Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2380 The Rabbit That Foretells Death (Part 2)

"I don't understand why that law is dangerous if it's meant to prevent false accusations."

asked Padma on the way to the conference room.

"Because it only prohibits others from slandering others. Article 4 of the Witchcraft Act prohibits any improper spirit descending. If it is just for fun, it is not psychic. And once you have successfully summoned without permission, Then you will be found guilty," Georgiana explained.

"What does that have to do with me?" Padma said.

"Don't you like divination very much?" asked Georgiana.

"Professor Tenelawney's divination is not always very effective, and her 'celestial eye' is always ineffective." Padma complained, "I found that she sometimes talks nonsense."

"'Third Eye' is a kind of talent, and it is rare even among wizards." Georgiana said, "Usually, divination uses spirit bodies."

Padma didn't listen carefully at all, and Georgiana didn't bother to talk.

At this moment they came to the door of the conference room, and the servant opened the door for them.

"...so he lived on the island like this for more than ten years, until he was discovered by a passing American ship."

When they walked into the conference room, a man was talking loudly.

"At that time, there was only one adult male on the entire island, and the others were his children."

"What are you talking about?" Georgiana asked the scholars.

"Good day, ma'am." The chunky middle-aged man who spoke just now turned his head and bowed to Georgiana. "We are talking about an anecdote that just happened."

Georgiana waited for him to speak, but found that he had no intention of speaking.

"It's a warship called the 'Bonnie, ma'am," said the tall, lanky man beside him. "It sailed from Tahiti, missed the monsoon, and then there was a mutiny on board, and the sailors tried to kill the captain, and then They hijacked the ship and became pirates. They came to a deserted island, but not long after they landed on the island, the ship caught fire by itself, and everyone could not return to the civilized world. During the exploration, they found that there were still indigenous people on the island. At first They can also work together to fight against the natives. Although the natives are strong, they have guns. When the last native man also jumped off the cliff, the sailors got the native woman. The war ended with the sailors winning, but New differences began. The island was short of resources. In order to compete for a better place, the sailors began to attack each other. Whoever was stronger would have more food. In 1799, only John and Yang were left as men. People swear by the Bible that they will never fight again, and the war that lasted for 10 years ended, but only one year later, Yang died of asthma, and finally there was only John, a grown man, left on the island."

"How was this discovered?" asked Georgiana.

"There was an American merchant ship. They found cooking smoke when they passed the deserted island. The sailors rowed to find the deserted island. At that time, John was teaching those children in English and British teaching methods."

"Ahem." Someone coughed suddenly.

Georgiana didn't take it seriously. When she heard that the ship was called "Bonnie", she knew its nationality.

"Sit down, gentlemen," Georgiana said, and she sat down first, with Padma sitting next to her, and no one thought it was a problem, just like they were in the salon.

She was thinking about how to speak when a group of soldiers came in, holding a lot of books in their hands.

"What's this for?" Georgiana asked.

"The First Consul told us to bring these books here, ma'am," said a lieutenant, and the others put the books in a corner.

Everyone watched them come and go, and it took her a while to remember the purpose of the meeting.

"Have you heard of Hamwas? He is the fourth son of Ramses II." Georgiana asked.

Scholars looked at each other.

"I think, I seem to have seen this name." A middle-aged man said, "I saw this name in the Alexandria Library."

"Be more specific," said Georgiana.

"The library of Alexandria suffered a fire during the Caesar period, and many books and papyrus were burned. Anthony took 200,000 volumes of books from the royal library of the Atari Dynasty in the ancient city of Pergamum and presented them to Cleopatra. , as compensation for Caesar's burning of books, I found the name of Prince Hamvass in these royal collections. That book talks about the establishment of the Library of Alexandria during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, and Eumenes II's plan to be in Pergamum The process of creating a library to rival that of Alexandria."

"What did he say?" Padma asked.

"Go and fetch Philil," Georgiana said to the guards, and then to Padma, "he just talked about the establishment of the Alexandria Library and the Pergama Library."

"Where is Pergama?" Padma asked.

"Do you know where that ancient city is?" asked Georgiana.

"Take out the map." The middle-aged man said.

Then another person spread a map of the Mediterranean Sea on the table from the briefcase.

"Probably in this area." Pointing to the Anatolian Peninsula and the Balk River Valley, he said, "It is said that the Acropolis of Pergamum was built on a high mountain. In the Acropolis, there is also a colonnade named after him built by Eumenes II. During his reign, the Pergamons invented parchment, because the ancient Egyptians stopped supplying papyrus. In medieval Europe, the earliest form was a scroll, which was later changed to a book."

"Okay, I see." Georgiana looked away from the map, "Eumenes II wants to create a library that can't lose to the Alexandria library, and then?"

"The book collection at that time was like a big treasure hunt. Although the books were expensive, book lovers from official to private were willing to pay high prices. This spawned many counterfeiters who made huge fortunes by forging manuscripts. The veil of these fakes requires advanced knowledge, so the contents of the royal library are credible.” The man sighed, “The Ptolemaic dynasty’s enthusiasm for books is unprecedented, and it has surpassed the vanity of the king, especially It was Ptolemy I, who was originally a general under Alexander the Great..."

"The first ruler is also a general." Georgiana interrupted him, "You can't say that the general doesn't like reading."

"He once carried the body of Alexander I into Memphis. Although the ancient Egyptian capital Thebes and other cities later, they still could not affect the status of Memphis, including the capital there during the reign of Ramses II, even though he Unsatisfied with it, he built a new city as the capital ten years after he came to the throne. Prince Hamwas is the high priest of Memphis Puta God. He is knowledgeable, advocating ancient culture, and has restored many temples. He has a The son's name is Theo Sal. He was gifted since he was a child, and he surpassed other people in Memphis at the age of 12. One day they saw a funeral by the roadside. The deceased was a rich man, and on the same day there was a poor man Dead, he was wrapped in a broken mat, ready to be dragged to the desert for burial, Prince Hamwas took Theoser to the underworld to watch their plight. Prince Hamwas found a magic book, Ptolemy I Seems to want to find it too, so I collected books everywhere, and accidentally built the Library of Alexandria."

The audience began to whisper.

"Do you know the name of that magic book?" Georgiana asked.

The man shook his head.

"What's your name?" Georgiana asked.

He was about to speak when Ferri came in.

"Jacques Champollion, I'm a bookseller," said the man who told an exaggerated story.

Georgiana laughed. "You'll have a brilliant son, too."

Jacques Champollion froze for a moment, and Georgiana stopped talking, thinking about what question to ask next.

Pitcairn Island, Britain's smallest colony, the name of the ship is bounty

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