Machiavelli wrote in the sixth volume of the History of Florence, "From the Venetian League to the Destruction of the Turkish Army": When a well-governed republic in ancient times won, it often took gold and silver treasures from the enemy to enrich the treasury and praise the people. Rewards are issued to reduce taxes, and grand celebrations are held at the athletic conference, so that the whole people can enjoy themselves. But victorious battles in the age of which we are speaking result, first, in emptying the treasury, and secondly, in impoverishing the people, while leaving the victor with no security against the attack of the enemy. This is entirely due to the chaos inherent in the method of warfare itself. For the battered armies merely lost their equipment, their men were neither wounded nor taken as prisoners, but their counterattack against the victors was postponed until their commanders provided them with After getting new weapons and horses, they immediately counterattacked. Moreover, the ransom and booty had been taken by the army, and the victorious king, of course, could not use this money to raise new troops, and had to finance the necessary war expenses from the pockets of his subjects: and this was the only consequence of victory that the people experienced.

The American war did not bring any real benefits to France, even though the government was not a republic at that time, but the result was the same: the ransom and spoils had been appropriated by the army, and of course the victorious king could not use these funds to recruit new troops, nor could he The necessary war expenses are not raised from the pockets of the subjects, and this is the only consequence of victory that the people experience.

The point is that even the army didn't get the ransom and spoils, except that Britain lost a colony.

This is a victory that is not worth the loss, and Napoleon almost has to move something to France when he wins the battle, and the French have benefited to some extent. However, his first expedition to recover the colonies under the "Amiens Peace Treaty" failed. Not only did he lose important coffee and sugar producing areas, but he also lost 25,000 people, accounting for almost one-third of the Italian army. The key is that the vast majority of these people are still veterans, and all the actions he is doing now are to restore the negative impact of this failure.

Many people in China believe that Napoleon's current foreign policy towards the Holy Roman Empire is a continuation of Louis XIV. The marriage between Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI was precisely to make the Holy Roman Empire and France form an alliance. Peaceful efforts, but ended in failure.

Madame de Stael's "On Germany" was written in 1800. At this time, the French Revolution had ended and the natural border of the Rhine River had also been formed. It is no problem for her to write that Germany and France are independent countries, but if she It was written before the revolution...

Queen Maria Theresa, who had lost Silesia, wanted to unite France to retake it from Prussia, and Prussia's diplomatic ambassador quoted Frederick the Great as saying that Prussia could "defend itself" against any Hostilities against Silesia, which had become the core of Prussia.

In order to solve the financial problem, Jacques Necker used state loans and usury to raise taxes. At present, the entire Alsace region has been thrown into chaos due to the problem of usury.

The national debt of an emerging country is often very high, and the interest rate of French public debt is so much higher than that of the United Kingdom, so no one buys it.

In the case of peasants who are unable to provide urgent loans to alleviate losses caused by natural disasters, they can only use their own real estate as collateral to borrow usury. The robbers attack the usurers, and the locals call them heroes. At this time, it is very important for the army to intervene and suppress them. Outdated.

When Samuel Sturt arrived in the United States, Europe fell into total chaos due to the French Revolution, and the United States, which was isolated overseas, could develop rapidly with raw materials and machinery, surpassing France and the Indian textile industry that was deliberately suppressed by the United Kingdom. Become an emerging textile industry powerhouse.

Samuel Sturt began to learn weaving at the age of 14, but his father was a relatively wealthy farmer, not a worker who lost his land because of the "enclosure movement". He left England at the end of his apprenticeship, He was only 21 years old at the time. The United Kingdom is the most industrialized country, but it is also caught in vicious competition. In order to keep costs down, factory owners use a lot of child labor. The terms mentioned in the "Factory Act" make those who know have to fight for the survival of the children. The situation is dire.

The point is that they will be eliminated when they become adults due to wage increases, and the wages they receive cannot be a factor that changes their fate, such as opening a tavern and being the owner, and they need collateral to find a bank loan. There is no advantage in setting up a factory in the UK. On the contrary, it is better to go to the New World where this field is blank. He can achieve amazing achievements, from an ordinary textile worker to "the father of American industry".

DuPont also sailed to the United States with family wealth because of the turbulent situation in the French Revolution. They not only persuaded France to give them the technology and equipment for making gunpowder through Lavoisier's wife, but also tried to use Josephine , convinced Napoleon, and facilitated the acquisition of Louisiana.

Even if Britain monopolizes India's saltpeter, it can still extract ingredients for making gunpowder from human and animal excrement. Of course, this strategic material will not be provided after the outbreak of war. Before the outbreak of the Seven Years War, the world relied on Spanish plant ash. During the Seven Years War, Britain took the lead in importing plant ash from the United States, followed by France, but the 25% alkali content in plant ash could not meet the needs of the whole of Europe. The Seven Years War ended After the French Academy of Sciences offered a reward of 12,000 livres for a new soda-making process, Lublin proposed the method of using salt mixed with sulfuric acid to make soda, which was patented in 1791, and a factory was built with funds raised by the Duke of Orleans, but the factory was confiscated Yes, Georgiana's men found him in an asylum.

After losing the factory, his patent of soda making method was also made public. His father passed away when he was 9 years old, and he was adopted by his father's friend. Later, the person who adopted him also died. He had no relatives and no reason. , with 4 children, and a sick wife, he spent all his savings in order to treat the children, and there was no news of the agreed bounty.

Scottish worker Andrew Meeker invented the threshing machine, and Washington was interested in it, but the United States did not need it so urgently. The first reason is that because of the existence of slavery in the United States, the cost of buying slaves may be lower than the cost of buying machines and maintaining them. The second is that it is very difficult for the United States to break out of the special situation in France. All the men left because of the conscription, leaving behind the old, weak, women and children. Even if the wheat was harvested, they would not be able to complete the heavy threshing work.

When Georgiana sent people to find him, he was very poor, the factory was on the verge of bankruptcy, and his technology was not as important as the textile industry. He came to France easily and exchanged patents for annuities. long.

His thresher can thresh 64 bushels an hour, which is equivalent to 8 quarter tons, and only needs four horses and four people. Later, he invented the hydraulic thresher, and many agricultural areas are irrigated. If it is enough, the cost will be lower, and he doesn't care what happens to the temporary workers who are engaged in manual wheat harvesting because of the thresher.

The water of the Seine River is very gentle, and it can’t even reach the standard of water supply driven by water in Paris. In order to overcome this problem, engineers thought of many ways, and finally the steam engine worked.

For Soho's engineer, steam engine assembly was his main job, and gas lighting was just an invention, and with Soho's status in the UK, he did not dare to leave his job and start his own business.

Mr. Windsor from Germany didn't know if he didn't like the low salary in France, so he went to England to engage in the patent franchise of lighting. After all, he didn't live that kind of life.

Lu Brand originally opened a clinic, and chose the national loan for the research and development of alkali-making technology. Using the clinic as collateral still owed usurious loans. This was Necker's "fiscal policy" at the time.

In short, when those people found him, he was living in the shelter to treat patients, and his four children were also living there.

Napoleon said that children who grow up in monasteries are unhappy, but what about those who live in asylums?

Eli Whitney, who was born in Massachusetts, invented the cotton gin. He wanted to apply for a patent, but he was ruthlessly despised. Although there were slaves, the speed of manpower was still inferior to that of machines. The cotton plantations in the United States were getting more and more more, which in turn fueled the greed of plantation owners for land.

According to the data of the U.S. census and the statistics of the slave trade, on average, one out of three southerners in the United States is a slave, and the number of slaves is more than that of slave owners. For example, the population of ancient Rome was about 1.5 million, of which 900,000 It was slaves brought from conquered lands, and Rome was eventually destroyed by slave riots and foreign invasions.

Therefore, the United States is going to restrain the slave trade, but it is impossible to directly announce the ban on the slave trade. Jefferson's key vote is Georgia.

The biggest achievement of William Pitt Jr. is to let the British drink tea. The tea comes from the East India Company. Because of the tea monopoly issue, the Boston Tea Party happened. The large deficits during the American war led to social problems. Many people believed that weavers should not spend their money on tea, and others said that drinking tea would lead to a gloomy personality.

Monroe was still active in Paris, continuing to work on the acquisition. Jefferson supported France at the beginning in the hope that Leclerc could check and balance Britain's influence in the West Indies. Later, when he found out that the fleet was so large, Secretary of State Madison began to worry that Napoleon had other plans.

At the beginning, the Americans also provided logistics to the French, but then stopped, and at the same time provided everything for the people of Santo Domingo. Otherwise, Santo Domingo, a place that is not even an agricultural country, would have weapons and ammunition.

The United States itself is already deploying troops for defense. Now the Louisiana acquisition has been delayed. The militias in the Mississippi Delta and the soldiers sent by the Spanish governor to prevent illegal crossing of the border are gathering more and more, which may become a conflict at any time. hot spots.

Those who supported all this were the western ports and royalist nobles, and many of the "old friends" around Josephine were colonial businessmen.

Lucien hoped that Napoleon would marry a Spanish princess, but because of Josephine's "matchmaking", the Spanish princess married the king of Etruria, and they had a child within a year of marriage. The king came to accept the title, but the princess did not come. Lucien, who had won the battle, blamed Josephine at the family gathering. If she couldn't give birth by herself, then don't stop Napoleon from finding another woman to give birth.

Caroline Lestrange had given Georgiana a similar idea, anyway, it was not Georgiana's husband, she could certainly be "generous", Josephine "later" knew that Georgiana had suggested this idea, so she sent her The castle where I live has been redecorated.

Lucien was also on her side in the Louisiana Acquisition case. Napoleon and her quarreled repeatedly before he adjusted it, and even took her back when she was "exiled" in the Alps.

There used to be a post road from Lyon to Geneva, but it is now abandoned, so it doesn't matter if it needs to be rebuilt, after all, Georgiana stayed in Annecy.

Because Necker made many enemies in the court, the biggest enemy was Marie Antoinette. The queen didn't see those who went to Mrs. Necker's salon, and Mrs. Necker, who loved the Paris salon, died in depression. In 1781 Necker published a breakdown of the Queen's expenditures, and she became known as the "Deficit Queen".

Farron and Bertin had no sympathy for Mrs. Stahl's expulsion. This had nothing to do with Mrs. Stahl's political views and articles.

For the Bonaparte family, Josephine is an outsider, and the child born to Louis and Hortense does not belong to the Bonaparte family. Before Napoleon wrote to her, she was too lazy to reply. Now that Bonaparte wrote to her, she would definitely Back, she didn't know there was Georgiana in the French postal system.

Let's put it this way, sometimes customers who come to the restaurant call the chef out of the back kitchen not to praise him, but to ask him how he made the dishes like this, so that she can cook.

And Josephine did that, but she didn't go there in person, but let Mrs. Devonday do it for her.

Josephine did not see Napoleon immediately after he returned to Paris. In Farron’s view, it had nothing to do with love or guilt. A deserter would be shot according to the law of tenths. The government made an excuse that if Josephine made a wrong bet, she would lose everything she had. If she didn't gamble, at least she could keep Malmaison Castle.

But she still planned to take a gamble and stood by Bonaparte's side. She made the right bet, just like the seventh Duke of Arenberg. The sixth generation duke chose to leave France for Vienna when he could not do anything. He forgot that he did not obtain this title through legal means, but by relying on the court and Queen Marie Antoinette. disappear.

Farron came here for "chatting" and looked at the church not far away.

"Did you know that in England there was also a St. Lumoudi, who was very precocious and knew from a very early age that he was a Christian."

"At what age did he know that much?" Georgiana teased.

"3 days after birth."

Georgiana looked at him and saw that he was not joking.

"There were very few Christians in England in the seventh century. It was not easy to find a baptismal font for him. St. Lumaid, a baby told them where there was a stone bowl, and they took him there, and he was baptized, and then he was Said that he was going to die, and asked people to bury him in the place where he was born for one year, and Blackley for two years. After he turned into bones, he would be buried in one place forever. Many people went to the place where he was worshiped to fetch water, pilgrims The local trade flourished and a temple was built there, but after the Counter-Reformation in 1776, that place was demolished and people stopped making pilgrimages."

"The baby's bones were properly laid?" Georgiana asked.

"I think you're focusing on the wrong place, do you know the name of that place?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"I think you have heard of it." Farron smiled mysteriously. "All the people in Britain have heard of it."

"I don't think San Lumodi is that famous." Georgiana laughed.

"Oh, no, you must have heard of it." Farron said confidently, "That place is called Buckingham, not Buckingham Palace, but Buckinghamshire. When I first heard about it, I thought it belonged to the queen. Palace."

Georgiana stopped smiling.

"Since you have given birth, why don't you try again?"

"Because I was hurt by black magic, it is impossible for me to have children in this life." She said with a blank face, and turned to leave as she spoke.

She felt more and more that neither Lucien nor Coraline had such a bad idea, and she couldn't believe she had agreed.

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