Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2354 mystery montain (below)

In 21st-century travel magazines, one can see that the assassination of Lorenzo and Giuliano took place in the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore, and guides will even tell tourists that when Lorenzo hid in the sacristy, his wife Still yelling his name outside.

This is a very touching plot. Lorenzo's wife, Claris, came from an aristocratic family, but she didn't look down on Lorenzo, who was born as a "commoner", even though she knew that the marriage was to improve the social status of the Medici family. .

However, in Machiavelli's book, the assassination took place in the church of Santa Reparata. April 26, 1478 was Easter, so a high mass was held, and almost all the celebrities in Florence went. If Lorenzo's The wife was outside the sacristy, and the assassins couldn't break open the door of the sacristy. Would they take Clarice as a hostage and threaten Lorenzo to open the door?

If they had done that, it would have violated the prohibition to do so in the church under the witness of all the celebrities in Florence.

Similarly, although Lorenzo temporarily hid in the sacristy, he could not stay there for a long time. This was not only because there was no food and water in the sacristy, but also because the situation outside was changing. If their allies get it, then even if Lorenzo does not die, he will be expelled from Florence, and it will not be that simple to regain power.

Mass is usually held during the day, but Easter is different. There is a vigil on Easter Eve, similar to Christmas Eve. Most families will have a big dinner together, and then some families will go to church to hold mass, usually Ends at midnight.

Choirs would take to the streets to sing Christmas carols, an old tradition, and there was a song called "Silent Night" where children would fall asleep to the songs and parents would stuff their presents into their ready-made stockings.

It’s a good way to spend Christmas like this, but it’s not the same as in the Middle Ages, parents took the whip and beat the children as “gifts”.

At that time, materials were scarce, many countries did not advocate mercantilism, commerce was not developed, and secular kings were not as rich as the church. Therefore, many commercial activities were carried out around religion, and the needs of ordinary people were ignored.

It takes a lot of thought to decorate the Christmas tree every year, even in wizarding schools. Most children from Muggle families don't feel any strangeness, but this has actually gone through a struggle, just like the fountain of luck. It was canceled, and then the students simply didn't spend Christmas at Hogwarts at all, and went home to reunite with their families.

Christmas had been hard for Harry the first year, and he didn't want to leave school to spend the holidays with the Dursleys, and neither did they. Albus wanted the "crowded" Weasleys to stay, arranged for Molly and Arthur to meet Charlie in Romania, the twins and Ron stayed, and as for Percy... he was probably busy running for prefect Kind of thing. Also taking this opportunity, Albus returned the Invisibility Cloak to Harry, which was a very important prop for Harry's next adventure.

Lorenzo didn't have an invisibility cloak, but he escaped the sacristy anyway, how did he do it?

Perhaps the night is the best invisibility cloak.

When Lorenzo of Francesco Pazzi fled, he immediately felt that he was in danger, so he had to go home and try to get on his horse, because according to the original agreement, he was going to ride all over the city and call everyone Uprising. But he was bleeding profusely, and a leg injury prevented him from getting on the horse, so he asked his elderly father to take the part for him.

The father didn't participate in this matter, but he couldn't stand the son's request and agreed. They are father and son, and they are very similar. In the dark of night, he deceived the people in the ruling palace, but the ruling people who guarded the palace threatened "Francesco Pazzi" with stones. Just when he hesitated, the old father's brother came, He recognized his elder brother at a glance. He advised his elder brother not to participate in the commotion and to stay at home like other citizens. Then the old father went back, but he did not stay at home as the brother said, but took His followers left Florence.

He did not take away Francesco who was lying at home. Although Francesco was his son, he was not the only one, not to mention there were other clan members in the family who did not participate in his plan. Lorenzo's in-laws, Guglielmo de' Pazzi, had his wife intercede with Lorenzo to save her from death, and the citizens came to Lorenzo one by one to offer their allegiance to him.

Denmark’s Deputy Finance Minister Nicola Tetens also expressed the same meaning. Georgiana should go to Napoleon to intercede and ask him to show mercy. Don’t set fire to the confiscated books in the square in front of so many nobles and dignitaries. It's Christmas time, and it's more suitable to put a Christmas tree there.

Nicola Tertens is Professor of Physics at Bizo University, Head of the Department of Mathematics at Keele University, and Professor of Philosophy. Courtesy of scholars is something that European monarchs will do. Even if Tetens is not the Deputy Minister of Finance of Denmark, his status alone cannot put him in prison directly.

His main academic work is philosophy, or early psychology. His research direction is to compare the relationship between memory and sensation with the relationship between vision and first-knowledge sensation. He noticed that it is difficult for people to simultaneously pay attention to the original possibility of memory and actual observation, and more emphasis on primary memory of primary observation. In other words, one observes a person according to one's own stereotypes, regardless of what he actually is.

For example, Albus and Grindelwald, they are superb manipulators, they can not only smell the weaknesses and fears of others, and help them, give them guidance, but also are good at using the kindness of others to achieve their own Purpose.

How would many people react when they heard for the first time that someone described the "White Wizard" in such an "outrageous" way?

People will preconceive Albus as a "hero", and these things are only done by villains, such as Grindelwald.

Since they do it in exactly the same way, what makes Albus Dumbledore a "hero"?

Just like a dream, you only remember what the dream was like when you fell asleep, but you don’t know what happened between closing your eyes and falling asleep until the dream started. Only by understanding "how did I get here" can you be freed .

Both Hermione and Harry are from the Muggle world, they don’t understand the wizarding world, if Voldemort can even forgive the pure blood traitor Weasley family, then why can’t people who are much better off than their family swear allegiance to Voldemort, get What about his forgiveness?

Next, when Voldemort set the rules and set up a half-blood wizard committee to screen some wizards, Muggle-born wizards were first cleared away, their positions were vacated, and key departments would be occupied by Voldemort's henchmen, just like Defense Against the Dark Arts Classes and Muggle Studies are taught, but other less important ones can relax the restrictions. Who will complain when they get the benefits?

Ron came home, he "betrayed" his friends and chose his family, this would be Voldemort's promotional material, anyone who still has faith in Harry Potter and still resists is ridiculous, they can't even Walking on the street aboveboard and being hunted down by the search team, Neville and the others lived in the Room of Requirement.

Clear ideas may be matched with cloudy thoughts, and clear thoughts may be matched with cloudy ideas. If you have made sufficient preparations, then your perception will not be easily passively perceived by external impressions, just like a pawn, do what others say.

Most people think that the Church of Our Lady of the Flowers was the place where the assassination took place, but you said no. There was a small loophole when you listed the evidence. For example, the assassination took place on April 26, but you said it was April 27. They'll stick to that, and how do you know that what Machiavelli wrote is true?

You're lying.

No one will believe what a liar says.

As a chess piece, some people can play and follow the chess player's instructions, but some don't.

In the final moments of the wizarding union election, Credence exposed Grindelwald.

He was only a child, albeit a long-lived one among the Obscures.

How could he be bred to be a killer?

And Harry Potter, 17 is considered an adult in the wizarding world, but not in the Muggle world, and Albus sent him to die because Albus believed that Harry was the last Horcrux.

Albus is old and confused, and the curse and pain may make him lose his mind, a very simple logic, if Voldemort knew that Harry Potter was his Horcrux, why did he want to destroy Harry Potter, he didn't know Li is only able to do that with his own horcruxes, and in order to make up 7 horcruxes, he will make one more.

Whether it's the induction of Parseltongue, Harry, and other Horcruxes, all phenomena indicate that he is a Horcrux. Clear ideas may match vague thinking, and clear thinking may match vague ideas. It is not true that if you are fully prepared, you will not be passive.

But at least Harry still had a happy campus life, and Credence felt lonely after Grindelwald left, even though Gellert gave Credence a wand and a phoenix.

Grindelwald comes from Durmstrang, a magic school that is "tolerant" of black magic, but Krum, the Bulgarian suitor, is very popular. People's "primitive memory" of Victor is that he is the most popular in the world. A good Chaser, even the "golden boy" Harry Potter has been overshadowed. No one thinks he is a dark wizard or evil.

But in the maze he was scary, even though he was being manipulated.

Black wizards are sometimes scary and sometimes gentle. There is a psychological phenomenon called Stockholm Syndrome. Mentally healthy people will find these people strange. How can the kidnapped recognize and sympathize with those kidnappers?

Even Voldemort has a side worthy of sympathy. If you agree to sympathize with him and become his follower, then you must always be careful when he is in a bad mood and uses the Avada Kedavra. The person who has benefited does not really hope that he can win.

On Earth at that time, only Albus Dumbledore was able to draw with Grindelwald. Choosing to betray Grindelwald meant joining Dumbledore's camp. At least Albus seemed quite normal. Is that really the case?

That magic school is heaven for the children, but it is a monastery for the teachers. After all, their principal is not a wizard, but a "monk". Apart from eating sweets, he is abstinent, and the biggest obsession in his heart is his family .

He really wants his family, so he integrates into family life, but he doesn't get along well with Aberforth, or in other words, he doesn't have the same language as Grindelwald.

When the children grow up, they will leave their original families to form their own families, and the brothers will go their own way.

Another time Georgiana would have suggested that Tettens read some Buddhist books, but now she has pressing problems to address.

The longer the confiscated newspapers dragged on, the more nights and dreams they would have, and it would even make Napoleon lose his prestige and make a joke instead.

Just like Grindelwald's election, it was like a farce.

However, even with the ability to predict, it is still impossible to control the future development. After all, what Grindelwald sees is the future.

He can't change it, even if he's a lying prophet.

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