Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2423 royal circus (6)

In Mechelen Georgiana, there are hardly many street lamps. In contrast, the ornate street lamps on the streets of Brussels can be seen everywhere. These were brought by the Sun King Louis XIV.

Paris is a city that never sleeps, but not all European cities have rich nightlife like Paris. Most people will go home to rest when it gets dark, but thieves will come out at this time. 80% of crimes are at night.

The Sun King believes that as long as there are street lights to illuminate the streets, crimes and accidents will be reduced, and it will be convenient for people to go out at night and take a walk under the street lights.

But the cost of maintaining street lamps is too high, not only whale oil, but also the wages of lamplighters. Brussels is also eager to install Paris's new gas lamps and retrofit existing street lights. But now there is a problem. The German Mr. Windsor and Soho are at odds over the patent issue. Although Charleroi has gas and coal, and Brussels has its own iron factory, they can easily imitate gas lamps, but they dare not Unauthorized laying, after all, Bowens had stolen the equipment of the British textile machine before that.

In addition to Bowens, there is also an Irish politician named James Naper Tanti. He is an Irish artillery commander and also participated in the American Revolutionary War. He is the organizer of the United Irish Association. In 1793, he started In exile, he first went to Philadelphia, then to Paris, and became a general with the help of the Directory, which supported him in forming a resistance organization against Britain.

In 1798, he planned to participate in returning to Ireland, but he gave up his adventure before arriving in Ireland. He was arrested when he returned to Paris from Hamburg. Then the Hamburgers handed him over to the British, and the British sent him to Ireland. Trial, he was sentenced to death, however at Bonaparte's request he was released unconditionally and now lives in Bordeaux, France.

Originally, some French nobles in exile had already surrendered in Antwerp. If Josephine was present, they could make certain requests to Josephine at dinner tables and balls, and regain their original official positions, fiefdoms, or residences, just like Aremberg Like Duke Gregg.

Now the future of many of them is still in the air, and the assassination has happened again, and they feel that the road back to Paris is tortuous.

After graduating from high school, Chateaubriand went to the United States. After returning to China, he served as a hunting attendant for Louis XVI and witnessed the fall of the Bastille. At first he sympathized with the revolution, but he changed his attitude after the abolition of all the privileges of the nobility in 1790. When his legion voted to join the revolution, he chose to resign and moved to the United States relying on a legacy left by his father.

He has seen George Washington, and has seen the magnificent scenery of North America on horseback. He spent the night in the arms of Mother Earth by the Niagara Falls, wrote "A Journey to the Americas", and praised the Indians as the masters of the "Garden of Eden".

But the next day, he accidentally broke his arm along the rushing river and wanted to see the wonders of a waterfall downstream. Fortunately, he met an Indian who saved Chateaubriand, which made Chateaubriand Leon can return home alive and write "Adala".

After Fontana's introduction, Chateaubriand met Napoleon, and Fontana was also willing to protect the safety of the young exiled nobleman. This is also the reason for bringing Fontana to Belgium as an adjutant this time. Chateaubriand stayed in Brussels during his exile. Once at a ball, Fontana asked the Belgian if he had read the book "Adara" , many people do not know.

Because of this love novel, Chateaubriand is now the idol of Parisian women, almost a household name. Then Fontana took a copy and asked a printer in Brussels to reprint it. Edgeworth was also there at the time, and they talked about the reprinting industry in Ireland.

The reprint business in Ireland was booming in the past few years, but suddenly there seemed to be no news. At that time, Edgeworth was vague, and then he stopped going to the dance.

His refusal to talk about it does not mean that others will not inquire. It was later known that many Irish printers and publishers went to Philadelphia and England.

With the increasing demand for cheap texts by news publications and institutions, printing has gradually moved from the unattainable to the low-end. Originally, the reprint business in Ireland was not profitable. With the increase of paper tax, this business was even more difficult to continue. The original novels were published in London. In other words, the Irish book trade also collapsed.

James Potter said before that the rules are for ordinary people. With a background like his, even if he doesn't graduate from Hogwarts, he won't worry too much about livelihood issues if he is fired halfway. That's why he and West Reece got his way in school, and that's what people in their "class" were.

After Lily and Severus parted ways, she did not immediately accept James Potter, after all, Lily was not Mary in her dormitory.

If James Potter hadn't changed and left the original social circle, it would be difficult for him and Lily to get together. Lily takes the initiative in this relationship, even though doing so makes James a "family man".

She was quite similar to Petunia in this respect. Fernon would go home after get off work and rarely go out, and his body shape didn't leave much appeal.

She didn't want to judge Lily, that would make herself look ugly. It may be because she is a woman herself that she is not affected by the charm of other women, such as Chiara who makes the men of the entire British high society dizzy. Her English with an Italian accent sounds like Bonaparte in Georgiana French with a Corsican accent is just as awkward.

She loved Severus's voice, which had been practiced into a perfect "Queen's Accent", barely recognizable of his native Cokeworth accent.

All this happened after graduation, when he returned to school, he was no longer the "junior" holding a butterbeer with foam on his lips.

Her mind can be very cloudy at times, and thanks to Edgeworth she can understand what she just said. In fact, Lu Pei is right. He is a charity and has contacted civilians. They have a better concept of intuitive "luxury". Luna and Mengna are like insanity to them.

Chateaubriand wrote in "Adara": Love is a drunkenness.

When people are drunk, will they really become bold, and will they speak the truth that they usually dare not say?

Schaptal had a scandal last Christmas when his love letter to an opera star was exposed by the newspapers. If it was published in the UK, his political future would be ruined.

At that time, Georgiana was a "guest" at his house for some reason, and she saw his wife's reaction with her own eyes. It cannot be said that she was indifferent, but it was not like some civilian couples threw plates and furniture. The rococo-style residence of the Marquis de Choiseul is elegant and luxurious, but cold.

She knew that Schaptal was against the license as an obstacle to fair competition. Whether he was doing it for her son's business now or for other purposes, Georgiana was going to tell Matilda to add a soda supplier, after all. Josephine only drank mineral water, at least they took her homeless when they had troubles in their own home.

If one day Napoleon fell, where would she go?

As long as she thinks of this terrible consequence, she has no heart to "compete for favor". The most important thing for her is that Napoleon does not fall, at least to the end of "history".

She wants peace, not being a "scourge".

While they were chatting in the rest area, a young man ran in in a panic. He hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to approach, so Lupe stood up.

Everyone watched as he talked to the young man while Georgiana calmly sipped her soda.

Edgeworth and St. Tyrrell looked at Georgiana and the calm and composed Shaputal together without making a sound. After a while, Lupe came back and sat in the position just now, but his expression looked a bit strange. gloomy.

"What happened?" Georgiana asked with concern.

"Nothing," Lupe said, smiling. "Just a little thing."

No one was curious to ask what "little thing" happened. Georgiana stood up and continued to visit the museum.

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