Chapter 25 Growing and Composting

Hogwarts has a school doctor, but she serves other races outside the school all year round (the kind that others don't appreciate), and it is the nurse Madam Pomfrey who provides treatment for the students in the infirmary.

In ancient times, a wizard and a doctor were usually taken care of by one person, plus there was a master potion professor. If they couldn't solve the problem, Wilmina probably couldn't solve it either, and could only be sent to St. Mungo for treatment.

While Hagrid was studying, there was a scandal at Hogwarts. A Muggle girl was killed. Although the murderer was not Hagrid, he was kicked out of Hogwarts. The contradictions in the school are already very intense, and the school can no longer withstand the blow of another scandal. It is a risk to let Remus Lupine enter the school.

After thinking about the reason, Pomona understood Dumbledore's intention to plant the Whomping Willow on the school grounds on the first day of school. This was a test, but also an education. Lupine's nature is not bad , but if he was allowed to associate with those werewolves who hurt people at will, then he would also become a person who was cast aside. Human nature is arranged by God, and no one can interfere, but the acquired nature can be molded, provided that it is cultivated with suitable soil. Neither Beauxbatons nor Durmstrang have a sorting ceremony. It’s like putting cactus suitable for sandy soil and orchids suitable for living in the rainforest in the same room. If you water too much, the cactus will die, and if you water too little, the orchid will die. It is not easy to find the amount of water that cacti and orchids can live in. Durmstrang is a pure-blood wizard. Even if the teachers make mistakes, there are still parents who are responsible for checking and filling the gaps at home. Beauxbatons have strict school rules. , There is no winter vacation, the palace will be surrounded by ice sculptures throughout the winter, Hogwarts has at least winter and summer vacations, and the third grade can go to Hogsmeade on the rest day. He did, as he himself said, treat the students as his own family, but unfortunately he faced a serious shortage of manpower. Those students can be talents, or a tool for some people to realize their ambitions. Young Slytherin The Death Eaters gradually took over from Slughorn's Slug Club, a network of talents from all walks of life, serving their masters, and they wouldn't miss any chance of crowding out Dumbledore.

The crisis is just around the corner, but many people choose to stand by and watch. Some do not want to cause trouble, and some do it for their own interests. Even though Pomona does not approve of Dumbledore's actions in her heart, she still does not want to reveal that Remus Lupine is a werewolf secrets, even though Pomona was not required to keep them.

When you can only make a hasty decision, trust your intuition, at least Dumbledore is much more rational than the Dark Lord who clamors for pure bloodism. The environment can change people. Today's Slytherin is becoming more and more crazy, without the elegance of the past. Tom Riddle is different from Grindelwald. Grindelwald is really committed to solving the survival problem of wizards. Muggle interests had to be sacrificed, and Tom Riddle kept instilling a sense of pure-blood superiority in those wizard nobles. He was arrogant and couldn't see the situation clearly. Letting such a person lead wizards would lead the entire race to destruction.

After getting the key to Professor Graplan's office, Pomona dumped Lupine and Hagrid, and found a place to calm down by herself. It is not easy to change the soil properties overnight. Spring is suitable for growth, and autumn and winter are suitable for composting. The leaves will wither from the crown of the tree, fall to the ground and gradually rot, and finally become the fertilizer needed for the growth of plants in the next year. September is not suitable for planting trees. But it is suitable for composting, and Dumbledore seems to have figured this out.

He is no less terrifying than Grindelwald. Even if Lupine doesn't go off-campus, the house she saw on the corridor on the eighth floor before can be used for his transformation. If she doesn't care about the Whomping Willow In the end, the wizards could burn it with flames, and an innocent life was implicated in the wizard's farce and destroyed.

What is it doing wrong? It just wants to get rid of the environment that is not suitable for its growth. The reason why clay is not suitable for plant growth is not only poor drainage, but also because it is not conducive to root growth. Plant roots like to stretch, and putting roots in clay is like human hands and feet. Just like being bound, people have to fight when they lose their freedom. Why can't plants fight for survival?

She slowly closed her eyes. Hogwarts needs a responsible herbal medicine teacher, so he can't travel long distances like Dorian, and disappear even after school starts. He will grow roots in Hogwarts like a tree, which is what Dumbledore meant: "Your life is here", she will become a housewife without a home, and what's more sad is that she still takes care of her family. Not my own child.

Someone must make sacrifices for the greater good. Dumbledore is a great selfless man, but unfortunately not everyone is as selfless as he is, so he uses people's kindness to set up tricks to make others think it is his own will , actually acting as he envisioned...


She heard someone calling her name, and followed the voice, and there was a tall man standing in the corridor not far away. She rubbed her eyes and found that standing there was Professor Slughorn.

"Are you okay?" the professor asked. He is different from the quick success in the office. He is an ordinary teacher who cares about his students.

"Long day, Professor," she said listlessly. "Long day."

"Why don't you go back to your dormitory? It's not safe to wander around the school in the middle of the night." Professor Slughorn said gently, and she couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"Maybe, I won't be a student soon." She said, "Professor McGonagall offered me a position, Professor of Herbology."

"Oh, you're still so young."

"Professor, you seem to be about the same age as Professor Dumbledore. What was he doing when he was my age?"

"I don't want to talk about him," said Slughorn in a grim, disgusted voice. "I don't know why Dippet would recommend him as headmaster."

"Is there any other suitable candidate besides him?" Pomona casually perfunctory.

"Of course, Barty Crouch, he is a very upright man." Unexpectedly, Slughorn immediately said, "But who is Dumbledore? He is the hero who defeated Grindelwald, a little Where is the Minister of Magical Enforcement who is his opponent."

Slughorn was actually angry. Maybe he thought he was being tricked by Dumbledore. Herbs are the basis of potions. A Veela who is good at plant magic is so tempting to the potions teacher.

"Professor, please help me." Pomona fought back tears to keep herself from crying. "I don't know what to do."

"Don't make that face, Pomona, I know you're Dumbledore's man," Slughorn said grimly, before he pulled his robes and turned away. "Wandering the corridors after dark, Two points for Hufflepuff."

"You can't..." Lupine's voice suddenly broke off in the silent corridor, as if muffled by a hand.

"Who's where?" Slughorn followed the voice, leaving Pomona alone in the long, dark corridor.

Article 72 of Hufflepuff's code of conduct, push yourself properly, and you will make a choice.

Although it wasn't Pomona herself who forced her, she already knew how to make a choice.

She took a long breath, straightened her back, and walked towards Hufflepuff's burrow.

No wonder she was so scared before, it turned out that what she was facing was the choice of fate.

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