Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2383 mounts of mercy (middle)

When she was still in France in the 21st century, she once heard Hathor, the God of Love, say that when Napoleon was in Egypt, she had a dream near her temple. In the dream, she asked him if she wanted a happy life. The family still wants to be Augustus.

He chose to be Augustus, and when he woke up, he had an extra sculpture of Augustus' head in his hand.

The archbishop's words reminded her that she could ask the person concerned if he had such a dream. After all, in her time, he had been dead for 200 years.

Caesar's nephew, Octavian, was born in a good family, but he was not like in the poem, "The strong man makes the moment of ease, and the moment of ease makes the weak man." When Caesar was assassinated and the situation became chaotic and dangerous, Octavian did not panic, nor did he run away or act recklessly, but returned to Rome quickly. His family objected to him inheriting anything from Caesar and avoiding those who assassinated Caesar, but Octavian accepted Caesar's will and changed his name, quickly gaining the support of Caesar's faction.

Georgiana likes Mrs. Kaiser, the nobleman of Junker, who changed her name in order to gain the favor of the locals. She even agrees with many of Frederick's views, but as the Germans of later generations said, "Frederick the Great is A great man, but God willing, don't let us live under his scepter."

Fierce faith can exert violence. Hitler once said that any violence, if it is not based on a solid and spiritual foundation, will sooner or later be shaken and unreliable.

Some people in the Crusades wanted redemption, while others wanted to protect the pilgrims. Behind these glamorous slogans there is fortune, among other reasons, and the saboteurs of sanctity are inexhaustible and unwavering.

Napoleon ordered to kill captives and resisters in Egypt, and in Santo Domingo, there were people who disobeyed the order, those soldiers were not mercenaries, they needed a legitimate reason to start the war, why kill the resisters if they were the liberators slave? If the spiritual foundation is shaken, this army will be unreliable. Groups are emotional and extreme, they cannot handle overly complex thoughts and emotions, and they will not accept contradictions and discuss them like individuals. To paraphrase Napoleon, there is no place for reason in the mind of a fanatic.

Voldemort instigated such extreme hatred that not many sane people alive really wanted him to win just thinking about facing a moody and immortal "master" like him.

Bella was very different after joining the Death Eaters than she had been at school, where she was haughty but less moody. After joining the Death Eaters, it was easier for her to use the Unforgivable Curse than to use a fountain of water, and it is even more incomprehensible why so many people still think they are cool, even Draco and his minions joined them.

This unsteady spiritual foundation will be shaken at the slightest problem. Harry Potter's "resurrection" was the last straw that broke the camel's back. It will soon become "evenly matched".

It was for these reasons that Georgiana opposed the use of common hatred as a cohesive force, turning the Pietists into imaginary enemies who would follow in the footsteps of the Jesuits. This organization was created at the University of Paris after the Sack of Rome for the purpose of the Counter-Reformation.

The archbishop's "understanding" method is simple and easy to understand, but between doing the right thing and the easy thing, Georgiana prefers to do the right thing. It is difficult to tamp the foundation of a building, but if the foundation is not firm, it will be inclined to Pisa. Like the tower, it cannot be corrected no matter how much it is repaired, and this "bell tower" has never been used as a clock tower since the first day it was built.

They need time to discuss and consider, and they are not in a hurry. The Belgians are very playful. Their biggest wish is to restore the market day and add some holy days. She also thinks that Joseph II concentrated the dates for everyone to go to the market. It's not appropriate to go together, this is going to Brussels to discuss, and she and the archbishop can't discuss anything here.

Machiavelli overlooked that no matter how suffocating the fear, human endurance is limited. Bonaparte sometimes forgot this. On the contrary, Frederick the Great was "relaxing". It can be executed after death, reducing unnecessary torture.

In fact, Bonaparte could have moved the entire Diocese of Mechelen to Brussels. Just like the political center was moved to Brussels before, Mechelen quickly changed from the capital to a satellite city. Not a big deal.

Besides cruelty and protest, it will not change any results. The identities of those people were fabricated. Kind and law-abiding citizens would not sympathize with robbers who robbed houses. Joseph II also tore down the walls of Mechelen, making this peaceful city no longer safe. After Octavian inherited Caesar's inheritance, he repeatedly emphasized that he was Caesar's son. Many people still remembered the favor brought by Caesar as a tribune, so they spared no effort to support Augustus. As a victim, Napoleon questioned those justices loudly, which can be said to represent the people. In addition, he allowed Austria to exchange public debts at a fair price. He did not need to compromise and retreat like Mary of Burgundy in exchange for the recognition of the citizens.

Belgium has also heard about the issue of farming loans in France. There are not only theological books in the church library. During the 12-year truce of the Eighty Years War, the Grand Dukes of Habsburg, Albrecht and Isabella, planned to return to the Netherlands. The destruction caused during the uprising took measures to stimulate economic development. Although the Netherlands did not recover to pre-war levels, it improved. They provided a loan that the poor could afford to repay to remedy the social disease of usury.

It would be much easier for someone to endorse the book, but as soon as Georgiana thought of Arthur Young who was almost hanged in the French countryside, she felt that there was a sword of Damocles hanging on her head. People are different, and it was still the Middle Ages.

In the pile of miscellaneous books there is also a book on how to forecast the weather. The shepherds of the Netherlands judge the weather from the color of the sun, the dimness of the moon, the shape of the clouds, the fog, etc. In addition, they observe the ants and bees. Unusual activity is also a harbinger of changing weather, and pilgrims also depend on the weather to go out.

People in that era were afraid to even take communion because they felt that they were not religious enough and their sins were too deep. These desires to purify sins created a market for indulgences. There are even people who practice penance with severe behavior in order to gain the strength to resist original sin.

This includes flogging one's own back, although that is now discouraged.

"This book is very common in the Middle Ages, you don't need to be so nervous." After reading the book in Georgiana's hand, the archbishop said.

"No problem?" she asked incredulously.

"I've seen worse than this." The archbishop smiled easily.

She smiled dryly, a little regretting her "making a fuss over a molehill".

"Don't you suspect that I am lying?" asked the archbishop.


"I know you can use magic," said the Archbishop.

"I won't use it on you," she said quietly.

"Is this a 'promise'? You won't use magic on me in the future?"

Georgiana did not answer him.

"This prophecy did work." The archbishop went on to say, "Barbarossa means red beard in Italian, and it first refers to Frederick I, who was crowned with the Iron Crown in Pavia and became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire." , and led the Third Crusade, yet he never reached the Holy Land, let alone the Holy Sepulchre."

Barbarossa Hayreddin's beard is said to be dyed red, while Frederick I's "red beard" was stained with Italian blood. Pope Hadrian IV was slaughtered, but he suffered a fiasco when he conquered Italy for the fifth time. In order to express his repentance, the emperor who was unwilling to lead the horse for the Pope knelt on the ground and kissed the feet of Pope Alexander III.

Some people also said that he did not kiss, but only signed the "Contract of Venice", returning the church property, and at the same time no longer intervening in church affairs. But Frederick I did not give up and launched the Sixth Italian War. At this time, the Lombard League was established to resist Frederick.

Frederick's sixth defeat in the Italian war ended, his influence on the church weakened again, and then he launched the Crusades. The two Roman emperors from the East and the West met unprecedentedly, and then the Germans sailed to Asia Minor. On a hot evening in 1190, the 68-year-old emperor suffered a heart attack while crossing the river, fell into the river and drowned. His death was regarded by Saladin as a manifestation of Allah.

"Why do you care so much about this prophecy?" asked the Archbishop.

"Feeling," replied Georgiana. "Also, I have a question."


"I met a man, a man I used to know, and he told me something," whispered Georgiana, "but he almost made me a man without empathy."

The archbishop's expression became serious.

"I've been taught so much about my compassion, my children, my family, everything a woman can imagine, do you think I should repent?" Georgiana asked.

"Who do you see?" the archbishop asked.

Georgiana looked at him without answering.

"The devil sometimes takes on the appearance of people we are familiar with, so you have to be careful," the archbishop said.

"I think I'm going crazy," she whispered. "I just want simple love."

"I think you should be easy to get."

Georgiana smiled.

"Why do you feel that way?" she asked after laughing.

"You are beautiful," said the archbishop.

"Don't you think that's unreasonably reasonable?" she said calmly. "When the outside is gone, there is no reason to continue loving."

The archbishop didn't answer.

"It's late, I should go back," whispered Georgiana. "Good night, Bishop."

With that, she left the archbishop's office.

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