Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 24 Unusual Ability

In Pomona's heart, the dean of Hufflepuff should be like the hostess of the banquet, noble, gentle, ruddy, smiling, wearing a golden dress, with thick black hair and wearing a With freshly picked flowers from the fields. She was the center of the party, and everyone bowed to her when she passed by.

But in reality, she saw a woman smoking a pipe, wearing a dirty robe, sitting on a rock with her legs spread apart, and wearing a hat that was almost as old as the sorting hat.

perfume? That was impossible. There was a strong smell from people who had been dealing with animals all year round. Coupled with the half-giant Hagrid, Pomona felt that she was about to faint.

Although the centaur takes life and death very lightly, it attaches great importance to the younger generation. A little centaur was injured, and his uncles, uncles, cousins, and cousins ​​all came. They all have strong muscles, their skin is as shiny as olive oil, and they hold sharp spears and bows in their hands. Their beards and hair are carefully braided, and they look like a group of soldiers going out.

Their senses were very keen. When Pomona and Lupine appeared, they noticed them immediately, and aimed their arrows at them. They relaxed their vigilance when they realized that only two "human cubs" were coming.

"What are you doing?" said a centaur in an accented human language.

"I'm here to find my dean!" Pomona summoned up her courage and said. All the men in front of her were men over two meters tall, looking terrifying. "I'm Hufflepuff's student!"

Wilmina raised her head when she heard the sound, took off her pipe, and said loudly, "What's the matter with you?"

"I need the seeds of Wolfsbane!" Pomona called back across the herd of centaurs.

"What the hell do you want that thing for?"

"I'm going to change the nature of the soil," Pomona yelled. "Dumbledore planted a Whomping Willow in the school, or on clay, and the tree went mad."

"You go to the infirmary Madam Pomfrey, she has the key to my father's office." Wilmina picked up the pipe again and continued to treat the pony. "I'm not free!"

Pomona really didn't know why Dumbledore still kept such an irresponsible teacher to the students, so she turned her head and left.

"Wait." As they turned to leave, a centaur looked at Lupine and said, "You can't go to the castle."

"Dumbledore gave me permission to live in the castle." Lupine stared at the centaur, clenched his fists nervously, and said to Pomona, "Let's go."

The centaurs spread their hooves, surrounded them after a few steps, not only blocked their way, but also aimed their spears at them.

"The Veela hybrid can go, but you must stay." The centaur who spoke just now said, "You are too dangerous for humans."

Pomona looked back at Lupine, who looked calm.

"I will not hurt my friends and classmates."

"You can say that now, but you can't at that time!" The centaur moved the spear point closer to Lupin, "Leave!"

"He's not the one who hurt your son, Doron, it's bigger than him." Wilmina held the pipe. "I know you're angry, but what to do with him is our human business. You can't be angry. Interfering."

The centaur known as Doron inspected the two of them and got out of the way with an angry face, but Pomona and Lupine didn't dare to move, because they could feel the real anger.

"It's getting dark, Hagrid, I'm fine here. You take them back to the castle."

"As you wish, Professor." Hagrid handed the colt to a centaur, and walked slowly towards the two of them.

It wasn't until he approached Pomona that he realized how tall he really was. This was only a "half" giant, and God knows how tall a real giant is.

"Come on, little ones, you'll miss dinner if you're late."

The legendary murderous and bloodthirsty giant is holding a pink umbrella covered with yellow dots, and Pomona really wishes she is really crazy at this time.

If I knew she would have gone to Slytherin's cellar to get some chamaejasma seeds, why bother to go so far from the castle to the Forbidden Forest.

They left the centaur's attack range as quickly as possible, and the sky had already turned dark blue at this time. When passing by Hagrid's hut in the wilderness, he said "wait a moment" and waited for him to come out again. At that time, I had an extra lantern in my hand.

"The castle is locked at night. If you go back after that time, don't be caught by Pringle. He is very sloppy in doing things, but he is merciless in punishing people. Arthur Weasley was severely whipped However, it is said that there are still scars left, and even potions can't remove them."

"It's just that I went back a little late, how could there be such a heavy punishment?" Pomona exclaimed.

"In fact, he didn't come home late, but woke up early. He was walking by the Black Lake with his girlfriend Molly at four o'clock in the morning, and was caught by Pringle. He was whipped instead of Molly," said Hagrid. Then turned his gaze to Lupine "If you were caught, would you be tortured instead of her?"

"Even though she's not my girlfriend, why not?" Lupine said with a smile. "It's terrible for girls to have scars."

Pomona was very touched.

Yes, Gryffindors are sometimes reckless, but they are brave and chivalrous, Hufflepuff loves women, and they protect women, even if they usually have a bad attitude towards girls, when women are in danger Standing up when the time comes, that's the appeal of Gryffindor boys.

"Can't you find a way to avoid being caught?" Pomona was moved, but couldn't help shouting, "Pringle is lazy and doesn't like to watch the night. As long as you don't get caught by him, you don't have to be whipped!"

Lupine was stunned, as if his stupid brain had just opened up at this moment.

"Oh, Hufflepuff is good at hiding. I heard you don't have passwords and mazes in the lounge, right?" Hagrid said angrily.

"Yes!" Pomona stomped on the thick lawn under her feet, "but no one has found out where the entrance to our lounge is for a thousand years!"

This is Badger's nature, good at keeping secrets, but also good at observing details. From the conversation between Wilmina and the centaur just now, she already has the answer in her heart.

Remus Lupine is a Wilwolf, he will lose his mind and transform on a full moon night, and the children bitten by him will also turn into werewolves like him, but Dumbledore let him study in Hogwarts.

He was just promoted to headmaster this year, and there is a lot of pressure on him from the outside world, and the school is not peaceful. If Pomona was also teaching at Hogwarts, she would not agree to let Lupine enter the school, but she would not Protesting clearly, at most, like Dorian, he will not come to school on time to protest.

Planting the Whomping Willow on the first day of school also has ulterior motives. First of all, the students have seen the power of the Whomping Willow and will not approach them easily. Another is to see her strength. If she can't deal with that crazy tree , then everyone can forget about letting an eleven-year-old student teach at Hogwarts as a joke. If she succeeds in solving it, then she will be valued, manage the greenhouse like a vault, and even replace Dorian as the The new professor of herbalism solves the problem of Hogwarts funding and teachers.

Although she didn't know why Dumbledore was planting the Whomping Willow, since Lupine was here, it probably had something to do with him, and there were three days before the full moon night, he must not transform in school, the only way It is to let him leave the school and solve his problems somewhere outside the school.

Oh, yes, badgers are also good at digging holes, at least better than lions, eagles, and reptile snakes without limbs. They dig a tunnel under the tree. Anyway, as long as the students dare not approach, no one will find it. It was Dumbledore's idea!

"I hate that old man!" Pomona cursed under her breath, which both Lupine and Hagrid heard, but neither of them dared to speak.

Openness means danger. Pomona thinks that Dumbledore is too open-minded and tolerant. Not everyone can accept his Gryffindor-style brave and reckless management style. After all, not everyone's heart is as strong as his .

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