels at present, but the courts also accept cases in Dutch and German. When the court is in session, a good interpreter can not only speak multiple languages, but also have professional knowledge of relevant laws and arbitration cases, which will use a lot Special terms include legal terms, technical terms, industry terms, etc. Interpreters must be familiar with all parties in order to interpret quickly and accurately.

Both Georgiana and Principal Nedham speak English, so there is no need for an interpreter, but there are teachers in other languages ​​in the school, and his simultaneous interpretation satisfies all the teachers.

Ferrier can speak multiple languages, but she doesn't know much about technical terms. If there were no special reasons, she would have wanted Ferrier to study here for two years and exchange this kid.

She didn't remember until the visit was over, what did she visit?

Then she remembered that there was a Pietist convent in Brussels, and she had planned to live there.

Many people are like this. After graduating from school, they begin to miss school life.

She still remembers Hufflepuff with a picnic basket, sharing food while looking at the beautiful scenery is happiness for her, she will make those snacks very cute, if others will praise her, then she will would be very satisfying.

Why do people have to grow up?

After the visit, she went to the French embassy, ​​and the bad news came one after another.

Napoleon asked the bankers to go to Britain and the Netherlands to buy grain, using fiscal securities totaling 26 million francs. According to the agreement, these securities must be cashed, so the bankers sold these securities to foreign commercial banks.

These securities are currently as hot as the Mechelen Railway securities, but if they fail to cash at maturity, they are worthless paper. In order to collect grain, part of the land rent of farmers was replaced by grain this year, and the subsidy from the treaty between Spain and France was also replaced by grain this year. In other words, France has a serious deficit this year, and there is a risk that these securities cannot be exchanged.

Bonaparte exempted the tariffs on steel and exempted the tariffs on Valenciennes. This is not just exempting a city of 200,000 tariffs.

When she was exhausted and finished the meeting, Farron brought her "good news". The ladies who participated in the party at Boucher Castle heard that they were very happy to get an amethyst lotus flower as a Christmas gift, and they were also happy. Going to buy some Lyon silks as Christmas presents for the family. In addition, they also heard that Georgiana did not have a place to live in Paris, and they were willing to donate money to buy her a house.

In the ancient English law, there is a word called "deodand", although it is considered to be "atonement" in some scenes, this system mainly refers to, if it directly causes the death of people or other living beings, Private chattels will be confiscated, returned to the king, and used for religious and charitable causes.

In Christian teachings, after the soul leaves the body, it will suffer in purgatory. Deodand is different from indulgences. The indulgence is to buy the merits of the saints to offset their own sins. Deodand refers to the item itself that caused the sin, such as someone If someone was killed while riding a horse, the horse would be confiscated, theoretically going to the king and charity.

If the person committed treason, his movable and immovable property would be confiscated, although immovable property was not the property in question.

This logic embodies respect for sacred matters and takes into account the religion of British society, but it also leads to other problems. For example, when testifying in court, witnesses must swear according to the Bible. If the witness is not a Christian, then not only can he not swear according to the Bible, but his testimony cannot be accepted. Such people are called unqualified witnesses. The testimony of a child is sometimes inadmissible, and as long as the court considers that a child witness can take an oath, knowing that it is a solemn occasion, then his testimony is admissible, regardless of his actual age.

William III of Orange did not legislate to protect wizards, probably not on purpose but because he was too busy dealing with Louis XIV at the time.

If the Prussians had sent someone to investigate at that time, they would have known clearly whether 14 people had really been burned to death instead of relying on the files. strip.

No matter how much more humane the panorama prison sounds than the corrections department, a prison is a prison, not to mention that in Bentham's theory, there is not only a panorama prison, but also a supporting "labor system". Contracts can replace the state to implement prison management.

This kind of contract is different from the contract signed between the prison and the businessman, and the guards let the prisoners work. Instead, the prison is handed over to private management. For example, after the prison is contracted, in order to save costs, the prison manager may not turn on the heating, although the prison has it, or the heating time is not long, and if the prisoner wants the heating, he has to pay extra.

How far will your soul go?

She didn't want to be involved in this. In fact, when designing the management of Panorama Prison, Bentham introduced the position of pastor education from the very beginning. The central watchtower with the shutters open is a very good bulletin board. Priests can preach and guide the prisoners. Prisoners can listen from their cells.

For the French Enlightenment thinkers, law is an act of human reason and the embodiment of the public will. Napoleon did not confiscate the 200,000 francs collected by Valenciennes, but used them for road repairs. Although building bridges and paving roads can be considered a good deed, it is not charity.

That is to say, this case is used as a "demonstration". Although Brussels has agreed to use postal expenses to build roads, she cannot embezzle this money. She must follow Bonaparte's instructions instead of arbitrarily advocating.

In the past, she also believed that tariffs should be lowered to reduce smuggling and increase tariffs, but she has changed her mind now.

Some things are difficult to understand, and it is possible that she has completely misunderstood them, but now she doesn't want to think about them.

The next thing she has to do is tear down the walls of brussels and pave the avenues of brussels with those rubble, whether it's irish or prison inmates, want to bid for the job, and she won't show up, so she needs an agent To deal with this, obviously this person is not Lupe.

"Ma'am, look!"

Margaret stood before Georgiana.

Her hands are very beautifully painted, this is the henna tattoo that Indian brides get painted before they get married.

"Who painted you?" Georgiana asked.

"First Miss Patil, then David's student..."

Georgiana suddenly hugged Matilda tightly.

"I won't let bad things happen to you," she said softly.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" asked Matilda.

Georgiana did not answer her.

"Ma'am, I have a letter." Flier stood at the door and said, "It is the first ruler."

She sighed, "He really knows how to find the time."

So she let go of Matilda and took the letter from Ferrier.

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