Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2421 royal circus (4)

Ligers or tigons do not exist in the natural environment. After all, they live so far apart, and they can only survive and reproduce in zoos.

Ligers are much larger than tigers and lions. Their weight can reach 900 pounds, or 400 kilograms. However, they do not have the ability to hunt and cannot survive in the wild.

If you walk in and look at this so-called Rewodang beast specimen, you will find that it is not as big as Georgiana imagined, but it is much larger against the backdrop of other animal specimens around, just like the moon will be bigger when it is close to the horizon than it is when it is close to the horizon. Bigger in the air.

According to records, this brown dog-like animal weighs 65 kilograms, which is only equivalent to the weight of a small adult man. Compared with the Cerberus, the so-called Revodang monster is much smaller, the Mastiff Both are 100 kg.

Mastiffs and bullmastiffs are famous for being often used in bullfighting and bear fighting performances, but although they are fierce, they rarely attack humans unless they are hungry.

Georgiana stroked the fur of the Rewodang beast. Except for a slightly harder texture, it was not much different from ordinary dog ​​fur. She really couldn't imagine that it could block the hunter's bullets.

"You shouldn't touch it," St. Tyrell said aside. "It's cursed."

Georgiana looked at him and asked in French, "Who did you hear that from?"

"According to the church's investigation, I also went to your library." St. Tyrrell said.


"At the end of the Reformation, there was a farmer named Pierre Marc in Gervaux. He had a strange disease. When he was mad, he would bite everyone, and when he was awake, he kept begging and praying, but the priest didn't know what happened. What happened." St. Tirell said, "So the neighbors brought the lord, and they hoped that the lord could solve Mark's pain."

"you mean……"

"Kill him, but the lord did not behead Mark. That is the way of death for nobles. Instead, he handed over a large-mouthed pistol to his son, and he helped Mark solve it." St. Tirell continued Georgiana The words said, "Since then, there have been incidents of monsters attacking people in Gewodang."

"Always?" Georgiana asked.

"You wouldn't think that this monster ate more than 100 people in just one year." Saint-Tirrell said with a smile, "It was only after it started attacking children one after another that the villagers paid attention."

"Why?" Padma asked after listening to Phil's translation.

"Lamb is better."

Georgiana turned her eyes to the speaking Richard Edgeworth.

"There was a group of children about 10 years old who went out to herd sheep together. One of them was attacked by a monster, but they didn't choose to run away. Instead, they formed a circle and drove it away with shepherd sticks. Arms came round, and the King, as a reward, sponsored one of them to study at the Artillery School in Montpellier," said Chaputal.

"But the matter didn't end there. Even after the first monster was caught and made into a specimen, the attacks continued, but the frequency of the attacks was much slower than before. It took a few months for them to come together, but everyone didn't agree. It was believed that it had something to do with the monster, because everyone saw the prey brought by the wolf hunting team, and it wasn't until the following spring that the villagers had to think that the monster had come back." Saint-Tirrell said.

"Why?" Georgiana asked.

"At the Easter Mass, the priests counted the number and there were a few missing, but instead of telling the king right away, they told the church and sent investigators from the Vatican, because if they didn't, the king would feel wronged. Deceived, it was the Wolves who forged the specimen and brought it to Versailles to deceive him," said Saint-Tirrell.

Georgiana couldn't help looking at the specimen again.

"That's true," St. Tyrrell said, "but that's not the point."

"What's the point?" Padma asked.

Saint-Tirrell raised three fingers, "Because there were three such monsters, the wolf hunting team only found the female wolf and one wolf cub among them, and the remaining one was wounded and escaped."

Georgiana was not much surprised.

"This is the little wolf, and the specimen of the female wolf is still in Paris, but the point I want to say is not this, madam, do you believe that all this is cursed by Marc's soul?" Saint-Tirrell asked.

"Why did he curse?" Georgiana asked.

"Have you ever heard of the Albigensians?" asked Shapthal.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

"Gevaudan is close to Languedoc, my wife's hometown, where the Albigensians were once very famous." Chaputal said, "They believe that collective good deeds and introspection are the way to heaven, but they don't recognize purgatory and hell. Think it's a lie."

Georgiana was so incredible that she couldn't speak for a moment.

"Later the Crusaders suppressed them, and the center of the sect was transferred to the vicinity of Languedoc. The peasants at that time were indeed human, but they were not much different from wild beasts. Even priests only found them when they collected eleven taxes. They, until Languedoc's industry began to rise, these farmers who had been shrouded in darkness for thousands of years did not leave the village and received the dawn, but there are still many farmers like Jumarco, who refused to leave because of their attachment to the land, even When the beast came into play again in Rewodang, the villagers organized pilgrimages and prayers, hoping to use this power to drive it away." Shaputar said, "Just like how we hoped to drive the church away."

"I thought you supported the appointment of academic affairs." Georgiana looked at Schaptal.

"I'm not opposed to restoring order, but you should also know that when the First Consul restores the status of the spiritual leader of the church, things are quite different from what he expected, especially when it comes to rebuilding schools..."

"Would you like to join me in my conversation with the Archbishop?" Georgiana interrupted Schaptal.

He didn't speak.

"Don't you want to say something?" St. Tirell asked suddenly.

Georgiana looked in the direction he was looking and realized that St. Tyrell was asking Richard Edgeworth.

"What do you mean?" asked Edgeworth.

No one answered.

"Now you should know why girls find science boring." Georgiana said from the side. "Can you decorate this place?"

"Isn't that good enough?" Saint-Tirrell asked.

"I hope, this place can hold a dance party."

"Why?" St. Tyrrell asked.

"If you are going to match people into marriage, then you have to provide a place where men and women have the opportunity to express themselves."

"What?" Saint Tyrell raised his voice.

"Are you married?" Georgiana also raised her voice and asked St. Tyrrell.

The latter hesitated, and did not answer her question directly anyway.

"If I want two people on a blind date to find a place to meet, I have to go to a place like a social center. There is no shortage of such occasions in Paris. The elite want to climb the rich family and build their own network. The rich also want to sell themselves. Otherwise, what do you think they are doing in the library?"

Edgeworth covered his mouth with his fist and coughed to hide the smile on his lips.

"Maybe they really want to read," said St. Tyrrell angrily.

"Oh, is that so?" Georgiana poked her waist, "Do you dare to bet? Bet they are reading a romance novel."

St. Tyrell gritted his teeth, as if trying to strangle her.

"I don't care why Louis XIV built so many luxurious buildings, anyway, I want to create a place for unmarried men and women to date when they are looking for a partner, and some parents will bring their children to visit in the future, you move this horrible monster away .”

"You told me that the crow helmet was given to Julien in order to promote 'not afraid of challenges', so in order to save your companions, instead of running away, how about a few shepherd children unite and beat the wolves away?" Edgeworth smiled. explain.

"That's right, isn't this kind of spirit commendable?" St. Tyrrell said immediately.

Georgiana puffed her cheeks. She felt that these people were against her.

"Let's go to the next showroom," said Shapthal, and the others walked off together.

Georgiana didn't want to follow at first, but Padma and Ferriel held each arm and drove away.

As for the scary specimen, it was left in place, keeping its teeth and claws open to scare the next person.

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