Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2355 Red Queen and White Queen (Part 1)

Nick Flamel once wrote in his "Book of Hieroglyphs", he exchanged 2 florins for an ancient and huge book, which is not like other books, using paper or parchment, but made of Made of fine smooth young bark, the cover is tightly bound with brass.

Father Grégoire once told her that the former Germans used birch bark as paper to write, and the book on making the Philosopher's Stone bought by Nick LeMay, if that person can already turn stones into gold, he still needs to Do you use bark to write?

"Before" she didn't care about these, now she is "free".

Bonaparte is really a busy man. He is forming a so-called monetary union. Tetens came to the meeting this time to see the situation.

He didn't say that Denmark would also join in, just to see, this kind of large-scale meeting will have foreigners trying to get in, including the French National Assembly. Because he was a bystander, he was not in a hurry. After drinking a cup of coffee, he went for a walk to the Grand Councilor's Palace. When passing by the square, he discovered the "terrible" scene.

Hermione Granger discovered Nicole May through a "pastime" book, and Georgiana also found interesting content in this "How to Care for Your Cardigan". In the Middle Ages, people used alum to dye woolen fabrics. This is an "open secret" in the textile industry. Wool is a fiber that lacks affinity. After using alum as a mordant, the fiber can be colored to form a variety of colors. The fabrics, ancient dyes are mineral and plant, some of them are acidic, some are alkaline, the author of this book has done a lot of experiments and told housewives what detergent to use to wash woolen sweaters, not only will not let sheep The sweater shrinks and still keeps the colors bright.

He also wrote a little trick at the end, mix useless paper with alum and boil it together, add rice soup after the shredded paper turns into a paste, the sticky stuff after stirring can be used to repair cracked furniture, and Or find a bucket or something, and slap the pulp smooth on it, so that you can get a utensil that can hold bread, and you don't need to spend money on it.

She's not sure if it's useful or not. Shaputal is a chemist. Even if he doesn't have time, he still has Farron. As long as it proves that this method works, then she plans to find someone to smash up those newspapers and reuse them. That's all. It is absolutely impossible to burn directly with fire.

That would bring back unpleasant memories for many people. After the Enlightenment, people rushed to get rid of the shackles of the church. Laplace's book on the nebula didn't even leave a place for the Creator because he didn't think it needed.

Habits are necessary and dangerous, useful but also harmful. It can undoubtedly save time, energy and thought, and help us get used to the world. When action becomes an instinct, it can be done without thinking, just like It's as easy as walking and drinking water.

But its cost is also huge. It often has a standardized cognition, and this stereotyped image will make people generalize. She almost forgot that the Rappaport Law was passed in 1790, because Dorcas Twelve Trees told a handsome Muggle young man too many secrets about the wizarding world, so Macusa had to change the headquarters , then U.S. Secretary of Magic Emily Rappaport issued a law banning Muggles and wizards from marrying.

Not all wizards are evil, and not all Muggles hate wizards, but neither the Scavengers nor the pure-bloods think so.

Ancient pilgrims would wear a kind of green glasses. At that time, it was impossible to make colorless glass. After being polished, the green glass could correct their poor eyesight. Pilgrimage is one of the few pilgrims who pass without traffic and tax. Caravans in the Rhineland Every time you pass a pass, you have to pay a tax, which is not conducive to trade.

Although we can see clearly with green glasses, the color of the world has changed. While solving a problem, new problems are created, which may even hinder us from adjusting ourselves and adapting to the world.

Natural selection and survival of the fittest are the fittest rather than the strong. There are many animals that are stronger than humans. They have sharp claws, teeth, and huge bodies, and they all lose to humans without these in the end.

Voldemort is also very strong, but he has not become the final victor, and his thinking does not adapt to this era.

Some thoughts and habits of Muggles are changing wizards. Malfoy is so familiar with the magic power of money that he neglects the real magic. Several missions have been messed up, and he is about to face Voldemort's wrath.

The advantages of the villain are as eye-catching as the stars in the dark night, while the shortcomings of the decent are as dazzling as the ink dots on white paper, no matter which one is difficult to ignore.

In fact, she herself, like Tetens, does not want to burn those books, but the people who printed these newspapers have not been found yet, and she does not want to kill people for these "waste newspapers".

Why is childhood so short? But when we were children, we always hoped that we could grow up as soon as possible, and it was impossible to go back.

She also couldn't understand why anyone would expect to live forever. Although Voldemort failed to obtain the Philosopher's Stone and use it to create a new body, he used other methods to resurrect.

Someone will definitely covet this technology, the premise is to find the information he left, if he left any.

After finishing all this, she remembered that she hadn't eaten lunch yet, but she was not hungry at all.

When she first came to this world, she could not sleep or eat for several days, because she is not from this world.

Even now, she eats and drinks according to everyone's schedule, as if she was alive.

What is the principle behind the formation of this world?

She looked up at the sky, expecting a snowfall, but there was no cloud in the sky.

In addition to flying, this weather is also suitable for Quidditch.

Ron Weasley wanted to be the captain of Quidditch from the beginning of school, and he saw himself like that in the Mirror of Erised, but he was only a goalkeeper and a substitute.

"What do you see?"

She heard someone whispering in her ear, and for a moment she couldn't tell who it was.

"Me and you." She said softly, "What about you?"

"If you want to look at me, I'm afraid you have to bow your head." The man said, "I can't fly in the sky."

She slowly turned her gaze to the other side.

"What was the conversation with the Danish minister?" asked Bonaparte.

"Just a pedant," she said perfunctorily.

"Did he say he was interested in joining the Union of the Francs?" asked Bonaparte.

"He said, let's see." She said a little unhappy.

"What else did you say besides these?" He asked persistently.

"Don't light the 'vanity fire' in front of so many people, it's almost Christmas."

He was a little upset.

"I found someone to do an experiment, heating them with alum, to see if they can be made into paper prizes, and then used to repair furniture." She said softly, "It's like recycling old newspapers."

Only then did his expression soften a little.

"Where did you learn that?"

She picked up the Latin copy of How to Care for Your Cardigan.

"Learned from here."

He didn't speak.

"I gave it to Father Grégoire." She put down the book. "He will collect the useful books."

"You can keep your books in Brussels, and the books of the seminary are also stored there." He turned and left after speaking.

She suddenly understood that Josephine would feel confident enough to ask Bonaparte, "Who else will love you?"


He stopped and turned to look at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Where's my guardian?"

"He signed a contract with us, and 50,000 Irish people will come to Antwerp to work, and he may be contacting this matter now." He said and left.

Georgiana was worried.

Potato late blight will not break out in Belgium, will it?

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