Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2422 royal circus (five)

Lupe, the mayor of Brussels, joined the conversation. He and Chaputal talked and laughed happily, without feeling the almost suffocating atmosphere just now.

"Have you ever seen Irish brushing?" said Edgeworth suddenly.

"What's that?" Georgiana asked.

"It's a Rococo style of decoration that requires the use of Portland cement and lime powder, mixed into mortar and applied to the walls..."

Georgiana listened absent-mindedly to Edgeworth's introduction of the so-called decoration, with a focused smile on her face.

In fact, compared to the Museum of Natural Sciences, the Art Museum is a more suitable place for dating, but...

"It sounds a bit like the decoration style of the Royal Palace." Georgiana replied.

"It's kind of like that, but we're going to use a curly leaf pattern, which looks very natural."

"I wanted to see the effect of the decoration," Georgiana said.

"What?" Edgeworth asked strangely.

"Find a few painters to draw the structure in the museum, and then put the finished decoration picture on it." Georgiana explained, "This will make it easier to bid."

Edgeworth was a little surprised, "Didn't you decide?"

Georgiana smiled and shook her head, "I think you should have heard that in the old days, if someone wanted to accomplish something, he would find the king's mistress. I don't want to be like that."

"Or are you not confident in your own taste?" Padma asked.

"All of them." Georgiana said wearily. "Is there any place here where I can rest?"

Ferrier immediately turned to look for St. Tyrell, who led everyone to a room.

Maybe the museum is still under construction, so there are only a few coffee tables and chairs in this room for people to rest. Everyone ordered the drink they wanted from the waiter, and Georgiana asked for a glass of soda.

"How about trying a sea-salt soda?" Shaputal said. "Add some lemon for something different."

Georgiana did not refuse, and the waiter soon brought her sea salt lemon soda, which tasted very different from the sweet luxury brand soda she drank in the past.

"How is it?" Shapthal asked with a smile.

"It's really good." She appreciated, "What brand is this?"

"No name yet," replied Shaputal.

"what happened?"

“It’s from my son’s new soda factory in Provence, where he invented soda water by breaking down sea salt,” Chaputal said. “You name it, Georgiana.”

She didn't make a sound, and at this time the drinks that everyone else ordered came, and at the same time, the unpleasant atmosphere reappeared.

After the signing of the "Treaty of Amiens", the French did not exchange prisoners, but let the British release the Irish political prisoners. The men, overwhelmingly members of the United Irish Association, planned a rebellion in May 1798, but the chief conspirators were arrested in March, and Lord Edward Fitzlad died in prison, the cause of his death being A bullet hit him in the arm because of an infected wound.

The general fought in the American Revolutionary War and was the son of the first Duke of Leinster in Ireland. He formed a military council, some of his officers were not sentenced to death under Napoleon's intervention, or their imprisonment was changed to exile. Napoleon also received two Irish rebel leaders.

They later joined the "Irish Legion" as officers. In addition to the Irish, there were also deserters who did not want to stay in the Royal Navy, as well as some Germans and Prussians. It can be said that they were the French Foreign Legion. The color of the legion uniform is Green and gold represent the emerald land of Ireland and the golden harp in Irish mythology.

"How about a soda called Lavender?" Georgiana said. "It stands for Finding Love."

Padma looked at her with straight eyes, and the others all smiled without commenting.

Georgiana was so angry that she took a sip of the soda water, which tasted a bit bitter probably because the lemon was not deseeded.

Lavender Brown was bitten by a werewolf. Although it was not a full moon night, she still changed, and the degree of "wolfization" was more serious than Bill Weasley, and she was a Muggle. Neville took her in, and Lavender, who was in a helpless situation, fell in love with Neville again, and slapped "ex-boyfriend" Ron Weasley, making a break with the past.

But Neville's grandmother would not accept Lavender, even if she opposed Voldemort, especially since Lavender was still a "werewolf", even if werewolves were not contagious by blood, it would be difficult to change people's prejudice.

In fact, Pomona had done something similar to Lavender before, as if announcing how wrong people outside were, and that Severus didn't love Lily anymore.

Her wishful thinking is based on the fact that she is beautiful and is a mixed Veela. If she is not beautiful, even if she is not as ugly as Merope, she probably won't be able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. If Merope was good-looking, old Tom Riddle might not have cared so much even if she was a witch, and even admitted that Voldemort was an illegitimate child.

So, it's all a dream.

"How about Saney?" Georgiana said.

"Goddess of the Moon? Why not use Sea God?" Padma asked.

"Just because it is made of sea salt, does it have to be named after the sea?" Georgiana sarcastically said, "We just told the story of the shepherd. There are thousands of shepherds in this world. I fell in love with the shepherd because I saw his handsome sleeping posture, I don’t agree with this, I prefer those little shepherds who fought against wolves in order to protect their companions.”

"But love isn't about who's doing the job better," Edgeworth said.

"If love can be blinded by appearance, why can't it be blinded by other reasons?"

"It sounds like you're belittling Saini," Lupe said.

"No!" Georgiana said anxiously, "What I want to say is that Saini's choice..."

"I like the name," said Shapthal. "Do you pay more attention to the inner quality than the outer appearance?"

"But I don't think most people understand that," Lupe said. "Especially when you have such fancy packaging."

"If you use an ordinary container, the cost will drop a bit..."

"But this will not meet the standard of 'luxury'." Lupe added.

Shapthal looked troubled.

"Would you like to drink fresh water or salt water to quench your thirst?" Georgiana asked.

"Fresh water, of course," said St. Tyrrell.

"What if I told you that drinking salt water quenches your thirst better in summer?" Georgiana asked. "The salt water I'm talking about is not sea water, but..."

"Contradictions," Edgeworth said.

"That's right, that's it." Georgiana said anxiously, "When you sweat a lot in summer, the salty water is actually more thirst-quenching."

“I still don’t think the average person understands that, and I think they prefer a beautiful bottle to have that dreamy feeling,” Lupe said.

"Who says ordinary people can't understand!" Padma said with a gloomy face.

"I'd like a drink," Lupe told the waiter.

"Me too," said Edgeworth.

"Give us some glasses and lemons, and some sodas," St. Tyrrell said to the waiter.

"It's like agave." Georgiana swayed and said excitedly while sitting on the chair, "It's good to lick the salt..."

"You drink water, not wine." Padma interrupted her joy. "Why are you like Professor Trelawney?"

Georgiana took a sip of soda and ignored Padma.

She recalled the last time Severus made her a drink, when they were still at the South Simpton townhouse.

So, should there be a bar in the lounge area of ​​this natural science museum?

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