Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2343 bêtes fauves (Part 1)

Father Grégoire Sulai was known for his honesty and courage to expose some absurd excesses, whether in the court or in the Great Revolution.

In the 11th century, as the Benedictine monks increasingly violated the spirit of the rules, some monks came to the swamps near Dijon, Burgundy, in eastern France, to establish new monasteries and live a more peaceful, simple, laboring, praying and reading life.

At that time, Burgundy was still an undeveloped inland area, and the convenience of trade was far less than that of port cities, but the monks of the Cistercian Order were hardworking and capable, and they began to sell wool, grain, salt, etc. after they were self-sufficient.

Wine is known as the flowing red gold, and it was monopolized by the Italians until the 14th century. The Byzantine Empire only collected 4% of Venice's tax and 10% of the tariff for domestic merchants, but even so, it was still inferior to the privileged monastery. Wine, not only did they have no taxes, but they also had tithes, and the monks quickly became very rich.

In the Bordeaux area, there is also the tax-free privilege of self-brewed wine. Bourgeois originally refers to people who live in the Bordeaux area, and later became the "middle class". Burgundy is classified by vineyard. Pomona remembers taking a hot air balloon ride in Burgundy and seeing an abandoned Quidditch pitch from the balloon.

The Cistercians were experts in winemaking and viticulture in the Middle Ages. Those grand cru vineyards in the Côte de Nuits and other places originally belonged to the church and nobles. After the outbreak of the Great Revolution, the assets of the church were confiscated, and these grand cru vineyards were the first to bear the brunt.

Basically, the vineyards in Burgundy were divided into many large and small pieces during this period, and a piece of vineyard was often owned by several or even a dozen wineries. Napoleon always wanted the "Wine King" produced in this winery, but was rejected by the priest who guarded the vineyard.

A relative of Gabriel Uvral, Julien Ufral, a professor at the Sorbonne and Napoleon's law teacher, bought a burgundy from a heavily indebted banker. Vineyards.

The "Bread and Blood" movement broke out in the UK last year. This slogan sounds very characteristic of the Jacobins. Georgiana has always felt that it has something to do with Julien Ufral.

He rejected the post of member of parliament and instead succeeded Bronniard as director of the Sevres ceramic factory. She couldn't forget his confession that he woke up suddenly as if he was insane. Julian Ufral was also a golden bachelor in the eyes of many people. He is still unmarried and has several nephews who help him run the winery. I am a professor and a factory director in Paris.

Georgiana could smell a beast in him, and she didn't think she could marry three times.

The Cistercians are also known as white monks. After they cultivated the vineyards, they stopped cultivating and planting by themselves. Many poor farmers came to the monastery as "lay disciples". They did not need to shave their heads like formal monks. They can only wear brown robes, and they can be seen in many medieval-related movies.

These people are different from hired farmers. The hired temporary labor can be used by themselves after taking the money. These lay disciples eat in the canteen like the monks in white, because in order to avoid repeating the Benedictine order, they eat poorly, but the monks in white The monks can drink very good wine, in their internal saying is "drink less, but must be good", in order to cater to their discerning taste buds, the wine is made better and better.

White-clothed monks also have a privilege, that is, they can read, while lay disciples do not have the opportunity to receive education, so their "hobby" is stealing alcohol.

This situation continued until the 16th century. The Duchy of Burgundy was first partitioned by the Habsburgs and the Kingdom of France. In 1516, the French King Francois I signed the Treaty of Bologna with the Pope, which stipulated that the king had the right to appoint the church. The priesthood has the right to tax the clergy, and ordered all provinces across the country to use French instead of the Latin language used by the church. Then the Cistercianism ushered in a reform, and it was from that time that the Cistercianism began to gradually decline. It disappeared until the French Revolution.

Church assets were confiscated, religious orders were dissolved, and monks and nuns were forced to return to vulgarity. The former monks in white clothes also put on brown robes and worked in the fields like farmers.

Grégoire was interrupted by the archbishop in the middle of what he said just now. Although Grégoire is the patriarch of the French Republic and a priest of the French Church, and the archbishop is the archbishop of Belgium, his priesthood rank is lower than that of the archbishop. It can be defied, unless Archbishop Roquerol made an unforgivable mistake, like using the justice of the Inquisition to murder an innocent maid.

In the same way, if Georgiana was still a powerless woman, she would not even have the chance to be on this table, and she would have to be careful when she had the opportunity to speak, not to be underestimated by others. If she spoke like she just now, others might think that She's out of her mind.

It is also possible that Grégoire will replace Archbishop Roquerol as the new Archbishop of Mechelen. After he takes office, he can dissolve the current clergy and promote French. This is also another content discussed at this meeting. The cathedral priesthood is the senate priest of the cathedral, assisting the bishop in handling educational affairs. The archbishop of Mainz retired after being deprived of his diocese and elector status. Replaced by his assistant Dahlberg, other church territories that compensated Prussia will probably advance in the same way, and Mechelen doesn't have to make trouble like that.

The other is the vineyard. There is a second son of an earl in Antwerp. His father is a winemaker from Germany. There are also many high-quality vineyards along the Moselle River, most of which are also controlled by the church. Some of these vineyards were compensated to the directors of the nationalized tobacco company.

Although it was given to them, it is also possible that due to poor management, like the banker, the grand cru vineyard was sold to others in the end. There are very few people who can afford that much money. It was impossible for a university professor's salary to afford it, but Julian and Gabriel Ufral are relatives, and he has more than one vineyard.

If you can't give love to the other party, then give him power. The Paris Institute of Technology has a ceramic art school, and the manufacturing process of porcelain is strictly confidential. In particular, Chinese porcelain and Venice's colorless glass are both luxury goods, but the market demand is so large that even sea transportation cannot meet it. Then the Dutch began to imitate blue and white porcelain and created a kind of porcelain called Delfleur. Because they don't know the key materials, although they can be smooth, the whiteness is not enough, and the patterns are drawn on fired porcelain, which is only used by the middle class.

Until the 18th century, a German alchemist claimed to have obtained the formula for smelting porcelain. The ruler at that time, August, established a porcelain factory. In order to preserve the secret recipe, the porcelain factory was very heavily guarded, not inferior to the glass island in Venice. .

Originally, she thought that the escaped Venetian glass craftsman would only be sentenced to imprisonment, but she did not expect to be executed directly.

In short, the German porcelain factory snatched away the market that originally belonged to Delfle ceramics in the Netherlands, but the formula of the Sevres ceramic factory did not come from Germany. When Mrs. Pompadour established it, Marie Antoinette was still there. Before marrying in France, the castle in the Vincennes Forest was also used as a porcelain factory, just like the porcelain factory established in Albrechtsberg in Germany.

In order to manufacture higher-purity glass and searchlights for lighthouses, Fresnel did not know where to find the formula, and used Bologna stone, which also came from the alchemy laboratory.

She doesn't know much about glass, but she knows that alkali needs to be used, just like the colorless glass in Venice, and plant ash needs to be added. As long as you hold the secret recipe in your hand, Belgium can manufacture optical instrument-grade glass, and can also improve Hooke's glass. microscope.

This will not rob the British glass market. There are also British people who feed Peruzzi Bank. In the 17th century, tens of thousands of exquisite "crystal glass" flowed into England from Venice every year. glass, and even intends to imitate it.

But it is not so easy to "invite" craftsmen from Venice. The earliest glass workshop outside Venice was in Antwerp, and then spread to Britain and France.

In order to save the declining Delft ceramics trade, Maria Theresa gave Turna the privilege to establish a porcelain factory from the town hall. Let's see whose porcelain is more popular.

"Are you right, Ms. Sevre?"

Georgiana came to her senses and found that everyone was looking at her.

"Sorry, I was distracted, what did you say just now?"

"Are the teaching materials shipped from France, or printed locally? I said, printed locally, are you right?" Gregoire said.

"Of course." Georgiana said immediately, "but the content has to be reviewed, or do you want the same freedom of the press as Prussia?"

The archbishop smiled and shook his head, as firmly as he rejected French "equality" and "liberty," and moved on to the next topic.

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