Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2377 stupefy (in)

It has been largely overlooked that a Victorian English butler once wrote a book called Housekeeping in which the art of meat-cutting was mentioned, but it is important to every household. It is very important for comfort and saving money. The right cut of meat can not only satisfy the choices of each member at the party, but also make good use of the remaining meat for the next meal.

First of all, to cut meat cleanly requires a sharp knife with a medium-sized blade, not too bulky.

The second is to put the meat on a large plate that can be turned over, and the plate should also be firmly fixed on the table, and the position should be close to the meat cutter, and the distance between the meat cutter and the meat cutter is just enough to put down the plate for the barbecue. Can.

Thirdly, the loins, breasts and necks of mutton, lamb and veal must be properly cut before evisceration, or even the most skilled carvers will be in trouble. full.

The meat has different textures, the strands of meat should be sliced ​​thinly, if anyone has eaten a high-end Spanish ham, they will see that it is usually sliced ​​​​as thin as a cicada's wing, which is a harder meat, sliced ​​​​thinly Easier to chew.

The ribs will be more tender and can be cut thicker, but the part where the bones and meat are connected should never be chewed in the hand. Cut into thin slices with a boning knife.

The most delicious meat on animals is under the ears, next to the eyes and the sides of the cheeks. Even for cattle, there is not much meat in this part. The meat in this position is often given to the most distinguished guests on the table.

So having a full plate doesn't mean hospitality.

Bonaparte used to have someone who cut meat for him, but he was not so "delicate" and finished his meal in 15 minutes. This meat cutter was later sent to cut bread for war survivors, which was also a job. His purpose was to create jobs, not like before the outbreak of the Great Revolution, when a large group of people lost their jobs without any relief, food prices rose every day Rise, can only rely on debt to survive.

The current situation is very strange, Bonaparte actually sits at the dining table to accompany Georgiana and Padma to eat slowly.

She believes that it is not difficult to find someone who can speak English and French in the patrol team and who speaks funny to liven up the atmosphere of the table. Awkward.

"Not to your liking?" he said suddenly.

Padma seemed to be frightened, and subconsciously looked at Georgiana, while Georgiana looked at Padma's plate, the meat inside hadn't moved at all.

Obviously, Padma had already realized that when she learned that the aggressive man was Napoleon, he had been dead for two hundred years, how could a dead man sit here and eat? It's not a Hollywood movie.

"He asked why you don't eat." Georgiana translated sternly.

"I'm not hungry." Padma said warily.

"This is a local custom." Georgiana translated to Bonaparte, "In some parts of India, beef is not eaten."

He looked at Georgiana with an inscrutable look.

That's when she realized how difficult it was to keep smiling.

"What tricks are you up to?" He asked just as she was being watched fidgeting.

"Don't you have a lot of things to do?"

"No rush." ​​He said leisurely, "I find this place much more interesting."

"Who are you?" Padma asked Georgiana.

"Remember what your dance partner, Ron Weasley, was wearing that day?" Georgiana said with a smile.

Padma put her arms around her chest, "That doesn't mean anything."

"Let me think about something else, your owls test results..."

"Enough!" Padma stopped, "But I haven't seen you at school."

That's because she drank the potion, of course, it's also possible that she was dreaming, wishing she was a beautiful half-breed Veela.

Her fertile imagination thought she was the daughter of Cours and Veela, the last heirs of the French Lestrange family, and Severus was delighted.

"What are you talking about?" asked Bonaparte from the sidelines.

"We belong to the same school," replied Georgiana.

"I know, you only have one magic school in England." He said calmly, "Are you classmates?"

"No!" she said exaggeratedly "how could you think that?"

"A woman's age is always a mystery, not to mention that you are still witches." Bonaparte said blankly, "Although you all seem to be in your twenties."

"She's not like me, she's human," Georgiana said.

He stared at her, as if waiting for her to continue.

"How did you come into this world?" Georgiana asked Padma in English.

Padma looked her up and down, eyes full of distrust.

"Or do you want me to leave and you two communicate on your own?" Georgiana said in French.

"Is this not your plan?" asked Bonaparte.

"What?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

He put his arms on the table and turned sideways to face her.

"Your 'little plan'."

She didn't realize what "little plan" he was talking about.

Bonaparte tilted his head to signal her to look at Padma.

She thought about it for a long time, and then realized that if she really had a "small plan", she should have left at this time, and let the two of them "communicate" alone.

She was so angry that she lost her mind.

"I wouldn't do that to my students."

He smiled sarcastically, "You don't want to know my opinion?"

What are you asking, Your Majesty, are you satisfied with what you see?

She knew she shouldn't listen to Caroline's bad idea, she didn't want to bear it any longer, covered her unfinished lunch with a napkin, and then ordered Padma to leave with her, leaving Bonaparte alone in the dining room .

There is an opera called "Madama Butterfly", although it is only an opera, a geisha named Jojo San "married" a U.S. Navy officer under the introduction of a broker, and the Naval officer also had a wife in the United States. When he came to Nagasaki, he took away the child born to Qiaoqiao Sang.

If it was a disobedient woman, Qiao Qiaosang should find a way to find out what deal the naval officer had made with the Japanese, and when the American couple came to snatch the child, he would use it as a threat to tell the American consulate, newspapers, etc.

As for the wife of the US military officer, she also chose to endure in order to maintain her marriage. She might not be able to have children by herself, so she adopted the children born to her husband and other women.

Josephine was unwilling to accept the offer, and she was reprimanded by Lucien. The seemingly "sensible" Georgiana is now shooting herself in the foot. They didn't go too far, that is, at the door of the restaurant.

"You go back to England immediately."

"Why should I listen to you?" Padma folded her arms around her chest in a defensive posture.

At this time, she couldn't listen to "I'm doing this for your own good".

"Do you remember how you came into this world?" Georgiana asked.

Padma recalled a moment.

"If you want to leave, go back to England to find clues, and I will find someone you can trust to help you."

"What about you? What are you doing?" Padma asked.

"Do you know how hard it is to find someone who has trusted you before?"

Padma didn't make a sound.

Georgiana thought of Wilberforce, not only because he worked on the abolition of slavery, but also because he was disabled and could not pose a threat to Padma even if he wanted to plot evil.

But Wilberforce was a friend of little William Pitt, and she didn't know what the Muggle was thinking, anyway, she didn't want Padma involved.

"I was patrolling the museum," Padma said. "Someone said they saw a running mummy in the subway."

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"When the Arabs occupied Egypt, they found a sarcophagus. They didn't know what it was for, so they moved it away and used it as a baptismal basin. They dug a few round holes in the bottom of the sarcophagus for drainage. Later, People from the museum bought it back, and when I checked the mummy, I saw water everywhere on the ground, and the water came out of the sarcophagus."

"Water?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"How could he still be alive?" Padma lowered her voice and said to Georgiana, "I still have a problem with my memory."

"You remember correctly, he is indeed dead." Georgiana said to Padma, "People in this world are neither really dead nor alive."


"Do you know whose sarcophagus it is?" Georgiana asked.

"The son of Pharaoh Ramses II, a prince named Hamwas," Padma said. "He is the fourth son of Ramses II."

She was a little surprised, was this the Gryffindor she knew?

Then Georgiana asked, "What's so special about him?"

"Many people say that in the Book of Exodus, the pharaoh who chased Moses to the Red Sea was Ramses II, but it is more likely to be Melenputa, the third son of Ramses II, the eldest son and After the second son is dead, it will be his turn, and if Melempta is also dead, it will be Prince Hamwas' turn, but Hamwas does not want to be pharaoh."

"What does he want?" Georgiana asked impatiently.

"He's looking for the Book of Tut." Padma lowered her voice and said, "As long as you find this book, even Muggles can use magic."

"He found it?" asked Georgiana.

"It is written on his stone coffin that 'he chanted a mantra to the surface of the water, and the water appeared in its original shape in response to the sound'."

"Georgiana!" cried Bonaparte impatiently.

"I must go back," said Georgiana.

"Go back?" Padma said in disbelief. "Are you crazy?"

Unable to explain to her, Georgiana turned and went back to the restaurant.

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