Pomona came to the church, but did not rush to find the archbishop, but sat alone on the pew.

Her daughter Lily was also buried in the churchyard behind the church, at least that's what Severus had told her, she was buried there.

She couldn't describe that feeling in words, she just felt a pain in her heart, and it might get better after a while, but she couldn't do anything before that, otherwise tears would fall down before she could speak.

Through it all, she thought of Andromark, how was she going to smile at Achilles' son?

They are father and son, they should look alike, and it was Achilles who killed Hector.

In Racine's script, Andromark agreed to the marriage proposal of Bryus on the condition that she and Hector's son be preserved, and that he planned to commit suicide that night.

If it were Pomona herself, she might not have the guts to use a dagger, but she would dare to use poison, so that she would not violate the oath of either live or die together.

She doesn't understand other women, anyway, she herself is like this, if she has a child, she will have nothing to do with her ex, she was confused for a while, and she was really going to give birth to Bonaparte, but now she doesn't thought.

She's still waiting for him, maybe not twenty years like Odysseus' wife, but she's still waiting.

But he might still be thinking about Lily who had a child with the "enemy". If Lily was confused for a moment and followed Severus, leaving only James and Harry, how would James explain his situation to Harry? Mother did not appear in his life?

So the best way is to let go of obsessions and start a new life.

But how hard is that? See what she knows now.

It may also be this obsession, which prevented her from getting lost in this real dream like everyone else. She still wanted to go through the closet and return to the original world like the children in The Chronicles of Narnia. Hot summer.

Her innocence lies in treating Napoleon as an ordinary person, and the other half is that she really regards him as an ordinary person. Destal is right sometimes, she does not want a marriage without love.

She didn't want to count Bonaparte in this regard, he himself was not good at dealing with women.

And she didn't want to be involved in too many calculations. Lucien had only been the "Regent" in Spain for a long time. How could he forget how poor they were when they left Corsica before, and they wanted to arrange the marriage of the Spanish princess, and even more so? What's more, his elder brother has not been in power for life.

Letizia still maintains the habit of saving before, which is her commendable place. She is in the same age group as Pomona, and she should not be the same as young people.

Farron still kept the traditions in the palace. If Georgiana was really a young man with an unconscious mind, she might have already started thinking about how to prepare for pregnancy and considering squeezing out Josephine.

Napoleon promised Pauline that she would divorce Josephine and marry her after she gave birth to a child. As a result, she was "processed" when she returned to Paris, and Josephine didn't even need to do it herself. This "Cleopatra" "La" only had a brief moment in Cairo.

As long as Josephine still has the status of legal wife, other women are "passers-by". She patrols the Tuileries Palace like catching a thief, which is also a way for ordinary couples to get along.

Whether you are poor or rich, sick or healthy, no matter the adversity or prosperity of life, when the other person needs you most, can you never leave him for life, forever?

Maybe this question was asked many times in the church. She had auditory hallucinations, and she touched her belly subconsciously. When she needed him most, he fought outside. Is this a breach of the vow?

She can't remember the memory of being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, but the feeling of horror is engraved in her bone marrow. The strange thing is this, she is not afraid of drinking poison, but that scene made her just want to call for help , but no one came until he passed out.

Then she came to a log cabin, she was 11 years old, and the newspapers had the news about the flamboyant "Nessie" again, and a boy older than her was eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.

In fact, thinking about it now, she doesn't want to go back to that scorching summer so much, but in autumn, she puts on a wizard robe, pushes a small cart with pets, and goes to King's Cross Station to take the Hog Watts Express, go to the magic school.

But before that she was going to buy a wand, Ollivander's was the best, and the older boy looked like Albus, his hair and beard so white that it was hard to imagine him as a young man. look.

"I'm not Arianna," she said vaguely.

"I know." He smiled. "I just want you to know what happened to her."

She thought for a while, maybe Abusi was not talking about how Arianna died, but how she was silently parasitized.

Keridi Bubaji died terribly, and she didn't want to make too many comments on the deceased, but Bubaji had some ideas that she couldn't agree with. Bubaji said that wizards should tolerate Muggles stealing knowledge and magic, and they themselves cannot tolerate others stealing knowledge and patents.

You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. What was the use of Bubbaji yelling for help when Severus was sitting there when the murder happened, unable to do anything?

"Are you angry?" Albus asked.

"Do you still need to ask?" She said out of breath.

"Do you want me to remove those bad memories?" he asked again.

"No." She said indifferently.

"Why do you want to keep them?"

She didn't answer the question.

"It's like a dream," Albus whispered. "You only remember what the dream was like when you fell asleep, but you don't know what happened between closing your eyes and falling asleep, and when the dream started?"


"Do you remember how you came to the dream?" Albus asked.

"Yes, I do," she recalls. "We went through a wardrobe..."

He took out the extinguisher.

"Cludence doesn't know what happened on the streets of Berlin." Albus turned on the extinguisher. "It's like entering a dream world. We fought a lot, but the people around didn't feel anything unusual."

"I do not understand what you said?"

"The important thing is not the dream, but 'how did I get here'?" Albus paused the last sentence, "You can only leave if you understand this problem."

She didn't say "I don't want to leave".

She just felt a little melancholy.

"Do you think it's important to have someone convert a lot for you?" Albus asked.

"Is not it?"

Albus raised an eyebrow.

"I've been trying to figure out why you love their type of man, and then I discovered a commonality, women always sympathize with a man who is single-minded and just hurt, and you, just happen to be a compassionate man. witch..."

"You want to call me stupid?" She said sullenly.

"It's like a dream, you only remember what the dream was like when you fell asleep, but you don't know what happened between closing your eyes and falling asleep, and the dream started? The same is true of love. Once you understand how you fell in love, you will freed from it."

"That would mean that I would become a person without empathy."

"I thought for a long time why the blood oath between me and Gellert would be broken at that moment," said Albus. "At first I thought it was because he wanted to attack and I wanted to defend, believe me, the idea It existed in my head for many years, but one day I woke up and realized that it wasn't the case."

He sighed tremblingly, "Me, Aberforth, and Gellert, our spells crossed in front of Credence that day, just like Arianna's that day, Gellert and I have not changed, we have changed." It's Aberforth, he doesn't want to kill Gellert, but prevents him from killing Credence, there will be no 'balance' of the three spells, we swear because of love, I covered up this secret , for many years, I think you know, I once said what a powerful weapon love is, and before I left, he asked me a question, 'Who will love you'?"

"He blackmailed you?" she asked.

"I left him, my obsession." Albus said softly, "The next time I see him in the Mirror of Erised, it won't be him, but my family."

She stood up.

"You should read a book." He looked at her with blue eyes. "The name of the book is..."


She followed the voice and found that it was the Archbishop.

When she looked back at the bench again, Albus was gone.

"What are you doing?" the archbishop asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing." She pretended to be nonchalant and walked towards the archbishop.

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