Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2345 bêtes fauves (below)

Georgiana deduced that the carbon monoxide contained in the Reublan soda method was based on a chemical equation, which was probably taught in junior high schools in Muggle schools, but it may not have been in the early 19th century. Because this equation was not invented by anyone, but was compiled and summarized by generations of alchemists based on a large number of experiments.

Lavoisier used breathing experiments to prove the existence of oxygen, but he couldn't do it to prove carbon monoxide, unless the person thought he was dying.

Georgiana wasn't that good at it either, maybe Severus knew better, having been to a Muggle school.

At present, the principle of combustion is still based on the phlogiston theory. If the by-product of carbon monoxide is collected, it can not only create profits, but also reduce safety accidents. Every year, many people die of carbon monoxide poisoning because of warming and closing doors and windows. , if the doors and windows of the workshop are closed for the sake of secrecy, then the same problem may arise, but how can she prove it?

The meeting lasted until noon, and he and Edgeworth left when it was time for lunch. She planned to go to the city hall to find Faron. On the way, she chatted with Edgeworth about phlogiston. On the way she met Bowens, who was walking with Perrier, a young banker whom Farron had introduced, and greeted Georgiana from a distance.

Napoleon did not allow domestic bankers to invest abroad, but Bowens also wanted to build a factory in France in addition to building a factory in Belgium. Although Portugal acquired the machinery of the British textile industry and recruited many British technicians to give them privileges, none of the textile factories had steam engines.

Without a steam engine, even if British equipment is used, not only the productivity cannot keep up, but there will also be many restrictions. For example, if the factory building is built in a place with water power, the products will never be able to compete with the British.

This time Brown took 500,000 francs to buy a steam engine. Even if he didn't buy it, he could at least bribe some congressmen to make peace last longer.

Although the elimination of Berber pirates stipulated in the "Amiens Peace Treaty" eventually formed a multinational operation, or to put it another way, this was considered by some newspapers to be a new "jihad". The difference is that all participants were navy, And even the United States and Tsarist Russia have also joined.

The British warship that caught up with the fleet at the Strait of Calais last time was a participant. The British eliminated pirates and used it as training recruits. The country transports gold.

After the discovery of gold mines in Brazil, many Portuguese went there to pan for gold. Many of them were smugglers, including priests who wore robes, and they hid the gold under the robes.

In the beginning, the gold mines in Brazil were private. Later, the tax collector in Lisbon discovered that doing so actually enriched the pockets of private individuals, not the gold royal treasury, so they built a local mint to mint gold coins and shipped them back to Lisbon. This policy was only implemented for ten years. Later, it was changed to that miners are not allowed to leave the mining area without a government permit. This permit can be understood as a receipt, and it will only be issued after the gold diggers have paid the "May 1st Tax".

It is women and priests who are willing to do this honestly. Mining men have a lot of ways to deceive supervisors. Sometimes local miners will conflict with miners who later immigrated from other places, which gives the royal family a chance to intervene in Brazilian affairs.

So "Zorro" appeared.

Zorro is wearing a Venetian mask. Masked robbers usually wear hoods, with holes only exposed for the eyes and nose, unless the robber intends to tear up the ticket or intends to get a wanted warrant and paste his portrait everywhere. exposed.

Jefferson did not buy Louisiana. In addition to the port of New Orleans, he also had a goal of the Mississippi Delta. In the eyes of Europeans, that area was deserted, which allowed American "pioneers" to cross the border without hindrance, engage in smuggling or set up illegal settlements made of wood, and because the river was a large slave market , many fugitive slaves would cross the Delta to the Free State.

There are many well-equipped and militant American "militiamen" and bounty hunters on the edge of the delta. They are always ready to take back those "properties". The November snowstorm has blocked the coastline of the Netherlands. The plan to see Rembrandt's cemetery fell through, and even an expeditionary force to support Santo Domingo was out of the question.

Also unable to go is General Victor, the new governor of Louisiana. At present, Louisiana is still managed by a Spanish governor. The illegal settlements were not cleared because that would have meant a declaration of war.

The solution to the conflict would be to sell Louisiana, which would probably be less costly than holding out and fighting.

But if Bonaparte really sells Louisiana, those main combatants in Britain who advocate taking back the United States may defect, the "balance" will be broken, and war may break out again in Europe.

This topic is not suitable for "accompaniment", as if summoned by heaven, Bonaparte's adjutant appeared, and she left the restaurant before the food was served.

She was taken to the Grand Council Palace, which, unlike Antwerp's town hall, is neoclassical, since it was built after Louis XIV, after all.

Even William III of Orange repaired the Palace of Luo to be similar to the Palace of Versailles, and it was also rebuilt from a hunting lodge.

The decoration inside was resplendent and magnificent, not inferior to the Palace of Versailles at all. She was taken to a room on the third floor. After the door opened, she saw the character in the topic just now standing by the window.

She wanted to remind him to be careful of snipers, and then she thought of the major who was drunk and said something wrong, what would happen within fifteen steps, the current gun range is not so far, he stood by the window Should be safe.

Then she thought of the werewolf who lived beside the ancient battlefield. He hid in the wilderness because he didn't want to hurt people. For this reason, he also released a scary-looking dog to keep the villagers away. that place.

Warg is Old High German, meaning wolf, analogous to Old English wearg, meaning criminal or "accursed", in Normandy the outlaw was wargus esto, meaning wolf-like, in Slavic The middle warg simply means the devil.

In Latin, werewolf was called versipellis, which means a skin-changing person. Most people don't understand this, but Remus Lupine is a werewolf.

The Gospel of Matthew says: Beware of false prophets, they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

On the east bank of the Rhine there was a group of Lypurians, whom both Clovis and Attila tried to subdue, and they eventually assimilated into the native population, leaving behind only their dialect, the so-called Cologne accent.

The other is their "Barbarian Law Code", there is a saying like this: wargus sit, hoc est expulsus, meaning "this man is a wolf, he should be expelled".

Eating meat will inevitably lead to killing. Seeing that scene makes many people feel uncomfortable, but the wolves are gone, and humans don't hunt, so hares are everywhere?

Killing a hare and eating its meat is a link in the food chain, the unicorn is untamed and is a carnivore, but it only eats its own dead animals, although it has terrible teeth and claws, it does not hurt or trample Insects, flowers and plants, so they are called benevolent beasts.

"What are you thinking?" asked Bonaparte.

"Do you believe that a rabbit will crash itself into a stake?" asked Georgiana.

He laughed.

"If the unicorn hunts by 'waiting for the rabbit', do you think the leader it chooses is reliable?" Georgiana asked.

He looked at her in surprise.

"Don't be so shocked, wizards use unicorns, and the ancient Romans used birds to choose emperors, entrusting the fate of everyone and the country to an animal..."

"Come here." He waved to her.

She passed.

"You're an animal too." He pinched her nose.

"You're the animal!" she yelled, rubbing her nose.

"I am a lion, and you are a Veela. I remember you said that Veela belongs to the beasts."

She glared at him.

"Why pretend to be a human being and force yourself to be equal to the mob?"

She looked at him in shock.

Immediately afterwards, he led her to the sofa, asked her to sit down, lay on her lap, and took a "lunch break" with his eyes closed.

"Call me in half an hour." He said with a smile.

"You mean accepting yourself completely?" she asked.

He didn't answer her, and she was so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

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