Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2356 Red Queen and White Queen (Part 2)

Pomona was a horticulturalist, not an agronomist. In Snape's words, she took care of the garden, but that didn't mean she didn't have basic knowledge of agronomy.

Repeated cropping is also called continuous cropping obstacle. It refers to the continuous planting of the same crop on a piece of land. Not only the fertility in the soil is taken away, but also diseases and insect pests are left. The reason for potato late blight is to a large extent due to repeated planting of a species made of potatoes.

However, high-yield potatoes can solve the problem of food shortage. Belgium, with its fertile soil, does not have to worry about food problems, but food exports have caused the country to grow potatoes to solve the problem of food and clothing. If labor from abroad is added, the gap will be even greater. More potatoes need to be planted, and the late blight that Georgiana fears could break out in Belgium.

She hoped that she was thinking too much. Who would think of cheap labor like she did when a normal person heard Irish people?

Originally, she also came to Belgium to promote sugar beet planting. Planting rotation can change the ecological conditions of farmland, increase biodiversity, improve soil, and sugar beet root secretions can inhibit the occurrence of potato late blight. Damn" sugar isn't that easy.

She never dreamed that Ghent was the first to accept it, thanks to the "help" of the archbishop, and Napoleon also did him a "little favor" by restoring the annuities of his nieces.

To convince the Archbishop of Mechelen also needs some conditions. Bonaparte has already relaxed, allowing them to open non-medieval schools, and may also allow Bianju to continue to exist. It is said that it is not suitable for children to grow up in a monastery, and they have to go to school anyway.

This seems to be more lenient than Joseph II, but the act of confiscating books makes people easily have bad associations, but if she is like Mary of Burgundy, she will also weaken her step by step in order to gain the approval of the locals. For herself, she could only comfort herself that this was not restricting freedom of speech, but dealing with "waste newspapers".

She herself wants to write a book on "The Dangerous Relationship Between Replanting and Cropping", but late blight has not yet appeared, so she can't prove that beetroot can "cure" late blight.

However, it will be too late to plant sugar beets after late blight, so what's the use of "foreseeing" the future.

Some vampire worshipers fantasized about the "First Embrace" as a way to obtain the power of "immortality" from vampires. If someone told them that the power of vampires cannot be shared with them, they would not be able to bear it.

People will choose what they want to believe, and the formation of this "prejudice" is also based on the original memory. They will continue to collect various evidences in memory and reality that are consistent with this original impression, and ignore those that are consistent with the inherent impression. contrary facts.

For example, people preconceived that Prussians are unsmiling, and finding a cheerful, laughing and dancing Prussian cannot change people's inherent impression of them, but they think this person is a weird and special Prussian.

Stereotypes and labelled perceptions provide an answer to an age-old question: People continue to believe lies even when the truth is blatantly revealed.

The Muggle Dursley family believed that James Potter was unemployed and alcoholic, while Lily was a rebellious girl. After marrying him, she gave birth to a child and was unable to raise him, so they placed Harry at the door of the Dursley family. Fernon and Petunia It was "good intentions" that didn't send him to the orphanage.

The Dursleys have a house, a car and can go on vacation because they are conformists, not "black sheep."

In fact, it is also possible to deal with the problem of heavy cropping without planting rotation, but to adjust the formula of fertilizers according to the soil conditions. Organic fertilizers made from vegetable leaves and fish scales are like plant ash, with a very low useful content of only 25%, while industrial alkali is much higher. There are too few active ingredients in organic fertilizers. The use of chemical agents can accurately control the formula ratio, but it will also produce residues. Improper or excessive fertilization will also lead to soil compaction, acidification, and salinization, which not only reduces yields, but also damages the environment. Therefore, it is very important to strictly control and adjust the fertilizer formula.

Tartar usually appears in high-quality wines, just like blood coagulation, which is not harmful. There are also minerals in grapes. The more mature the grapes, the higher the chance of tartar, but in places where the knowledge of wine is weak, they think it is Harmful substances are the manifestation of wine deterioration. After the tartar is filtered, it looks clear, but the original taste of the wine has also changed.

Alum is a very common substance in tap water. It is used to disinfect tap water. If one day the water plant adds more alum to the water, you can see that the liquid that flows out is not clear but milky white when you turn on the tap.

Alum stone was used for mining before finding a way to synthesize it artificially. The market in Bruges was once the center of European trade, where you can buy wool from the entire British Isle, lead and tin from Cornwall, and northern England. Coal, copper from Ireland, eagles and hides from Norway, peas, butter, horses from Denmark, herring in salt, furs from Sweden and Russia, precious metals from Bohemia and Hungary, wine from the Rhine, hides from Spain, olive oil , canvas, silk, figs, and rice, sugar, pepper, spices, gold thread, and alum from North Africa and Asia Minor.

The Hundred Years War between Britain and France in the 14th century made the economy sluggish for a time, but around 1380 the economy recovered again, and Bruges became the metropolis of Northern Europe again. The period of Burgundian rule coincided with the period of economic recovery. Wealth gives good Philip the idea of ​​becoming the new leader of Europe and hosts a pheasant feast.

At the beginning, using alum as a dye was an "open secret" in the guild, and later it was known by a tax collector, so alum or alum stone became an important source of taxation.

In the 14th century, Flanders used spices instead of hops to brew beer. Hops were both flavoring agents and preservatives. Before that, the recipe of this spice was monopolized by the nobles and the church.

But in 1462, an alum mine was discovered in the territory of the Papal State. At that time, Pope Paul II saved his own expenses for the Crusades and various expenses of the church. After discovering the "gold mine", he immediately sent an agent to sell it everywhere. , but Italian merchants in Bruges continued to sell Turkish alum. In 1491, Antwerp established a trade center for selling Pope alum. During this period, a riot against Maximilian I broke out in Bruges. However, most European traders chose Antwerp, and the business center was transferred from Bruges to Antwerp.

In fact, even if the canal was silted up and the boats could not go in, people would use hands and carts to complete the final cargo transfer. Seeing that the situation was not good, the English sent the fabric to Antwerp to be dyed.

At this time, Spanish wool also began to be exported. In 1493, Pope Alexander VI drew a meridian. Antwerp happened to belong to Spain's "sphere of influence". However, Antwerp became a trade center for Portuguese colonial goods, mainly spices. 15 Although South America was discovered at the beginning of the century, no silver mines were discovered. It was not until the second half of the 15th century that prospecting began. Before that, the silver that the Portuguese needed to do business with Asia was mainly provided by Central Europe, and Antwerp also obtained Baltic wood from Central Europe. and Spanish leather places.

Bruges was thus "forgotten".

Although Antwerp is a small bank that cannot provide the funds as large as the state-owned banks, it is a center for currency exchange. Not only Austria has Maria Theresa Thaler, but Prussia also has Frederick the Great Thaler. Although Maria Teresa Thaler is well-made and has a high silver content, Ottoman Turkey signed a treaty with Austria. In the future, Austrian merchants do business in Ottoman without converting into Ottoman currency. This can be understood as a "currency treaty." Conversely, a "currency treaty" can also be signed, stipulating which countries must exchange their currencies for francs before trading in the French ruled area.

Denmark's finance minister called it a monetary union, Sweden had intended to marry Prussia, the marriage fell through, and if they succeeded the nascent country would have a monopoly on Baltic trade.

Denmark's Copenhagen is located in the Sound Strait, and Sweden's Malmö port is also there. The difference between the two is that the west bank of the strait is Copenhagen, and the east bank of the strait is Malmö. Copenhagen was bombarded by the British Navy, but Sweden's Malmö was not. These merchant ships passing through the strait went to Sweden to pay taxes.

Originally, Denmark and the United Kingdom were married, but George III's sister Caroline was expelled, and her husband was unable to handle the government due to mental illness. The current state affairs are represented by the crown prince. There was speculation that he would marry his step-grandmother and a Prussian princess backed by Frederick the Great, but he ended up choosing a princess from the Hesse-Kassel family, which had marriages to both Denmark and England.

Britain also dealt a blow to Britain in 1800 when it attempted to bring Denmark into the blockade against France, and all trade ceased during the war. With the support of the crown prince, Denmark joined the Alliance of Armed Neutrality. Britain asked Denmark to withdraw from the alliance, but Denmark refused, so there was bombardment of Copenhagen.

The Minister of Finance of Denmark was here to "see", but he intervened in the destruction of "banned books", and he couldn't even try to be invisible.

Not only did Shapthal improve the French way of making gunpowder, bypassing British trade sanctions, which the French dubbed the "Nitre Revolution," but he also deciphered the dyeing process of Turkish red cloth, which brought him a marriage , also ruined a highly profitable trade for Ottoman.

When he cracked it, he used Bertolt's chlorine bleaching method, and Georgiana also met Bertolo, who helped her bleach and re-dyed some old patterns of silk in stock. Bertorley was also the physician of the Duke of Orleans, and the bleaching agent of the Bertorley bleaching method did not require salt, so it was cheaper than the cotton cloth that needed to be bleached with industrial alkali produced by the Lublain alkali method.

Even if Britain stole the Reublan soda law, unless Britain abolished the salt tax, how could Britain, which abolished the salt tax, support the military expenditure required for the anti-French alliance war?

Napoleon restored the salt tax, and he could collect taxes from the soda-making enterprises in a fair manner, as long as Bertot did not leak the secrets.

Boyle defined acid and base as "imaginary hostility", "salt is a combination of an acid and a base", such as hydrochloric acid and a base to form salt, water and carbon dioxide. But the sodium chloride produced by this industry and the sodium chloride produced by the salt industry are inedible because it contains heavy metal residues, which are produced during the manufacturing process. Concentrated sulfuric acid and copper do not react at room temperature, but will react after heating, and this is also the drawback of the Lublain soda production method, which will cause corrosion to equipment.

She remembered that Bernadotte seemed to be attacking a city that seemed to be good at making brass friezes.

She shook her head and ended her "delusion".

Due to Kados's leak, the Magical Congress of America was not sure whether the Forgetting Curse had cleared everyone's memory. Now she has encountered the same problem. The French Ministry of Magic is also not sure how many people heard the roar of "Judgement Angel" Maria.

Although Grindelwald has "Third Eyes", he can't see through Albus' deliberate deception.

Grindelwald is not like Voldemort, he still loves Albus, he wears a blood oath around his neck, strangling will kill people. His abnormal performance at the conference may make people feel disappointed. Where is the careerist who talks freely in Paris, turns truth upside down, confuses black and white, and speaks eloquently?

Love makes people blind, and the first half of the name of Aphrodite, the Greek god of love, means unwise.

If he had lost his mind and had no regard for decency, he might have said this to Albus: "Why did you try to lie to me? I never meant to hurt you."

It was so embarrassing, just like the man who lied to many women, but pretended that he was deeply in love with his dead wife. Just when he was about to repeat the same trick again, the "ex-girlfriends" came to the door, and in public Beat him up.

Not all men are like him, but his existence will lower the IQ and standards of men in the whole street, so that all witnesses feel ashamed of him.

Grindelwald's performance was okay, he didn't completely collapse, but he was a little incoherent.

Grindelwald is also human, and everyone has weaknesses.

In his letter to Albus, he said that the great White Wizard was a hypocrite, and he was the one who understood Albus best.

When she walked to the door of the church and looked at the altar she had stood on before, she had a very weird feeling.

There is a world-famous painting depicting Napoleon's coronation ceremony. After he put the crown on himself, he put it on Josephine.

As Perus did in Andromark, written by Racine: I give you my crown and my heart, Andromark, rule over Abier and me, I swear, will Do fatherhood to your son.

It's a pity that Ou Ren lost the right of inheritance. Lucien has already told her not to mention this matter, let alone intercede for Ou Ren.

Josephine told her through Lenorman that she approached the handsome Darter for the purpose of inquiring about the news in the parliament. What if that was a lie she deliberately fabricated? Didn't Georgiana look silly for believing her?

She is not a smart person, but she wants to prove that she is wise, and she really wants to prove what she has.

She smiled wryly, turned and left.

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