Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2357 Red Queen and White Queen (Part 2)

Georgiana bought a red rose.

When visiting someone's home, of course you must bring a gift. This is a basic courtesy. In addition to red wine, flowers are also a good choice.

She walked to the opposite side with the flowers.

Severus took her to Venice for their honeymoon. They arrived on March 1. If they stayed until April 25, it would be St. Mark's Day. Legend has it that the daughter of a governor fell in love with an unknown person, and the governor objected. This marriage, therefore, sent the unknown man to Spain, to join Charlemagne's army against the Arabs, and if he would be honored as a hero, he would be able to marry the governor's daughter.

However, the young unknown man fell on the battlefield, and his blood stained a white rose bud. Before he died, he plucked it and put it on his chest. The next day was St. Mark's Day.

The servant came to the governor's daughter's room and found her dead with the bloody rose on her chest. Therefore, it has become a tradition in Venice to give a red rose to a wife or girlfriend on St. Mark’s Day. There are no 99 or 999, but only one, just like a person’s life, only once.

She brought the rose into the empty palace of Margaret of Austria, and within two days it felt like it had been vacant for a long time.

Nine years before the discovery of alum in the territory of the Papal States, that is, the Eastern Roman Empire was destroyed in 1453. The Byzantine Empire has since disappeared into history, and the Ottoman Empire that replaced it is not comparable to the weakened Eastern Roman Empire.

At that time, in the villa they lived in Venice, which originally belonged to the Spaniards, there was a line of words engraved on the lintel of the bathroom:

Caelum non animation muatant qui trans mare currunt.

Those who cross the sea only change the weather without changing their nature.

The Italians have always wanted to intervene in the trade of the Hanseatic League, but they were strictly guarded by the Hanseatic League. However, the alum used for dyeing is only available in Asia Minor.

This area belonged to the later Ottoman Empire, but at this time Venice had changed its national policy, no longer engaged in maritime trade, but changed to an army, based on Veneto and developed westward, trying to control the fertile Lombardy plain and Verona.

The Italian war began in 1494 and lasted until 1559. France completed the unification of France after a difficult victory in the Hundred Years War between Britain and France. After two generations of recuperation, King Charles VII of France led his troops across the Alps and marched into chaos Divided, rich Italy.

Compared with France, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, Britain, and Ottomans involved in it later, the size of the Venetian army is negligible, and this has reached the limit of its population and financial resources.

But even if the role of the main player is lost, Venice is still an important weight. Whichever side is added, which side will sink. Those huge "players" are spying on Venice's huge wealth.

In fact, before Bernadotte received the King of Sweden, there was a Kalmar League in Northern Europe. This alliance was formed by Queen Margrethe I of Denmark in the 14th century. She almost unified Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Greenland. Let them form a Commonwealth.

This federation greatly influenced the Hanseatic League, which relied on the Teutonic Knights. At that time, Stockholm was a completely German city. At that time, Sweden was still an area called Schleswig. The residents were composed of Danes and Germans. Margaret I took a lot of work to make her haters like her, which included her going to a nunnery for a while, where the queen behaved like ordinary people.

Georgiana didn't know how long Bonaparte would stay in Mechelen, but she planned to go to the monastery to sleep at night, and before that she had to say hello to Margaret of Austria.

Both Queen Elizabeth and Margaret I of Denmark have fought against the Hanseatic League, but the Hanseatic League was at the peak of its force in the era of Margaret I, and it was even stronger in the period of the "Queen of Innocence" Elizabeth I. It is not as good as before, they have never formed a real army, and the way to wage war is still relying on mercenaries, and the Teutonic Knights have also declined.

As Machiavelli said, a man who bases his country on mercenaries is neither stable nor safe.

In 1669, the last meeting of the Hanseatic League was held, and many cities announced their secession from the alliance, leaving only three cities, Lübeck, Hamburg and Bremen, still retaining the title of free city.

Margaret lived in the time of the Wars of the Roses, Henry IV of Lancaster, the only surviving son of John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster.

Henry IV wanted Scandinavian support to fight France, while Margaret I wanted to rebuild the North Sea empire of 11th-century Canute the Great, the first Dane to be recognized as king by the English people.

However, Margaret I did not want to intervene in foreign wars, and Henry IV did not want a Danish grandson to have the right of inheritance, so only Margaret's adopted son Eric married Henry IV's daughter Philippa, and Henry IV The world did not allow his son, the future Henry V, to marry Eric's sister Catherine.

White roses become red roses when they are stained with blood, and red roses become white roses after "bleaching".

However, when red is mixed with the same amount of white, it will not form a red and white flower like "Forever Augustus", but pink. broken.

It is estimated that no one would want to pinch thorny thorns, who would raise thorns? What is the use of raising it?

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Pomona entangled the giant with a devil's web. The devil's web looks like a thornless thorn, but if you underestimate it because of this, be careful. Fortunately, Hermione was there when passing the checkpoint set up to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. Otherwise, Ron and Harry, who don't like reading, would have failed to "pass the checkpoint" even if they were not entangled to death by the devil's net.

Everything under the trapdoor was like a game, too much for Voldemort, only the three-headed hellhound was worthy of his care, and he even bribed Hagrid with a dragon egg in order to obtain information.

Hagrid doesn't like gold and silver, and doesn't care about the Sorcerer's Stone, but he has a hard time resisting magical animals.

In short, Harry has to pass through a magical flame. There are several bottles of potion on the table in front of him. Three of these bottles of potion are highly poisonous. If Harry drinks it, he will die. He must follow the prompts. Only by solving the puzzle can you enter the next level, and there is only one bottle of the correct medicine, which means that Hermione will stay here, and he will have to go the rest of the way.

The flame that was insurmountable to Harry was easily broken by Voldemort, and Quirrell came to the last level ahead of time-the mirror of Erised had no clue.

He stood in front of the magic mirror and saw that the Philosopher's Stone was in his hand, but his hand was empty.

Unlike Harry Potter, he stood in front of the mirror, saw his own reflection and smiled, and then the Philosopher's Stone appeared in his pocket.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman of the world.

That's what the Wicked Queen in the Grimm's fairy tales asks, she may be a witch who made a poisoned apple for Snow White.

Of course, there is a problem with the queen, so is there no problem with Snow White who just eats other people's food and waits for the prince to save her?

But the Mirror of Erised will not answer any questions, it will only reflect the desire of the person in front of the mirror, making people addicted to it.

You have to know how to get here to know how to leave, or wait for someone to take you out, like Harry, although he just wants to talk to his parents in the mirror.

Georgiana put the red rose on the low table in front of the sofa, where she had signed a document, and she was terrified.

"There is such a fairy tale." Georgiana said to the empty room, "There was a little boy, his name was Pinocchio, he went to a school to study, and one of his classmates was the best friend of him, and everyone gave him a prize." The name is 'Little Wick' because he is dry and thin, like the wick of an oil lamp at night. 'Little Wick' is the laziest and most sloppy among his classmates. He dreams of going to a place far, far away, where there is no school, What better place for a child than to have no teacher, no books, and play from morning till night? 'Little Wick' even thinks that all civilized countries should be like it."

She paused, and then said, "I know a person, or he used to be human, his name is Peeves, many people think he is a mischievous elf, but mischievous elves are a kind of non-existence, they are not really alive, Not really dead, either, unlike you and Peeves, who lived. I'm sure you're not a 'troublemaker', Margaret, show yourself, how about we talk?"

She waited for a long time without any response.

"I'll be back after dark." She stood up.

"Did Pinocchio follow him?" asked a shrill voice.

"No, he didn't go," sighed Georgiana. "He promised the fairy that he would be a sensible child, and he didn't want his words to count."

"Why did he promise the fairy?"

"Because he was originally a puppet, a fairy made him live, but there is a condition, every time he tells a lie, his nose will grow."

Now no one asked her questions.

"Well, I lied." She said helplessly, "Pinocchio went to that country and almost became a donkey. Before that, he met two robbers, hung him on a tree, and the fairy rescued him." After killing him, his lying nose has grown since then."

Still no answer.

"He didn't grow his nose when he refused Little Wick. He didn't lie. He just didn't resist the temptation and got into the donkey-drawn cart."

"What happened to little Lampwick?"

"He's dead," said Georgiana. "He's become a cart-donkey, exhausted."

"Where's Pinocchio?"

"He really became a boy who loves to learn, he is no longer a puppet, come out, don't hide!"

Instead of the Austrian ghost of Margarita, however, a teenage girl appears.

"Who are you?" Georgiana asked.

"Can you finish that story?" asked the little girl.

She looked into those eyes and felt irresistible.

"Sit down," Georgiana said, pointing to the sofa opposite, and the girl in civilian clothes sat there, listening to her continue the fairy tale.

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