Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2381 The Rabbit That Foretells Death (Part 2)

Jacques Champollion did not actually go to Egypt, but his son Jacques-Joseph Champollion, a young linguist under 30, did apply. When the Rosetta Stone was discovered, although the hieroglyphs and cursive script named hieroglyphs on it were unrecognizable, the accompanying linguists could recognize ancient Greek, and they soon discovered that the person recorded on it was only 13 years old. The one-year anniversary of the accession of Ptolemy V at the age of 10, including tax cuts and the erection of sculptures in temples, etc.

After learning that the Rosetta Stone could not be moved back to France, people from the Egyptian Research Society made many rubbings, including the mathematician Beaulieu. In a sense, this is a "fashionable" academic circle. Gift.

Joseph did not apply because he was the eldest son. Jacques Champollion was running the business of books, almanacs and various religious relics. During that time, something happened at home, and his mother fell ill. He even found a wizard to heal his wife.

His father had to take care of his mother, so no one looked at the store. Although it was his own store, Joseph still had to work as an apprentice in a relative's store, so he missed the application to go to Egypt.

Later, the situation at home improved, and the Education Bureau hoped that linguists who could understand Latin, Greek, and other languages ​​could go to Paris to conduct research work. Georgiana had asked Bruner to snatch the books that Napoleon had snatched from the Church Library and the Alexandria Library. After copying it and returning it, Joseph saw the name of Prince Hamwas under such circumstances.

For the ancient Egyptians, the purpose of writing was not just to record. The process of writing was short-lived, and the result has a display function. It has been separated from the text itself and has become a part of the memorial building.

People listen to good words, not to mention that Georgiana is still a "prophet". Joseph is very humble, good-natured, and talented. He is a son that makes his father proud. The youngest son, Jean-François Champollion, is only 14 years old this year and has already shown amazing language talent. However, his grades at school were not good, mainly because he couldn't stand the regular life in school. Fortunately, Calmel, who taught him, had taught Joseph before and knew what kind of temper Little Shangpollion had. "Primary school students" were particularly sheltered, and he was specially guided to learn Latin while learning botany and geology.

Jacques Champollion was very happy whichever son would have a future. He was a second-hand bookseller and handled those old Latin books with ease. What gave Georgiana a headache was another St. Tirel who "really" went to Egypt. Like Cuvier, he was a paleontologist and a supporter of catastrophe theory. He was a professor of vertebrates at the Paris Museum of History. Has dissected human and animal mummies, and is still studying animal mummies.

When Alexander of ancient Greece was fighting on the Danube, there were rumors that he had already died in battle, and Thebes was in chaos. Countless "flies" took this rumor as a new opportunity, and they first attacked and killed the resident Macedonian officials. Later, Athens and the Peloponnesian states all participated in the anti-Macedonian movement, but they did not dare to do it thoroughly, because Alexander's death was just a rumor, and no one saw Alexander's body.

After hearing the news, Alexander hurried back from Illyria and arrived at Thebes in only 14 days, and soon razed Thebes to the ground.

The land of Thebes was divided up, most of the citizens were sold as slaves, and the port was blocked. The Greek states were immediately overwhelmed and sent envoys to apologize to Alexander. Within two years, Alexander consolidated his position in Greece.

It is precisely because of this that it is extremely important to master Alexander's body, but it was a hot summer when Alexander died of illness in Babylon, and the body would easily rot if it was not embalmed.

The ancient Greeks actually also made mummies. They witnessed the process of making mummies and wrote books, but the problem is that the Greeks did not have a tradition of mummification. Most of them were buried or cremated.

If Alexander the Great's body is highly decomposed or bone-shattered, how can the frightened birds in Egypt believe that Alexander is really dead? At this time, the anti-Macedonian will not follow in the footsteps of Thebes?

Ptolemy attacked Perdicca in December. After capturing Alexander's body, the funeral convoy traveled from Babylon to Egypt and placed the coffin in Memphis. The Egyptian nobles could "look at" Alexander's remains and confirm that he was indeed dead. Only then can Ptolemy, the governor of Egypt, be safe.

It is impossible for a dead body to move. If Georgiana told St. Tyrell that the mummy would run in the abandoned subway in London, St. Tyrell would definitely scoff.

Animals have no self-healing ability after death. Self-healing ability is a characteristic of living creatures. Forensic doctors can also judge whether the wound of the deceased was caused before or after death based on the healing of the wound.

Inferi are usually drowned so that no wounds are caused. It is said that Grindelwald killed the unicorn by cutting his throat and creating a wound on the corpse, and then he "resurrected" the unicorn in the water, and the wound was healed, looking very alive.

There are many specimens that look like they are alive, but are not.

Since Osiris was divided into 42 parts, upper and lower Egypt also had 42 provinces, or because there were 42 provinces, Osiris was divided into 42 parts, so 42 is a sacred number in Egypt, not only representing the body of Osiris Reunited, also represents the unity of Egypt.

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty and the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. After her death, Egypt became a province of Rome, but the Romans at that time were no longer interested in the collections of the Alexandria Library. They are keen on watching gladiatorial fights, racing cars, banquets, bathing and other entertainment in the Colosseum, and they will not have the leisure to set up a "world library" like Ptolemy.

Next to the Alexandria Library is the Museum of Erudition, which can be said to be the earliest museum. It was the scientific and artistic research center at that time, and Aristotle was the earliest organizer.

The ancient Egyptians called the library the "House of Life", which represented the order of the universe. The scribes who worked in the "House of Life" had a high status, and sometimes served as state administrators to assist the king in managing the country.

Forget the strong high priest Imerton, the real Imerton is the designer of the pyramid, he may have no abdominal muscles like other scribes, and looks gentle and weak.

The library in the Ptolemaic era was divided into two parts, one part was for scribes, and they didn’t even need to know how to read, as long as they could draw. The other is the screening department. They not only have to distinguish whether the books are real or forged, but also identify the contents of the books. This process will inevitably lead to "endless quarrels in the bird cage of the muses".

The Museum of Erudition has a garden for walking, a colonnade, an equipment room for studying scientific phenomena, and sculptures of various gods and people. In addition, there is a temple in the middle, where the statue of Aristotle is located. They are decorated with maps of the countries they traveled, and it is also connected to the small gallery of the Muses Pavilion.

In fact the scholars lived in a palatial prison, because even when they stepped out of the building, they remained in the courtyard of the palace. But before realizing it, they were "free to speak eloquently," and eloquence was part of Athenian civilization, inherited by the Roman aristocracy. But this set is useless against ancient Roman soldiers. Caesar allowed the officers to have seats, and they didn’t need to think about it. They all agreed to what Caesar said they wanted to agree to, and it was passed when the minority obeyed the majority.

So the tribunes became dictators, and Caesar was stabbed to death in the Senate.

Antony, who succeeded him, was not for nothing, Caesar did not set Alexandria on fire on purpose, and the books from Pergama's royal library more than made up for their losses.

In addition to the library of Alexandria, there is also the library of the temple of Serapis, which is equivalent to the royal library of Pergamum, which was not lost in the fire. Although 700,000 volumes were burned in the Alexandria Library, there are still miscellaneous books in it, but the Pergama Library is full of high-quality goods, and 200,000 volumes have also been earned.

After dropping a Latin book on how to treat calluses into the "Medicine" category, Jacques Champollion approached with a book in his hand.

"Look, madam." He handed the book to Georgiana.

She took it over. At first glance, this book looks like a collection of poems...

"You go back to work," Georgiana said nonchalantly.

Jacques Champollion hesitated for a moment, then resumed sorting old books with the others.

Georgiana deliberately waited for a while, until the eyes of those peeping at her stopped so much, and then left the meeting room with the book.

When she reached a safe place, she opened that page again.

"You're a real mess, Sybil," she whispered, closing the book again.

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