Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2353 mystery montain (middle)

After 200 years, Florence's Santa Maria del Fiore church is finally topped out. This church is the crystallization of centuries of art. It is intended to replace Florence's 4th-century Basilica of Santa Reparata.

No matter how carefully maintained, buildings have a lifespan, unless, like the ship of Theseus, old parts are replaced with new ones.

On April 27, 1478, it was a Sunday. Lorenzo de' Medici and his younger brother Giuliano came to the Basilica of Santa Rappalata. The church was already crowded before the arrival of the two brothers. At this time, Francesco of the Pazzi family came to Giuliano's side, hugging him tightly, chatting and laughing with him.

Giuliano is a well-known libertine in his family, but it doesn't mean he has no brains. He knows that the Pazzi family is spying on the power of the Medici family. If there is any misconduct, so I pretended to be friendly with him, and several people walked towards the church together.

Just as he was walking to a pillar, a person suddenly jumped out. Before Giuliano could react, the short sword in the opponent's hand pierced his chest.

Before the worshipers came and screamed, Giuliano had already taken a few steps, and then fell to the ground, and then Francesco, who had been with him just now and was talking and laughing, threw himself on top of him, and then fell on the ground. He made a few more cuts, probably because he was too anxious to strike, so that he stabbed himself in the thigh, and the blood immediately stained the floor of the church, which frightened the cardinal.

Next to Lorenzo are Antonio from the Pazzi family and a priest on the right. The two attacked Lorenzo together. Lorenzo immediately took out his weapon to defend himself after realizing that he was attacked. With the support of the side guards, he narrowly missed the fatal attack.

But they could not get out, for the church door was shut and guarded, so they had to run into the sacristy.

Everyone reacted, there was a shrill noise, no matter how many other assassins, they tried to break open the door of the sacristy, but in vain. At the same time, there were other people who came to the palace of the ruling group and tried to launch an attack. They first occupied the door, because this door has a special design. Once locked, it cannot be opened from the inside or the outside, and a key must be used. .

Having seized the gates they began to slaughter the palace, and the ruling corps, who were eating, immediately grabbed whatever weapons they could get their hands on, and fought them.

Pope Siscot IV also knew about this, but he only admitted to the murder, and did not order the criminals to be severely punished, or to respond in other ways. He was very busy at the time.

The first thing was to confront the Ottoman Empire. The previous Pope Paul II raised Sophia, the last princess of the Eastern Roman Empire. His successor Siscot IV married her to Ivan III, the Grand Duke of Moscow, intending to let them go from North to contain the Ottoman Empire.

The second thing is to rebuild Spain and establish the Inquisition and the Sistine Chapel. The pope made a lot of money by buying and selling priesthood and indulgences.

The third thing is to deal with the marriage of Mary of Burgundy. In 1477, Charles the Bold died in battle and left a daughter. After a series of competitions, Maximilian I of Austria finally became her fiancé.

The international train that Pomona and Severus took passed through Innsbruck, but they didn't get off at this stop. They just looked at the colorful houses against the snow-capped mountains outside the window. By the way, she took a look at the introduction in the travel magazine. The local landmark Golden Roof was built to commemorate Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy. From the photos, it is very luxurious and looks like Braban Tingothic.

Maximilian I, who succeeded to the throne as Holy Roman Emperor in 1486, was rescued by his father's troops and was imprisoned in the home of a pepper merchant. After the death of Charles the Bold, not only did he intend to carve up Burgundy abroad, but also the country was in chaos. Some town craftsmen launched counter-judgment, advocating the restoration of the share of power in the civil government. In order to win the citizens' affirmation of her inheritance, Mary signed the "Great Charter" at Ghent with one concession after another, restoring all the local and public rights abolished by Charles the Bold and Philip the Good.

Embarrassed by her concessions, Mary wrote to her fiancé, Maximilian I, asking him to "help". Maximilian I did go, and he defeated Louis XI in order to protect his wife's territory. The two gave birth to a son in the second year after they got married. Therefore, the ruling and inheritance rights of the Burgundian dynasty were incorporated into Ha The Booths family.

Unfortunately Mary fell to her death while riding a horse in 1482, and Maximilian I became regent.

He was imprisoned because of a conflict with the Dutch parliament until his father sent troops to rescue him. Although the power to review books belonged to the pope at that time, since the split of Catholicism, the power of the pope has declined greatly. Correspondingly, the power of the emperor has increased greatly. If you want to print books without being suppressed, you need the emperor's approval, otherwise you will It was wiped out and destroyed, but the method of destruction was "a little bit" too radical to ignite like Savonarola.

When Georgiana came to the square, the old man picking up books was protesting with the police. She heard words such as "savage" and "ignorance" from a long distance away. let.

"Who is that person?" She asked a policeman who was on duty and watched the excitement.

"The secretary and deputy minister of the Danish Ministry of Finance seems to be a professor at some university." The policeman said to Georgiana, "He is here for a meeting."

"A meeting? What kind of meeting?" She couldn't react for a while, and asked subconsciously.

The Belgian policeman pouted in the direction of the Grand Council.

Georgiana didn't ask why Denmark's deputy finance minister didn't go to the council meeting, but came here.

If they were ordinary citizens, the police would have stopped them long ago, and it was impossible for an old man to enter the scene.

She knew that the destruction "injured innocents", how could the royalists use Latin to write articles printed in newspapers.

But she didn't want to make extra trouble. The city of Mechelen recognized Austrian rule very much, and they still miss Margaret of Austria.

If Napoleon hadn't been assassinated, would he have yelled at the judges of Mechelen as he did his own subordinates?

It was precisely because of the wanton publication of royalist newspapers that they were seized. As for how the police seized books in Latin, she could only guess that Mechelen is a Flemish region, and they didn’t know it. French, also the Danish Finance Minister speaks French, they also "do not understand".

Perhaps because they felt that they could not communicate, the Danish finance minister looked around and saw Georgiana walking towards her with a cane and a book in his hands.

Only then did she remember that she had a guardian. Where was Richard Edgeworth?

"You must stop them! Madame Sevres." The minister waved the book in his hand and said, "We are in the Age of Enlightenment, this is not the Middle Ages!"

Georgiana also wanted to pretend not to understand like the policemen.

Just as she was about to speak, the minister opened the book.

"Look at the title, 'How to Take Care of Your Cardigan', how can it be dangerously banned?"

Georgiana also wanted to ask, why did the ancients write this kind of book in Latin?

"Let's talk in another place," she said to the minister.

The Danish finance minister didn't want to embarrass her as a woman, so he left the square angrily.

"Stay still!" she said to the policemen, now that they all understood French, they moved the torches away from the "Book Mountain", and then retreated to the edge of the square, and then she followed the minister and left.

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