Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2379 The Rabbit That Foretells Death (Part 1)

I don't know if anyone has noticed that Ron Weasley has a "relationship" with the girls in the dormitory where Hermione lives.

First, at the Christmas ball in the fourth grade, Ron was Padma Patil's dance partner. He originally wanted to invite Hermione, but his "Hey, you're a girl" was rejected by Hermione. Pomona couldn't imagine what Padma would say when she came back to the dormitory after such an unpleasant night and met Hermione who was crying with Ron.

Second, Ron Weasley was "in love" with Lavender Brown in the sixth grade. Pomona also couldn't imagine how the two would get along after Lavender returned to the dormitory. Oh, no, during that time Hermione would stay late on purpose in the library, and Lavender should be asleep when she returned to her bedroom.

Third, Ron Weasley and Hermione got married.

She also never imagined that one day she would give Ron the title of "Good Fortune".

Padma was always inseparable from her sister Parvati, even though they were not in the same academy. This led to the fact that although they were the most beautiful, they did not find a boyfriend until they graduated. It’s still the same when they come out to work now, but the boys outside the school have to take the initiative. Padma and Parvati both have suitors. He translated the hieroglyphs on the stone coffin to Padma.

In the 21st century, who would be fascinated by mummies in BC, but think about the high priest Emmerton who played the villain in the movie...

However, the boy who translated for Padma was a typical Englishman, pale as a ghost, and very thin, without the fit and handsome physique of Firenze the Centaur, who seemed to come out of myths and sculptures.

If myths are fiction, why do people read them?

Just like the Trojan War, the ancient city of Troy has long since disappeared from the earth, but there are still people looking for it.

Many cities recorded in the Bible can also overlap with some existing place names.

Assuming that all the eldest sons died in the ten plagues of Egypt, then according to the order, the second son will become pharaoh. Drowned in the sea, the third son would become pharaoh.

This is logical, but there is no evidence to support it. Instead, it is like Kant's illusion, which paints a deliberate illusion with the color of truth, imitating the meticulous art of sophistry stipulated by human logic.

A similar situation is also found in Chapter 11 of Kings in the Old Testament, which records Jehovah’s rebuke to Solomon. Jehovah once warned him not to follow other gods, but Solomon did not obey his instructions.

Disaster did not come until after Solomon's death, all for the sake of his father David. The seventy-two pillars of Solomon are recorded in the occult book "The Key of Solomon". Some of the powers of these "demons" are quite decent, teaching human astronomy and identifying herbs. Legend has it that Solomon signed a contract with them, and they were ordered by him, and the real master of the demon gods is one of the seven demon kings of hell.

The legend of "The Key of Solomon" was written by Solomon based on the "Book of Rojael" written by an angel, which records the rules and spells of summoning.

In "The Book of Enoch", Luo Jieer gave the book to Adam who was about to be expelled from the Garden of Eden out of sympathy. Later, the book was taken away by the envious angel and thrown into the sea. Finally, God sent violent angels to take it back, and Donate this book to Nok, Enoch imparted the knowledge in the book to Noah, Noah built the ark, and finally the book was obtained by King Solomon, and its whereabouts are unknown after that.

Solomon was the builder of the First Temple. He prayed devoutly when he placed the Ark of the Covenant, and God loved him very much. How could he follow other gods?

Solomon, like Ramses II, had a huge harem with many foreign women, including a Sidonian woman who introduced their goddess Ashtoreth and the Yemenite god Miller to Solomon.

Sidon is located in Phoenicia, on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a large port city, especially famous for its dyes and glass products.

Ashtaroth is the god of fertility in Phoenicia, but also the god of love, the sister of Baal, and represents the moon before the fall.

Baal is the number one demon god among Solomon's seventy-two pillar gods, and his position is the monarch. He can bestow the ability of invisibility and treachery on human beings. After the fall, Ashtaroth still retains the title of "Queen of Heaven", but he is the Duke of Hell. He talks about advocating freedom, but actually teaches people to be lazy, and this is the real master of the seventy-two pillars, Bailey The power that you represent.

The fall of Ashtoreth may be related to the rise of Ishtar, the goddess of Venus and fertility in Babylon, who is also associated with war. Later, Babylon captured Jerusalem twice, and people including Jonah and other prophets became "Babylonian prisoners", and the First Temple was destroyed.

After Solomon's death, the kingdom was split in two and eventually destroyed by New Babylon.

Babylon is a fallen city in the mouths of later generations, and the goddess Ishtar they worship has become a bloodthirsty "banshee of the night".

Ishtar has a younger sister, the goddess of the underworld, Eriskog. Unlike the glorious Ishtar, she lives in the dark underground. She took her scepter and ring when her sister lived in the underworld, and became a "The Queen of the Night", and the Queen of the Night is often identified as Lilith.

Lilith was already a witch before the Bible, and she would kill fragile babies and throw them into her blood. "Bloodline" regards Lilith as the first vampire, and Cain became the ancestor of vampires in the 1990s. Cain was punished by God for killing his younger brother Abel out of jealousy.

If you sow the land, the land will no longer work for you, and you will be wandering on the ground.

Then came the turn of the Greek Aphrodite, who was no longer fertile. Goddesses and the sacrificial ceremonies worshiped by goddesses cannot be compared with the celebrations held by people when they were in full bloom.

However, "The Key of Solomon" was published during the Renaissance period between the 14th and 15th centuries. During this period, printing developed rapidly. The Hammer uses the word maleficarum, which represents the feminine, and the persecution targets of this book are mainly witches.

"The Key of Solomon" not only has Phoenician gods, Amon is the supreme god of Egypt, but he is the seventh Marquis among Solomon's seventy-two pillar gods. His main ability is to discern the past and the future, mediate Dispute and reconciliation between friends.

Consisting of several city-states, Phoenicia was not a populous country like Egypt, but they started trading in the Mediterranean very early. People at that time believed that the Atlantic Ocean was the end of the world, and no one had left the Strait of Gibraltar. Egypt had powerful chariots, but it lost to Phoenicia in navigation. So in Nico's time, he called several Phoenician navigators to prepare to open up a new sea route. With the support of Pharaoh, these Philip The Nikki traveled through the "end of the world" and "discovered" the "New World" stretching north to Britain and south to the Cape of Good Hope.

By the 14th and 15th centuries, both Phoenicia and ancient Egypt had disappeared, and even the texts they left behind became unreadable, but Egyptian mythology still survived in the form of oral tradition. This model of pillar gods is the ancient Egyptian god system. In ancient Greece, someone wrote "Theogony", which tells the process from the earth goddess Gaia to the Olympus gods ruling the world. Most of the content is between gods The struggles and transitions of power involved no mortals.

In the "pre-dynastic" period before the agreement of Upper and Lower Egypt, there were more than 40 small countries in the Nile River and Delta, and each place had its own local gods. There were more than 2,000 in total. After the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, there were pillar gods and Memphis gods. Among them, the Heliopolis mythology is the most influential, that is, the creation theory of the nine-pillar gods, and there are also the Hermopolis gods and the Memphis gods of the eight-pillar gods.

In the Memphis mythology, the god of creation is no longer Ra, but Puta. He first created the nine gods with his heart and tongue, and then hid them. Horus represents Puta’s heart and often appears in the image of Puta. , Tut represents Putah's tongue, which also appears in the form of Putah.

Horus is the falcon that flies high in the sky and shines like the sun, and Tut is associated with mummification and the underworld. In the Memphis pantheon, the "sacred language" is the core of creation. Each hieroglyph is an image of an object in the real world. It is difficult for the words themselves to express concepts and thoughts. It can be said that symbols communicate concepts. The world and the real world of thought.

When the universe was in chaos, the ancient Egyptians called it "the time when nothing can be named", the monarchs of ancient Egypt would leave their names on buildings and sculptures to prevent being forgotten.

Things can exist only when they are called out by name. When exorcising demons, they always call "your name, demon". The erasure of names can be understood as "disaster of name destruction", which is the most severe punishment. And those demon gods who have been delisted don't want to be forgotten, they will come up with some tricks from time to time, to show their sense of existence, and let their names be remembered by people.

This is what the young man who pursued Padma told her. In the 21st century, which girl would still be fascinated by mummies from BC.

But Padma wants to catch the mummy running around, this is her job, she still has to listen if she is not interested.

The ancient Egyptians called magic Heka, which was the power of the Creator God when he created the world. Heka is also the name of the Creator God and is the oldest god. The use of magic requires spells. To record the spells, you need The same magical text, according to the young man's understanding, the book of Tut that Prince Hamwas saw should be a book of runes. After peeking at the magic book and reading its contents, the prince was also punished. After realizing that humans cannot master the magic of God, the prince returned the magic book and sealed it in the tomb.

"What? What do you mean, what is going back and sealing it in the tomb?" Georgiana asked Padma.

"Hamwas stole this book from someone else's tomb. The whole family of the person who first stole this book was cursed by Tut and died underwater." Padma replied, "The prince put the book back to that person. in his tomb and sealed it, but it could have been placed in his own tomb, which had been stolen when the Arabs found it and only a sarcophagus remained."

"So they brought back such unknown things?" Georgiana waved her hand incredulously, "And the British still moved such unknown things to the museum?"

"It wasn't bought directly from the museum, but from a private collector, and the family was drowned," Padma said. "They were going to attend the ceremony in Egypt, but the whole train fell into the river. .”

Georgiana was too shocked to speak.

"Except for occasionally wetting the ground, it's not a threat. I thought it was about the same as a weeping myrtle." Padma complained. "Who knew it would become like this."

"You know how Mrs. Doris was attacked by the basilisk that year, and she survived by chance." Georgiana said sternly, "She saw the reflection of the basilisk in the water."

"Who are you?" Padma asked.

"If you're as studious as Hermione Granger, you'll know my name." Georgiana said obliquely, "How many courses did you take in the third grade?"

Padma didn't shut up, she asked instead, "How did you get involved with Napoleon?"

"No, it doesn't matter!" Georgiana retorted with a smile.

Padma looked at her critically.

"It's all imagination, understand! Everything will disappear after you leave!" She said sternly.

"Really?" Padma asked defiantly, "Can you forget him?"

Georgiana said nothing.

"Who is Mr. Smith?" Padma asked again.

"Who told you that!" Georgiana raised her voice.

"I have ears, so I don't care what others say."

Georgiana was silent for a while, "Why are they talking about me behind my back?"

Padma smirked, "I'm not as studious as Hermione, maybe you should ask the studious Hermione."

Georgiana's mind was clouded with rage, and she was beginning to understand why Severus wanted to teach Harry "some lessons" when he was contradicting him in class.

But her character is to swallow her anger, or in other words, she is not as knowledgeable as a child.

"Mr. Smith is also in your imagination?" Padma asked aggressively.

Georgiana, who originally wanted to let it go, suddenly became angry, and she sealed Padma's mouth.

"What you just said is taboo, understand?" Georgiana said coldly, and Padma looked at her with horrified eyes.

What she used just now was the wandless silent spell, which happened to be the opposite of the book of mysteries that needed to be recited.

But aren't the priests reciting the hymns of God?

"Britain is not safe at the moment, there is also the "Witchcraft Act." Georgiana whispered, "You can stay in France, and no one will dare to touch you with Bonaparte."

Padma looked at Georgiana, she released the spell on Padma's mouth.

"But I don't understand French," Padma said, covering her mouth.

"I know a translator, she can follow you." Georgiana thought of Philier, "or you can learn a new language."

"How long are we going to be here?" Padma asked.

"I'll wait until Mr. Smith comes to pick me up," said Georgiana wearily. "Before then, if you have a chance, go by yourself."

"What if he doesn't come?"

Georgiana did not answer the question. The scholars who had gone to Egypt with Bonaparte were waiting for them, and she did not want to keep them waiting too long.

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