Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2382 Mounts of Mercy (Part 1)

There was such a "suggestion" in a "guidebook" that taught women's charm and etiquette.

On the eve of St. Andrew's Day, the unmarried girl asks for an apple from the widow without thanking her, then cuts the apple in half, eats half before midnight, and eats the other half after midnight, so that the girl can sleep in her sleep. To see my future husband.

St Andrew is considered the patron saint of Scotland and was one of the original apostles. Every year on November 30th is St. Andrew's Day in Scotland, which is a festival full of celebration, food and Kelly dancing.

So it can also be understood that girls hope to get enlightenment in their dreams, see what their future husband looks like, and then look for the "dream lover" at the ball, and then they will dance to the cheerful music, and then fall in love , Get married, and live happily ever after, just like in a fairy tale.

If you don’t have a dream after eating an apple once, then keep eating it until you have a dream. Girls will not be so honest. Every time you ask a widow for one, it’s impolite to ask others for something without thanking you. Ask for a basket at a time and eat it. Until the apples go bad or St. Andrew's Eve.

This "guide" is not written in Latin, but in German. After Martin Luther's Reformation, many Latin books were translated into German. When printing appeared, German became more popular.

In other words, it was a very "secular" book. Georgiana didn't understand German, but she called the staff officer from yesterday, and he translated it for her, and then he also added it to the classification.

As for the guidebook on etiquette and charm, it was classified as "miscellaneous studies", which was the most among several piles of books, and all the "miscellaneous books" that were not easy to classify were gathered in that pile.

She personally thinks the prom is very important, but the man doesn't know what they think of it.

Not being able to invite a dance partner will put a lot of pressure on them, and the purpose of inviting a dance partner may not be so pure. They not only want to dance, but also want to spend a little time alone with the girl after the show.

If the women don't dress up, put things in a perfunctory way, and look unattractive and unattractive, they can hardly be invited to the ball, so how can she explain it to these "rational" scholars?

After hesitating for a while, she picked up the book again, and it will become her private collection in the future.

When the waiting time was almost reached, Padma seemed to be very interested in the dance downstairs. Georgiana asked the staff officer to find Richard Edgeworth and asked him to be the guardian of Ferri and Padma temporarily, and then Padma and Ferri happily went to the living room.

No matter what the Irish congressman's plan is, at least his daughter and his wife who is one year younger than his daughter are there, and there should be no unruly behavior. Then Georgiana asked the pile of religious books to be removed. to the carriage, and she rode to the Archbishop.

In the book she read today, there is a poem written like this:

Difficult times make strong men,

A strong man makes a moment of ease,

The hour of ease makes the weak,

Weak people make hard times.

The poem was written in the era of Pope Clement VII, whose father was Giuliano de' Medici, who was assassinated in the church of San Parrera in 1478 people. Clement VII was born a month after Giuliano's death, and was raised by Lorenzo de' Medici. Originally, as an illegitimate child who lost his father, he should have had a very unfortunate life. However, Lorenzo, perhaps in order to compensate Giuliano, pampered this nephew very much, so that he did not feel the Italian war and the outside situation at all.

If people only abide by the natural law of natural selection and survival of the fittest, then they will be the same as the people on that desert island, and only one or a few men will be left in the end, and he will occupy most of the resources. What made the last two men stop killing was to swear to the Bible. Although unfortunately one of them died of disease, they knew to stop, unlike the poison horned beast, which was about to become extinct in order to compete for a mate.

No one believed that the Roman Empire would collapse, after all it had been so prosperous.

However, after everything happened, the area originally under Roman rule was occupied by barbarians. They did not build roads, drainage pipes, or drinking water projects. The city was dirty and messy, and the roads were muddy. But they still insisted on pilgrimage on foot. All have calluses.

In the 20th century, it was women who wore high heels. For the sake of beauty, they had to endure the pain that could be felt when walking or standing, just like the little mermaid, although she grew human legs after drinking the witch's potion , Every step is like walking on the tip of a knife.

No one would wear boots to a ball, even if she didn't expect a prince to come looking for her with a glass slipper.

When people bear these pains, they are happy, why?

"If you want to transform a country or the whole world, you must know how to ignite hope in people's hearts." Bonaparte said to her, "A leader is a merchant of hope."

"What if merchants sell hope?" Georgiana asked back. "They will also become leaders?"

he laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Figel, who was accompanying her, asked.

"Pandora hid 'hope' in the magic box. What do you think 'hope' is?" Georgiana asked Figel.

She froze for a moment.

"You don't need to tell me, do you think hope can be sold?" Georgiana asked again.

Figel shook his head.

"Why?" Georgiana asked.

"I think hope is not for sale," Figel said.

Georgiana laughed, although she did not know why Bonaparte laughed after hearing her question, and Figel stopped asking her why.

The distance from the resident to the church was not far, and soon the carriage stopped at the door of the church, and Figel got out of the car first, because a group of people were coming out of the church.

She left the car door open and looked at the people, and they looked at her, but everyone remained silent, and the crowd dispersed silently.

After everyone walked away, Georgiana got out of the car, and then she saw "Battle Priest" Father Roy standing at the door. He was wearing a robe and looked like he had just held a mass.

"Good evening, Father," Georgiana smiled at him.

"Good evening." Father Roy said with a gentle smile, not at all as excited as he was that day.

"Is the Archbishop there?" asked Georgiana.

"He's waiting for you," said Father Roy, and led her to the archbishop's office.

Although Frederick the Great never extended his rule to Belgium, the Netherlands had become to a certain extent an ideological vassal state of Prussia. After the death of Joseph II, the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II sent troops to re-rule the Netherlands, but Frederick the Great defeated the German Enlightenment with love and justice, and Kant's obscure philosophy overwhelmingly People can't understand it.

His "monarchism" is different from what the East said, "Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize it", and it is also different from what Locke said in the Glorious Revolution, "If the monarch is unjust, he is a tyrant, and the people have the right to resist or even replace him." This tyrant" is different.

He only emphasized that the monarch has the obligation to be a wise monarch, and did not mention what kind of punishment a faint or tyrant would suffer. He protected his people like a father and strengthened them, instead of enslaving the people and enslaving the people by expanding the power of the monarch. Become a victim of the king's wanton abuse.

Frederick the Great opposed Machiavelli, and even said that The Prince is an evil book. The book said that the king should not be the master of the people, but the "first public servant", and his responsibility is to protect the group and its well-being. Satisfied people will not rebel because their ruler is benevolent, and a benevolent ruler has no fear of losing power. If the tyranny of the Spaniards had not been so cruel, the Dutch would not have risen in rebellion.

The Dutch are more suitable for the cold in northern Europe, and are not used to the heat of the equator. When the Portuguese obeyed the order of Philip II and stopped doing business with the Netherlands and changed to Hamburg, no one could replace them in the East India. Trade up.

Would they prefer to remain under Spanish Habsburg rule and let the Portuguese continue to run errands for them, or risk their own lives and toss around the seas?

Prussia is close to the sea, but none of the seaside ports belong to them. In contrast, although Austria has lost a large area of ​​land, it still has the Adriatic Sea, but the ports from Austria to the Adriatic Sea have to go through Crossing the Alps is not something a purely farming country can do.

The gods re-chained Fenrir's neck and lost an arm of Tyr, the god of war. In the twilight of the gods, Fenrir broke free from the chain and swallowed Odin in one gulp.

It was almost impossible to re-attach the iron chain to the demon wolf. She looked down at her hand and had no confidence in it.

By this time she had arrived at the archbishop's office, and he was looking at the documents on the desk.

It was a scroll of papyrus, so old and yellowed that it stood in stark contrast to the other fresh white papers on the table.

"Thank you, Father Roy, you can leave now," said the archbishop.

"Good night, Bishop." Father Roy bowed, and then exited the office.

"I hear we're going to Brussels?" asked the archbishop.

"Just these two days, wait for the notice." Georgiana said, "Or do you have other arrangements?"

The archbishop straightened his glasses, then stood up, holding the papyrus in his hand, and walked to Georgiana.

"This one is from the Reuven Library, I borrowed it out."

"What's written on it?" Georgiana asked, looking at the Greek characters on it.

"It's an ancient Egyptian's reflection on knowledge and social life. It was written in the late Ptolemy dynasty." The archbishop whispered, "God created the day and night, and all things appeared here. God created the stars, so people on the earth can understand The stars, God created sleep to end fatigue, wakefulness to find food, God created dreams to show the way to the lost."

"I heard that the Egyptians would perform dream divination in the temple, even..." She paused, and the archbishop looked at her strangely.

"Even what?" he asked.

"Nothing." Georgiana shook her head. "It's a beautiful poem."

"I think this is the endowment of divinity to the world, the combination of sacred and secular knowledge, and the integration of the laws of human society with the order of the universe," the archbishop said.

Georgiana could not argue.

"I really want to see the original." The archbishop sighed regretfully, and put it in Georgiana's hand. "Take it."

"I can't accept it." She quickly refused.

"Think of it as a Christmas present from me." He smiled. "Be careful, it's thousands of years old."

It will take tens of thousands of years for the gemstone to take shape, but it is very hard, unlike this thin papyrus, which seems to shatter when touched.

In order not to break it when she refused, Georgiana took it.

"When I go to Brussels, can I go to the library to see the books that have been confiscated?" asked the Archbishop.

"Think of it as a Christmas present from me?" Georgiana asked back.

The archbishop laughed, and she wondered why Bonaparte laughed, just as she couldn't understand why he laughed.

What the hell is a man thinking?

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