Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2384 Mounts of Mercy (Part 2)

In ancient Greek mythology, Icarus, who wore wax wings and flew to the sky, people would say not to fly too high because of pride, because the wax wings would be roasted by the sun's temperature, and then he would be like Icarus Fall from a height. But it will not remind you not to fly too low, the wings will be dragged into the sea if the water is wet. After all, the moral of the story is to warn the world that modesty is a virtue. Originally, the bottom line of this world is constantly being refreshed, and some people will wear down your bottom line little by little in order to make progress. If you don’t set a bottom line, it will be easier to be controlled by others.

Before clocks and watches were invented, people mainly relied on sundials to observe time. In the pile of miscellaneous books, there were "guidelines" on how to place sundials. Since the angle of the shadow cast by the sun on objects changes with latitude, according to a certain position Crafted sundials cannot be used at different latitudes. In addition, the reality of the sundial is the apparent time, while the clock shows the average time. Even if a well-functioning clock is consistent with the adjustment of the sundial, there are only 4 days in a year that are completely consistent with the sundial indication.

In short, this suggestion is very "useful" except that the requirement is "slightly high". The poor do not have clocks in their homes. They can set a sundial in their yard according to the "guide", but perhaps they prefer to follow the church clock Voice to plan work and rest time.

There are many people who can look at a watch, but they don't understand the working principle of the mechanical device behind the surface, and what are the functions of those exquisitely structured parts.

The individual in a group disappears. A man hopelessly corrupted in his life does not consider self-improvement a worthwhile goal. Instead, he gains pride, confidence, and confidence by joining a sacred cause. , hope and identity, and all he needs to do is to let go of himself.

If they convert to a group, they will be reborn in an intimate community.

He wasn't lying that joining Grindelwald's group meant stopping Muggles from destroying the world.

The teacher will lead the students to the right path, or it may be a wrong path, or even Dumbledore guides Harry to the dead end.

This is one of the reasons why she would have doubts about Albus who appeared on the pews. Neville's being tortured by Snape was also related to his Boggart in the third year, and it was also due to Remus' guidance , for Neville to turn the Boggart into "that".

A good liar will tell you a lot of truth, but lie in key places. If there are many lies, like Rohart, even Hagrid can tell that the content of his book is false, and no one will believe it. Grindelwald even showed the "future", who would doubt what he saw with his own eyes?

As for the second reason, she was previously deprived of herself by the "greater good". Everyone has the right to self-determination, and some people will arbitrarily use concepts such as "the overall interests of society" to override individuals and obliterate the individual's right to self-determination.

Grindelwald's speech after being "elected" as the president of the International Federation of Wizards was a bit out of standard. Although he said that Muggles can't marry wizards, many people would agree with him, but this is extreme, and he was three years ago. The "hope worth proclaiming" set by Paris is the opposite.

It may be because pure blood is the majority of his supporters, and Muggle wizards have Muggle relatives, friends, and lovers.

But in the era they lived in, the main conflict among human beings was no longer wizards and witch hunts.

At the time she ignored Severus' feelings, thinking he should find a young girl to marry so that the Prince family could have someone to follow.

At noon, the "His Majesty the Emperor" who "once" divorced Josephine and later married the Austrian princess Marie Luisa for the sake of the child actually didn't give her a good look. Although that was his own misunderstanding, Padma was not part of some "little plan".

Men's self-esteem is sometimes reflected in strange places, but after all, they are all people who have not chosen to follow the crowd and lose themselves. This is another common point besides the fact that they are all "specialized and hurt". A cool head, courage and the like.

Where would things have been if she hadn't chosen to be herself, to keep that stupid compassion that cost her so much?

She couldn't imagine what it would be like if Augustus didn't choose to inherit Caesar's inheritance, but chose to be an ordinary nobleman.

It's not that she equates herself with Augustus, she's just happy to choose herself instead of abandoning "her".

She picked up the gift she had just received, and by the light of the church, she didn't understand Greek. Papyrus is suitable for preservation in dry places, such as the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, but it is difficult to preserve it in the humid Netherlands as it is now. In order to keep the literature, people often have to copy continuously. Later, with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the papyrus exported from Egypt dropped sharply, and parchment began to become the main writing material.

Papyrus was at one time a major export commodity from Egypt because the sedge from which it is made only grows in the Nile valley. In order to curb the expansion of the Pergamon library, Ptolemy V ordered the method of making paper to be a state secret and strictly restricted exports. Alternatives to what is written above.

The cuneiform script has long existed in Mesopotamia, using clay tablets and stone carvings. The advantage of writing on wax blocks is that they can be reused. There is such a wax tablet in the ancient city of Pompeii. It is a diary of a young man, recording It is his love for a woman. It miraculously escaped the high temperature formed by the eruption of Pompeii volcano. It was unearthed after 2000 and displayed in front of the eyes of the world.

At Caesar's funeral, Anthony showed the crowd the robe Caesar wore during his lifetime. It was cut by a knife and stained with blood. He also made a statue of Caesar with wax, showing his twenty-three cuts, and The theater crane lifts the wax figure and rotates it for display to the masses.

She thought she could try it out. The real identities of those assassins were the subordinates of Moreau and Osh of the Rhine Legion. They might have listened to rumors, thinking that Bonaparte sent them to Santo Domingo as a reckless move to eliminate dissidents.

In terms of wax figures, Georgiana still knows Madame Tussaud, but she should still be traveling around Britain and Ireland with her wax figures...


Just when she was in a daze, she heard someone shouting.

She followed the voice and found that it was Motier, the commander of the Seventeenth Army in Paris. "Before" because of the corpse case, Caprara had suggested that she go to him for help because his mother was British.

"Good evening, General." Georgiana smiled and said in English, "You are..."

"The British are going to hand over to us the Polish prisoners that Santo Domingo handed over to us. Now we are discussing whether to send them back to Europe or to be incorporated into the American Army." General Mortier interrupted her greetings. "They are going to war. The condition is to support Poland's independence, and Napoleon also has plans to use Poland to contain Prussia and Russia."

She froze for a moment.

"What did the Austrian envoy tell you last night?" asked Mortier. "You had better tell me the truth."

"I told..." She stopped.

He could see that she had lied, not quite a lie, she had just used a little "linguistic art" to make it look like the Austrians were planning to join forces with France against Prussia.

"He threatens me," Georgiana said to Mortier. "Otherwise, he will make the witcher tell the world that I am a witch."

"What?" said Mortier, perplexed.

"What don't you understand?" She asked back.

"Witcher, witch? Are you serious?" Mortier asked again.

Georgiana shook her head, she did not know how to answer Mortier's question.

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