Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2344 bêtes fauves (middle)

The Dead Sea documents were discovered in 1947 by a shepherd in a cave by accident. Due to the dry climate, the parchment and papyrus are well preserved. In addition to the Hebrew version of the Old Testament, there are also remnants of the Book of Enoch. roll.

Compared with his grandson Noah, Enoch is not so well-known. This book records what happened before the great flood.

In the ancient Roman era, the work of reviewing books has always been the responsibility of the prosecutor of Roman cultural works, and later this position was gradually replaced by Christian monks. The church has always been stigmatized for ideological imprisonment, but even if the secular world has freedom of the press, the priests still do not intend to change.

The book of Enoch is suspected of slandering angels. When angels came to the world, they married human women and gave birth to giants. Because of their huge size, giants ate much more than ordinary people, so they began to rob humans of food and livestock. , and even began to eat people, so a tragic war broke out between humans and giants.

This is similar to the giant war recorded by wizards. The difference is that the origin of the giant is not recorded in the giant war, but how to fight the giant is recorded.

Giants love to drink, and they often want to get drunk without restraint, which has become their weakness in the giant war. At that time, wizards and Muggles were not separated. In other words, they fought side by side. Even though the giants were defeated and hid in the forest, they were still wiped out, almost on the verge of genocide.

In ancient Greek mythology, after Cronus overthrew his father Uranus, in order to avoid being overthrown by his own children as predicted, the children were swallowed by him as soon as they were born, and only Zeus survived. When Zeus became an adult, he designed Cronus to spit out his brothers and sisters, and led them to overthrow the Titan gods headed by Cronus. Most of the Titans were imprisoned in hell, but some such as Prometheus Siban was imprisoned on the Caucasus Mountains, or supported the sky like Atlas.

Legend has it that the king of North Africa is a descendant of Atlas. The Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa are named after Atlas, but the Berbers live in that area. In the Berber language , the word "mountain" is Adra or adras, so this is also considered to be the origin of the name of the Atlas Mountains.

Although the Berbers are now concentrated in West Africa, and a small amount can be found in Egypt, they were actually active in Syria at first. At least they once established countries in Algeria and Tunisia, which are next to Carthage. They lived as nomads in their early years .

Later, the Berbers started to do business, monopolizing the "Silk Road" passing through the Sahara Desert, and also played a very important role in Mediterranean trade. They are distributed not only in Africa, but also in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Frankincense is native to the Red Sea area. The "Spice Road" is a trade between Europe, Asia and Africa that coexists with the "Silk Road". Incense in hand.

In the book of Enoch, the angels taught women and their children how to make beautiful handicrafts, leading mankind astray, plus their giant children became increasingly cruel, who drank their blood as wine, and could not bear this. The sinful earth protested, and then the supreme god sent an angel to tell Noah that the whole world would be destroyed, and the great flood would fill the earth and destroy everything. Noah wanted to choose the seeds of the world, and those he chose could live, and those illegitimate children and the fallen will be destroyed.

There is a country named Abyssinia on the Red Sea, but this is the name of the Christian world. It is an "enclave". Da Gama once led the Portuguese musketeers to defeat the army of Sultan Adal, but was defeated by the Arabs. The mercenaries were defeated and died in battle. Emperor Galavidvos led the remnant Portuguese army to defeat the Sultan's army and regain the lost ground.

It is recorded in the Bible that the Queen of Sheba brought a rich gift to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon of Israel. King Solomon satisfied all the Queen of Sheba’s requirements and gave her according to his own kindness, so the Queen and her servants returned home. up.

It wasn't just Solomon's gift that she took with her. It is said that soon after her return the Queen gave birth to King Solomon's offspring, who later became Emperor of Abyssinia.

During the period of the great schism between the East and the West, the priests of the diocese belonged neither to the Roman Catholic Church nor to the Greek Orthodox Church, but believed in the Arian sect. After the emperor regained the lost land, the Portuguese missionaries came to Abyssinia, trying to establish the authority of Catholicism in the diocese, which led to the outbreak of the civil war, and then the emperor expelled the Portuguese missionaries, restored the traditional religion, and then Solomon The dynasty gradually began to Byzantine, more than one emperor was killed by his son, the power of the emperor declined, the status of dukes, governors and tribal chiefs in large provinces rose, and the empire gradually disintegrated into a series of independent or semi-independent kingdoms.

In 1773, a Scottish explorer named James Bruce came to Abyssinesia to explore the secrets of giants.

At that time, the "Book of Enoch" could not be found in the whole of Europe, but it was still available in the Abyssinian Church. He copied a copy and brought it back to Europe.

Although in the UK, this book is not allowed to be printed, it cannot prevent people from hand copying and circulating it.

Talleyrand published "Letters of the German Patriot" in Prussia to oppose the Habsburg rule. The Habsburg family married everywhere and almost surrounded France. To the east is Habsburg in Austria and to the south is Habsburg in Spain. Fortress, England across the sea to the west, only the north was allowed to be annexed by Louis XIV in the name of "inheritance". Charles II, who was expelled by Renwell, was in exile in France, and the two formed an alliance to attack the Netherlands ruled by the Orange family.

It was also the successful case of Habsburg that once made Spain intend to marry the Abyssinian emperor.

At present, the Abyssinian Church adopts the patriarchal system, which is similar to the Orthodox Church, but not the same. The patriarch of this diocese is part-time by the patriarch of Alexander, who is second only to the Patriarch of the All West and the Patriarch of Constantinople , higher than the Patriarch of the All East and the Patriarch of Jerusalem, which means that the Patriarch of Tsarist Russia cannot control them.

The Patriarch of the East has nothing to do with them, and the Pope of the West has nothing to do with them, and the Scottish explorer may be misunderstood as an Anglican envoy, otherwise the "Book of Enoch" would not be open to "mortals".

This is Georgiana's guess, and she is not sure if this is the case. In the past, businessmen only sold cheap books with rough paper to rough people, and only rich churches could afford books with beautiful bindings. Belgium has abundant coal resources, and the Ardennes has a lot of charcoal, but this can only be used for heating and heating, not for industry.

According to Lu Brown's alkali-making process equation, carbon monoxide gas will be produced. The useful gas is mainly carbon monoxide, and water vapor will hinder combustion. Although sulfur monoxide can be burned, it will produce an unpleasant smell, which is not suitable for indoor combustion. .

The gas lamps newly installed in Paris only cost one-fifth of the cost of street lamps burned with whale fat. There was once a Swiss who improved the lamp oil of kerosene lamps so that the black smoke and smell produced by burning were not so strong. When applying for a patent, because some terms were touched by mistake, the patent application was not successful, and his technology was "opened" for use. Others made a lot of money, but he himself died of poverty.

Moreover, even if a patent is legally applied for, some people will renege on the debt, and some people will even find a way to prevent the patent owner from continuing to hold the patent when the patent expires. For example, John Lombe, an explorer in Derbyshire, knew about the twisting machine in a book introducing Padua machinery, and then went to Italy to look for it, and waited for him to imitate the machine for twisting cotton yarn according to the machine he saw. After that, he applied for a patent for fourteen years. He built a factory on an island and kept it strictly confidential. He made a lot of money because of this. He gave up.

They can also use "you're welcome", but it's not good for everyone to make trouble like that, not to mention that Thomas Lombe, who provided John with funds, has become a member and viscount.

People should accept as soon as they are good, and don't be too greedy. Even the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk didn't kill the golden chicken that laid eggs. The giant just shouted to the poor chicken every day, "Lay more eggs, you are useless." bird." The chicken that was scolded couldn't lay eggs because of nervousness, the giant didn't kill it, but made a fairy harp, playing beautiful melody to appease the poor chicken.

It's no wonder that the giant lived in the sky like the Titan, and Jack "took away" the chicken and the harp together when the giant was taking a nap, and then he quickly cut down the vines to prevent the giant from chasing him, and then he announced that the chicken and the harp Harp is "free" and will live "happily" with Jack!

"Lay more eggs, you useless bird."

Will old Jack say the same thing as the old giant many years from now? Or that Jack who "overwhelmed" the giant with wisdom killed the chicken, looked at its stomach, and tried to figure out why it laid golden eggs?

The animals on Noah’s Ark are all in pairs, and the hen that lays golden eggs will also grow old. Before it gets old, find a partner for it and let its offspring continue, so that young hens can lay eggs.

Severus was always calling the kids little trolls, and while trolls were as tall as giants, they were a different species.

But wizards wouldn't believe that giants are descended from fallen angels, it's so ridiculous.

Even if the Ardennes Forest no longer produces charcoal, it is still possible to use wood to make paper, but is there such a technology now?

You have to ask carefully. The forest is a place outside the law. It is a paradise for thieves who block roads, rob, murder and steal goods. They dragged their children and huddled together in the huts made of branches and grass stems. Only a few of them made a fortune because of land reclamation, and then built brick and wooden houses.

A place like Cayenne is pretty much the same, with nothing but trees and swamps, so how did Pishgru get back to civilization from that exile?

Although the nobles also wanted to hunt, unfortunately they sometimes forgot to use this power. Many wild animals harassed the plains. The deer would eat the farmers’ crops, and the pigs would dig the potatoes in the field. The cost of maintaining the land was more than ten A tax is even more, especially the hares, which not only destroy the vines, but also eat the wild fruits that can be gathered. The lords didn't do hunting, or they all went to Versailles, and the villagers didn't have the privilege to hunt, so they had to hire hunters to deal with it.

In order to kill these harmful animals, the king allowed ordinary people in Provence to use nooses, traps or guns within the scope of their cultivated land, and allowed no nooses for shepherd dogs. This is contrary to the injunction of the local high court, but whether it is allowed or not, farmers are always hunting.

There are always people who want to eat meat, especially when there is a famine, they want to eat anything.

Those eyes in the darkness glow like wolves, so that it is hard to tell whether it is a human or a beast hiding in the forest...

They may be more dangerous than wolves, because they are intelligent and can hide, at least not as conspicuously as giants.

If the giants were not extinct, where did the giants go?

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