Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2352 mystery montain (Part 1)

Georgiana came to the previous meeting room, overlooking the square not far from the window of the meeting room.

In 1926, Newt Scamander came to New York with a suitcase full of magical animals. Before he arrived, New York was filled with increasingly serious tension, and the city often "exploded" due to unknown reasons. severely damaged.

After investigation, it was discovered that the "explosion" was actually caused by Cledens the Obscure. During the decisive battle, a lot of damage was done to the city. Some things can be restored with the Restoration Curse, but the dead cannot.

If Albus really had a big battle with Credence in Berlin, with the power of Credence, it would definitely cause great damage to the city, and the surrounding Muggles would not be unaware.

The only explanation is that Credence was teleported elsewhere, where Albus used the light from the Deluminator to create the illusion that he was still in Berlin.

Light not only brings "brightness" but also creates illusion, like a mirage.

She didn't think about these problems before, but only by understanding "how did I get in" can she be freed from it.

She twirled the fire opal ring on her finger.

Bonaparte said that tragedy is the classroom of great men, but not all the characters in those tragedies are worthy of sympathy. Andromark, written by Racine, tells such a story. Belius is a king who succumbs to his lust. He is infatuated with Hector's widow. Daughter of King Menelaus of Sparta, they were supposed to marry.

She was different from Andromark, she loved Belus deeply, but he betrayed her love, so she let her admirer kill Belus. Although her behavior was crazy, it was also the fault of Bryus. He even put the crown on Androma on the altar with his own hands, and said to her: I give you my crown, and my heart, Anne. Rule over Abier and me, Dromak, I swear, give your son the love of a father, I ask God the Father to testify, I recognize his enemy is my enemy, I recognize him as Troy Emperor of people.

Angry Greek soldiers killed the smug king and Andromark's son.

It may be hard for people in the world to imagine that the great Napoleon would be sympathized by a woman.

However, she did sympathize with the single-minded man who was betrayed by Josephine.

As long as she no longer sympathizes with him, she will wake up from the halo effect like everyone else, and will no longer be affected by the hallucinations he brings.

How many more lessons would she have to learn to remember this?

Belus was originally a hero, because of Andromark, he sacrificed his wisdom and indulged himself regardless of national interests. This is not Bonaparte's style. Bonaparte should take him as a warning, not follow his mistakes Wrong to go on.

What's more, this Napoleon did not exist, all of this was imagined by her. Like the visions in the Mirror of Erised, people are obsessed with what they see, even driven insane.

This kind of peace is not what everyone likes to see. Some people get rich because of war, but they will go bankrupt because of peace, just like some people get rich because of peace, but they will go bankrupt because of war. Napoleon's control of the Rhine would make France the decider of Britain's trade with the most profitable European market, so that manufacturers lost their "freedom of trade" and had to compete with French industrial products.

Soda ash itself will be used to bleach textiles. Now the textile industry is a pillar industry in many countries. When France gave preferential tariffs to British textiles, many textile factories in France closed down, a large number of unemployed people and rising food prices were also lost in the French Revolution. It played a role in fueling the flames, but the Lublain soda method required the use of salt, and Napoleon restored the salt tax. Perhaps the biggest impact was not on agriculture.

From the beginning of the French Revolution to the signing of the Peace Treaty of Amiens, Britain and France fought for 12 years. After the peace treaty was broken, they fought for another 12 years until Napoleon abdicated, which was almost 24 hours.

Don't sympathize with a person lightly. This is not only because the story of the farmer and the snake tells the world that a person must distinguish between good and evil. He can only extend his helping hand to those who are worthy of help, otherwise he will be bitten by the other person, but also because it is also a kind of condescension. even the hypocrisy of deriving moral superiority from sympathy.

Someone will take advantage of this and pretend to be a poor person, such as a widower who has lost his beloved wife. Women can't help but pity him. When "everyone" gathers in the cemetery to visit the woman under six feet, Only then did he discover the true face of the man.

Don't let them know this "trick", otherwise there will be many such people in the future.

This is what they want. Before they get it, they can agree to any conditions, and they can do whatever they want. Like Belus' fiancée Hermione, who was Helen's daughter, and Olet, son of Agamemnon, Greek envoy, was her admirer, and after he killed Belus and his son died, Androma Ke committed suicide at the wedding.

The script condemns these aristocratic men and women who are dominated by lust, and some "mistakes" should not have happened from the beginning, because she herself is too whimsical. The person who should be sympathized with now is actually her. She never worried about how she would spend Christmas before, but she would worry about people who spend the holidays alone, but now she has become a loner.

And what's worse is that others will think she deserves it. Josephine may be hated by some people, but she has many friends and many people who like her. The key is that she is Napoleon's legal wife, and Georgiana is not only married to someone else. The saboteur is also a British "female spy".

"You intend to take it off?" asked the archbishop, looking at the ring on her finger.

I have this plan.

"No." She said with a smile, and put her hand down. "I almost forgot. A citizen asked me this morning. What request do you have?"

He turned his gaze to her eyes.

"Do you want to confess?"

"Me? No!" she said with a smile, "Why should I confess?"

The Archbishop looked at her with compassion.

That's the look.

She restrained her smile, and a burst of anger rose from her chest, and she suddenly understood why the "villains" hated decent characters so much.

"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

"I'm not sick."

"But you should be in pain now." The Archbishop said softly, "What is tormenting you?"

She was dizzy for a moment and wanted to "confess" to the archbishop.

But she turned her gaze to those squares.

When Savonarola ignited the "fire of vanity" and burned those poems and books, some people must feel heartache.

In 1486, however, some people brought their "works" to Brussels and dedicated them to the Roman Emperor Maximilian, hoping that he would allow them to print them.

Perhaps that is how they obtained permission to travel by post from Mechelen to Innsbruck to Germany, where they printed the first edition of Hammer of the Witches.

Why did Albus have to sympathize with the Muggles who ruined their families? Many people have doubts about this question, and even when he entered school, people believed that he would be sorted into Slytherin House.

Perhaps he was not out of sympathy for the weak, but because he knew what it was like to lose a loved one, and in order to avoid greater harm and pain, he chose to stop the war.

Just like that little unicorn, whose twin died, he knew the pain at such a young age.

But when his family needed him, Albus planned to leave with Grindelwald and live a happy life of his own. Aberforth must be very angry. After all, his Patronus is an irritable goat.

But what puzzled her was why Aberforth wanted to protect Credence when he was there to help Albus. Or because Credence is also a Dumbledore, even though they have never met, they are also a family.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and the phoenix followed Albus later.

Phoenix will be Nirvana, Buddhism also has Nirvana, but Phoenix Nirvana is different from Buddhist Nirvana, Phoenix Nirvana will be reborn after Nirvana, and a new body will be re-formed from ashes, while Buddhist Nirvana is after the eminent monk passed away, transcending reincarnation, eliminating the cause and effect of life and death .

As long as people still long for the entanglement of love, they will still be bound in samsara, and if they no longer long for it, they will be liberated.

At this time, even if Grindelwald asked Albus, "Who else will love you", it would not touch Albus's dying heart.

Although his heart was still beating, it was as calm as mirror water.

She breathed a sigh of relief, the last time she went to XZ, but did not go to Bhutan, maybe she can find a chance to go, "alone".

Her hot breath left fog on the window, and she wiped it away with her hands. At this moment, she found a man appeared on the side of the square, he picked up a book on the ground, and the police not far away had already Ready to light the fire.

"Damn it."

Cursing under her breath, she left the conference room.

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