Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2378 stupefy (Part 2)

In the fourth exhibition hall of the British Museum, there is a bust of Ramses II. It is said that there is a hole on the right shoulder of the statue of Ramses II, which was caused by Napoleon when he was about to remove the statue.

The entrance to this exhibition hall is the Rosetta Stone. The French only took away the rubbings of the stele, and boarded a British warship and returned to Europe.

On the night when she entered this world, she saw the "reflection" in the fountain in the Louvre Square - the pyramid under the sun. At that time, she thought it was incredible and thought she had seen a hallucination.

There is a pair of Nefertari's shoes in the Louvre Museum. After thousands of years, although it was once carefully crafted, it has become dilapidated and cannot be worn at all, but Pomona still sees it. It is like being worn on the feet, leading her in the front.

Ramses II was a long-lived pharaoh. He had eight regular wives in his life, and Nefertari was his favorite one. Even Hathor, the Egyptian god of love, was created in her image.

There was such a case in Greece in the 4th century BC. The ancient Greek god of love, Aphrodite, was originally dignified and noble. Her image is generally dressed in a long skirt. There is a sculpture called Praxiteles. But the family took a different approach, using a woman named Phryne as a model, and carved an unprecedented nude Aphrodite.

She has a beautiful figure, and her eyes seem to be shining with charming watery luster. She is so charming that she shows the splendor of the god of love and beauty. However, the original buyer refused to accept this sculpture, because this statue of the god of love is to be enshrined In the temple, the sculptor had to re-carve Aphrodite with clothes, and the one without clothes was bought by a Nidos.

He enshrined this statue in a forest on an island, and built a small temple for her, which was originally private, and later more and more people came to visit this small temple and sculpture, Nido The island of Sis became more and more famous, and this Aphrodite was hailed as the most beautiful statue at that time, and the Nidos also cast her on coins.

Of course the Greeks knew about it, but they were very angry, because Phryne, the model, was a priestess of the Temple of the Sea God. Walking up the steps of the temple to the main hall to worship, her body only belongs to the gods and not to mortals.

What's more, it is also a sacrilegious act to use her image to sculpt Eros, so Phryne was brought to court and tried by 501 citizens.

If she is found guilty, she will be sentenced to death. Due to the overwhelming evidence, neither the engraver nor Phryne can deny it. Taking off her gown, she asked loudly to the stunned jurors, "Isn't it an act of reverence to use such a beautiful body as a statue of the god of beauty? Don't you want to watch such a beautiful carcass disappear in this world?" up?"

The jury, who was shocked by both vision and soul, finally acquitted Phryne. There was a painting in the Louvre that described the scene at that time. The painter put Phryne in the center of the painting, and subconsciously covered his face with his arms. face, showing her shyness when she was just uncovered. The defense lawyer next to her was wearing a blue robe, and opposite was the juror wearing a red robe. These people looked at Phryne with pity, comprehension, greed, or dullness.

In ancient Greece during the Trojan War, the bride had to show her body in front of the guests. If Phryne was a secular person, it would have been no big deal.

But Phryne is a priestess, just like those people accused her of crimes, her body can only belong to the gods, not to mortals.

"The Book of Tut" is not a name that few people know. In the Middle Kingdom period, "Khufu and the Magician" has already told the story of Khufu spying on the mysterious knowledge, a bit like the fairy tale of the wizard who only wants to have magic The difference is that this magic book was written by the god Tut, and Tut was the ibis who recorded it with a reed pen and papyrus at the link where Osiris called the heart.

There is a House of Truth on Senet that uses its image, but this book, like the Deathly Hallows, has always been regarded as a fairy tale, and people like Dumbledore and Grindelwald have followed along. Clues to pursue, but no one ever found.

Even if she discovers it by chance, it will be proved to be a forgery in the end. She really didn't expect that this book would be related to Ramses II.

Ramses II lived a long life, had many wives and concubines, and had many children. Who would care about a prince who was not a pharaoh? Even the pharaoh has been forgotten after so many years.

Ramses II is remembered by the world not only because he was the pharaoh who chased Moses to the Red Sea in the story, but also because he was a ruler who was keen on building monuments. During his reign, he built fascinating cities, The Nile River presents a prosperous and prosperous scene, and the succession of foreign wars has determined Egypt's sea and land hegemony. Therefore, people call Ramses II "the darling of the sun". In contrast, Thutmose, the founder of the new dynasty, The third is less famous.

They were of the Luna family, with the Moon often considered "feminine" and the Sun representing masculine.

Tutankhamun was the last pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Not long after his death, the eighteenth dynasty was overthrown. Ramesses I passed the throne to Ramses II one year after he founded the nineteenth dynasty. Just like the moon sets and the sun rises, people start a new life under the sun.

At night, most people will choose to sleep, and some people will start nightlife. However, if there is no light when the day should be bright, this rule will be broken and people will panic.

Georgiana didn't think about the Ten Plagues of Egypt before. She thought it was caused by a solar eclipse or some volcanic ash covering the sun.

If, according to the Hebrew classic "Book of Radiance", light is the shadow of the body, and darkness is itself, then this is God showing the body?

The disaster of the eldest son followed the disaster of darkness. The eldest son of Ramses II did die, and at the same time, the elder brother of Ramses II also died, which allowed Ramses II to ascend the throne smoothly.

Just because Prince Hamwas did not fight for the Pharaoh's scepter does not mean that he is not in love with power. The High Priest of Amon also has great influence.

"What are you thinking? So serious?" Bonaparte asked lazily.

"Have you ever heard such a saying." She lay on the pillow and asked, "Gods exist because of people's belief and awe. When people no longer have faith and awe in them, they will lose their power in the world, and even perish."

"Where did you hear that?" he asked perfunctorily.

"The so-called devils are originally gods. Do you think the disasters brought by Jehovah are not scary to the Egyptians?" Georgiana asked.

He kissed her, then got up and went to drink water.

She looked at his back, his body was long and short, and he couldn't compare with David at all.

He just stood by the window for a while, maybe because he felt cold, he threw a piece of firewood into the fireplace, then lifted the quilt, and lay down beside her again.

"Your student, why did she come to you?" He said lazily.

"She's in trouble," Georgiana said.

"She can stay in France, where no one dares to touch her, neither God nor devil."

"You're not interested in her?" Georgiana asked suspiciously.

He smiled smugly "Are you jealous?"

With a sullen face, she pinched his arm hard.

As a result, he was even happier. He got up and scratched her body, making her giggle.

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