Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 23 Wandless Magic

Gryffindors were notoriously nosy, but Remus Lupine felt a little overzealous when he volunteered to help Pomona with the crazy Whomping Willow, let alone a first-year It was too risky to deal with the Whomping Willow, but Pomona's worries disappeared when he showed his hand.

"You know wandless magic?!" Although Lupine only lifted a feather, Pomona couldn't help but marvel. Wandless and silent magic are very profound skills, and most wizards can't do it in their lifetime. And Lupine was only eleven years old, no wonder such a genius was in such poor health, Dumbledore still let him study in school.

"Every gain must be lost." Lupine said with a smile, "I see you also used wandless magic today."

"That's because I was so busy throwing stones that I didn't have a wand to spare." Sitting on Lupine's bed, Pomona flipped through the old book, and she felt that her behavior must have been stupid and vulgar.

"Don't say that about yourself, Martin, do you remember what you did after the tree went quiet? You touched the tree with your hand and it went quiet."

"I think it's because the medicine is working."

"Don't be so pessimistic, you should be more confident." Lupine sat on the bed opposite her and said, "How about trying wand magic too?"

"Don't say no wand, even if I have a wand, I can't make feathers fly." Pomona said dejectedly. In fact, Professor Feliway believes that this freshman of Hufflepuff is not capable of using magic spells at this stage. ability, their main homework before Halloween is to practice wielding wands.

Lupine didn't know what to do.

Although he matured precociously, he was still an eleven-year-old boy. However, Pomona still remembered his suggestion, and she might try it when she had a chance.

"Do you still have that medicine?" Lupine asked after a long while. "Maybe we can get some more for it."

"It doesn't work at night, it can absorb magic power from other channels. Although the Whomping Willow is a magical plant, it is still a piece of wood. While absorbing magic power, it also absorbs the power of sunlight, so it thinks that it is an ordinary tree. tree."

"How did you come up with this idea?"

"Have you ever heard of Muggle radio? Ordinary plants also have photosynthesis. During the day they absorb carbon dioxide, exhale oxygen, and store starch. At night, they decompose starch, absorb oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide. It is no different from nightshade, and it is the same as animals. Certain characteristics of magical plants are the same as those of animals, as long as those plants forget their animal nature, they will return to their original vegetable nature, and the Whomping Willow is as safe as ordinary willows."

"Oh, sorry." Lupine said in bewilderment. "What is photosynthesis?"

"You can ask your Muggle classmates when you have time." Pomona said impatiently, "Now we should think about what to do with that crazy tree."

"Maybe, you can think about it in a different way." Lupine thought thoughtfully, "Why not treat it as a potted plant?"

Pomona stopped turning the pages of the book.

"Are you crazy?"

"I flipped through that book when you were washing up, and it's really no different from my mother's books on how to grow potted plants." Lupine shrugged indifferently. "It's just a tree, isn't it?"

Although it was crazy, it was still a solution, and Pomona began to think seriously.

"What do you think should be done?"

"How about starting with the environment? Every species has its own living environment. Like me, I can adapt to the atmosphere of Gryffindor. If I are assigned to other colleges, I will not be so comfortable. Similarly, animals and plants have their own environment. , although I am not as advanced as you know, but I at least know that the cultivation of cacti in the desert and orchids in the tropical rainforest must be different."

Pomona thought for a while and began to read the book. Ordinary willows basically grow by the river. They like sunshine and moist soil. The same goes for the Whomping Willow. Hogwarts Castle is the environment where people live, except Most people in Slytherin like a dry environment. If they were replaced by a person, they would become irritable and restless living in an uncomfortable environment. Pomona didn't know if this method would work, but there was a way better than There is no way to be strong.

"Come on, Lupine, let's go and see."

"Okay!" Lupine jumped up and left the dormitory with Pomona.

When they returned to the Whomping Willow, the class was over. Pringle, the dormitory supervisor, circled the tree with a rope, and set up a "no approach" sign on the grass. To be honest, it was It's really redundant, all the students quickened their pace when they passed by it, as if they were afraid that someone would accidentally offend it.

"It's clay." Pomona lifted the turf. The clay has poor air permeability and lacks the nutrients for plants to grow. It is difficult for plants to take root in this soil, so few plants grow.

Willows are suitable for living in sandy soil, especially dry willows. Planting them in places with clay soil and stagnant water will cause their roots to rot easily, and eventually wither and die. Planting whooping willows in such places is like pushing human beings into the sea, and then tell He said "you can find a way to live on your own", the person who planted the Whomping Willow was simply forcing it to die, no wonder the tree went crazy.

"We're going to change the soil quality here." Pomona patted the mud on her hands, "We also need to water it regularly, and observe it for a while. If there is no problem, it should be fine."

"Change the soil? How?" Lupine looked up at the Whomping Willow, which was now a big tree.

"I want to find some chamaejasma seeds, do you know where I can find them?"

Lupine stiffened, and it was a moment before he said, "There should be one in the Potions classroom."

He was drinking the potion, Pomona realized something, but she pretended to be stupid and said, "There are all Slytherins there, maybe I should ask the herbal medicine professor."

Lupine looked at Pomona suspiciously, "Why do you ask me if you know?"

Pomona gave him a smirk back.

Most of the Hufflepuffs are very home-loving, but they also love to travel, but Dean Dorian Graplan seems to travel for too long, so that many of the jobs that require him to do are replaced by others.

Hufflepuff's current acting dean is his daughter Wilmina. It is said that she almost entered St. Mungo's, but finally returned to Hogwarts as a resident doctor and concurrently as the "veterinarian" of the forest farm.

Hogwarts has many neighbors, and centaurs can get sick. In most people's impressions, they are a group of irritable, aggressive and self-respecting barbarians. In fact, they also have doctors. These powerful magical creatures are very familiar with the animals and plants in the Forbidden Forest, but they don't pay as much attention to medical treatment as humans. For them, life will naturally end when it is time to end, while humans will do everything possible to prolong life.

The feeling of loss is too painful to accept. In the story of the three brothers, the second brother used the resurrection stone to revive his beloved girl, but the person who was resurrected was only pessimistic. She was tortured and went crazy. After losing her for the first time, he had no desire to survive, so the god of death took him away.

Centaurs don't understand human's obsession with life and death. It is not easy to deal with them and maintain peaceful coexistence. They are close relatives with unicorns. Some people say that drinking the blood of unicorns can make them immortal. Once a wizard and Centaurs get along pretty badly. Everyone was busy on the first day of school, and no Quidditch fool would break his arm, so the school doctor came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to treat the creatures in the forest.

She was smoking a pipe, dirty and unkempt at all. The half-giant Hagrid was helping her, picking up the little centaur with a wounded hoof so that she could apply medicine. Seeing the scene in front of her, Pomona felt herself The girl's heart was broken.

Even if it is not as elegant and exquisite as Slytherin, at least it must be as well-groomed as Feliway and Professor McGonagall. Why is Hufflepuff's acting dean in this style?

No man would fall in love with her. Wilmina is only in her twenties. Isn't she worried about her marriage at all?

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