Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2385 Consequences of Victory (Part 1)

On March 15, Caesar's nephew was far away from Rome, because at the end of 45 BC, Caesar sent him to study abroad in preparation for the future expedition to Parthia.

For four months, Octavian lived with a group of friends and attendants in Apollonia on the west coast of Macedonia, a city strategically located along the Via Egnatius, which crosses the Greek peninsula to the In the Aegean Sea, since Apollonia had been treated well by Caesar, the locals welcomed his nephew very much.

In winter, Octavian received voice training and practiced speeches. In that era, there was no amplification equipment. Even so, not everyone could hear it, and orderlies were required to read from a distance.

One day, while he was training with cavalry made up of non-citizens, he was informed of Caesar's assassination by a letter from his mother, written on March 15th, which contained only Caesar's assassination The messenger didn't know much about the basic situation. He left Rome immediately after receiving the letter, and came here in a hurry. Octavian's mother urged him to return to Italy immediately and to keep a low profile.

Soon the news of Caesar's assassination spread, and the military tribunes and centurions of the various legions stationed nearby came to visit Octavian, expressing their sympathy and anger towards the assassin, and expressing their support for him, some even said Willing to accept his command to march on Rome. Among other things, all six legions stationed in Macedonia were formed by Caesar after the Battle of Pharsalus, and the initial appointment and subsequent promotion of each officer required Caesar's approval.

The wars in the East are famous for their lucrative profits. They are grateful for the benefits that Caesar has given them in the past, and they also hope to get rich rewards in the future. In addition to the soldiers, representatives of the city of Apollonia also came to express their condolences and ensure the safety of Octavian.

The news of Napoleon's assassination in Mechelen also spread in Paris. Similar situations happened before. Napoleon died in the Battle of Marengo and Desai. Napoleon was sad for several days. As a result, Le Brun and others thought that Napoleon died in battle. At that time, the Gendarmerie Commander Moncey was responsible for protecting the smoothness of the lines of communication and communication, but he was harassed by the guerrillas, and then the ruling people began to "prepare" for Napoleon's death in battle.

Motier rushed to Mechelen from Paris. He heard the news from the British ambassador about the delivery of Polish prisoners of war. Spread the word about everything you see in Santo Domingo.

Pomerania, which belongs to Sweden, strangles Prussia's mouth to the sea, but Prussia also has Hamburg on the Elbe River. Down. Although winter was approaching, the British Navy would not sail in the Baltic Sea, but after the resumption of navigation, the required asphalt and food supplies still had to be obtained from the shore.

In this situation, despite the bombardment of Copenhagen by the British Navy, Prussia hoped that Britain would modify the strict "Navigation Regulations" 11 hours after Napoleon passed the English Channel.

Prussian writers and critics criticized a series of diplomatic measures after Prussia withdrew from the anti-French alliance in newspapers, believing that it was "self-destruction" and would bring "mortal danger". But considering Prussia's financial deficit and integration with the newly occupied Polish territories, this may have been their best option at the time.

Whether it was the Seven Years War or the American Revolution, it can be seen that the war in North America was not worth the loss. France lost a large number of North American colonies in the Seven Years War. The North American Colonial Assembly felt that it no longer needed to pay taxes to England for defense. If it was only for the natives, The militia is enough.

This is the opposite of the US Department of Magic and No-Majs. They adopt a strict registration system for wands. Unlike the Constitution, everyone is free to hold a gun.

Death Eaters unleash the Dark Mark during their attack on the Quidditch World Cup, making headlines at the time. When Grindelwald participated in the election, supporters from all walks of life cast their own markers in the downtown area of ​​Berlin. It is not clear whether it is because Grindelwald made the International Statute of Secrecy lose its authority, or the fanaticism made the wizards ignore the International Secrecy Law up.

Grindelwald's believers are not that crazy, at least they rushed up the mountain when Grindelwald was not elected as the president of the International Federation of Wizards, and Grindelwald left by himself.

However, living in the Muggle world is still more comfortable than hiding in the mountains. In 1760, the Magic Congress moved to Williamsburg, Virginia. At least wizards can buy coffee and bread in the small shop on the road after work, without having to do it yourself. Take the seed, turn it into a tree with the Farmer's Growth Curse, then roast it yourself, grind it, brew it, and finally get a cup of coffee.

But living in the human world requires money. In the speech in Paris, you can see a lot of ragged people. These are "pure-blooded nobles", and their life is not as good as the Muggles they call "pests".

The Gaunt house was, in the words of Voldemort's father and his girlfriend, a "disappointment" that they didn't want to approach.

The Gaunt family used to be rich too, and the ancestors left nothing to their descendants, except for Slytherin's locket, rings and a "noble family tree".

The Wool Workers’ Uprising in 1378 was an armed struggle for poor people to seek equality, but purebloods never felt sorry for themselves, at least they didn’t want to change the status quo because they were cornered and couldn’t survive.

The traditional poor will feel satisfied after getting the minimum food and clothing, but the pure-bloods are the frustrated ones. They attribute their failure to the existing restrictions. Grindelwald gave them a banner of justice, that Wherever the flag goes, it can guarantee that the house of that family will be reduced to ashes, and those who implement it will not feel the slightest sense of guilt.

They will plausibly tell the audience that this is saving the world, and then walk away.

The best thing to do would be to nip it in its infancy, but sadly the British Ministry of Magic missed the opportunity, presumably the Aurors are too busy touring romantic Paris at their own expense, dating or whatever.

This led to the end of the war. The decline of pure-blood families led to their underpopulation. Although there are many Muggle wizards, it is very difficult for them to become "soldiers". There were not many members of the Order of the Phoenix. During the first wizarding war, many people died because of betrayal by traitors. In the second wizarding war, even fewer people were willing to come back and continue to fight. Even people like Mundungus joined. But she still learned something from that organization, unity, tolerance, trust, there is Snape who is worse than Mundungus in the Order of the Phoenix, he is a former Death Eater, and there must be a clear goal, No one wants to follow a leader who is not in his right mind.

Equality without freedom will create a more stable social model than freedom without equality, but this is the same as the "Declaration of Independence" that all men are created equal, and the creator endows them with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness Contradictory.

If groups cannot think about contradictions, then individuals should have time to think about contradictions.

How can slavery and equal freedom coexist? No one is willing to be an immoral person. Although slavery was called a "necessary evil" in the founding period, it should be eliminated after stability, instead of "the happiness of the slave" and the misery of the free worker. "For comparison.

The slave owner feels that he is moral and benevolent, so he does not feel that slavery is unjust, and the slave also feels that he is luckier than free workers, so he does not feel that there is a problem with this system.

The fact is not what the designers of this set of rules thought. Equality has a target. The equality of the colonial parliament is the British Parliament, and the target of freedom is not bound by the United Kingdom. They are not willing to lower the standard, and The poor and the slaves are equal.

The road of pioneering and entrepreneurship of the farmers in the westward movement is the road of suffering for slaves and the road of blood and tears for the aborigines, but it is almost impossible to stop them now.

The conflict in the Mississippi area is on the verge of breaking out, and the attitude of the British Parliament will be different from the present if the sale of even barren land in Louisiana.

After understanding the general situation, Georgiana was taken by Motier to her suite at the residence. Everyone came, and then Motier left and closed the door.

Farron handed her a document.

"What's this?" Georgiana asked.

"A letter of protest written by the British ambassador in Hamburg, who has been restricted in his freedom and cannot leave the embassy." Farron replied.

"Who did it?" Georgiana asked.

"How would Haugwitz persuade other northern cities to join their alliance without Prussia's intervention?" asked Bowens, who was planning to open a cotton mill.

Georgiana looked at Aston Martin, who remained silent.

"Sit down, gentlemen," said Georgiana to them. "Would you like tea or coffee?"

"None of it," Bowens muttered. "Damn coffee."

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