The square in front of the city hall was full of people. They looked up at the sky one by one, but because the sun was a bit dazzling, the ladies held up their parasols, and the men watched the sky with binoculars.

"Let's not go there, ma'am," Figel said.

Georgiana had no objection. In fact, she also held up the binoculars used for watching the opera, and sat in the carriage expecting the "pilot" to appear on the stage. A performance once staged in Paris on October 22, 1797.

At that time, the fruit moon coup had just ended, and the newspapers were discussing the benefits brought by the "Campo Formio Peace Treaty". The performer was named Ganelan. In fact, it was not a performance, but an experiment similar to two shot puts landing on the ground at the same time. .

Leonardo Da Vinci designed a lot of flying devices, many of which are still in the conception stage, but some people want to try whether these devices designed by Da Vinci can really fly, and one of the drawings is a kind of drawing A pyramid-shaped object with a person suspended from its four corners, which Leonardo da Vinci imagined would land safely.

There was a general named Mosnier, who wanted hot air balloons to be driven by human propulsion. He installed propellers on the hot air balloons, and the balloons were also designed to be more aerodynamically elliptical, but this kind of propellers The power generated is not enough to change the course. In addition, this "parachute" designed by Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been used on a roof in his hometown and did not break his leg.

And in Montpellier, Languedoc, a balloonist named Brownshire tethered a parachute of his design to a box containing small animals and dropped them from a hot air balloon, all safe But the first person to try the parachute was Ganeland, and everyone thought he was crazy.

He made his first trial jump in Paris, and after the signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty", he repeated his achievement in London. This is a large-scale outdoor performance that is different from theater magic. newspaper.

Whether in Egypt or Rouen, it is estimated that I have never seen a similar "performance"...

Georgiana did not want to join Margaret's conversation.

She put down the binoculars and wanted to chat with two locals, but they were more interested in Matilda's "news". When Georgiana wanted to speak to them, they seemed a little trembling, and their request was not to prohibit the feast day, which is another important gathering day for the Belgians besides the market, and is conducive to the prosperity of commerce.

Georgiana kept smiling and didn't say yes or no. At this time, Matilda's voice attracted their attention again, so Georgiana took this opportunity to get out of the car.

"Ma'am..." Figel said anxiously.

"I'm going to St. Lumodie's," said Georgiana softly.

Figel looked at the distance, got off his horse, and "escorted" her away from the crowd and walked towards the church.

Bonaparte once planned to ask her to be an interpreter, to sort out the contents of the newspaper and show him. From a certain point of view, it was a very suitable position to "arrange" a shameless woman like her.

Maybe one day she will be dealt with like Pauline, he still loves Josephine, and Josephine also has the status of a legal wife, but these are not the focus of her memories.

There was a royalist newspaper at the time, and they used to ask this question in 1797: Although he (Bonaparte) completed the great march from Rome to Vienna, established a republic north and south of the Po River, and overthrew Venice and Genoa Republic, what will he become? In that absolute system which is called a monarchy, it is very easy to reward a hero. Honor, a little blue ribbon, is priceless, and even the favor of the monarch can replace everything. But who can believe, in our great indiscriminate democracy, that a great man thirsting for honor would be content with encouragement from both Houses and the poetry of Chenier? What role will he play when this glorious career comes to an end? Will he be the arbiter of peace? Or an administrator? Or the Secretary of War? Or a member of parliament, if he chooses. O God, what a depravity for the conquerors of Italy!

There were also many people standing at the door of the church, and they were also looking up at the sky, so that few people noticed Georgiana.

She didn't disturb them. When she walked to the door of the church, the sound of a cello could be heard from inside. Someone was playing Bach's cello suite in G major in front of the shrine where they had stood a few days ago, and other priests were standing aside. listen.

As she expected, the music sounded different from the concert hall after going through the reverberation of the church.

When she was in Bruges, she visited the Church of Our Lady. Although many works of art were lost due to the war, it actually enshrined Michelangelo's only work outside of Italy.

That work is not as shocking as "Pieta". The Virgin has a serious expression, and the baby in her arms is pursed. It looks like the mother and the child have quarreled.

This is different from other works of the Madonna and Child with similar themes enshrined in the church. They all look solemn and sacred. At that time, the priest of the church told her that this was Michelangelo's work when he was 31 years old. There was a huge stone in Florence, because it was so big that no sculptor dared to touch it. Michelangelo was only 26 years old at the time. When Florence fell into chaos because of the death of Lorenzo Medici, he was deeply moved. Florence is not a place to stay for a long time. He went to Venice, Rome and other places to find development opportunities and became famous at a young age. However, Michelangelo, who returned with great honor, was not treated differently. People did not believe that this 26-year-old young man was qualified for the job. This Bruges Madonna statue was made during that time.

In the end he convinced the Florentines, and Michelangelo used that stone to carve "David", which was placed in front of the main entrance of the Palazzo Vecchio as the patron saint of Florence.

In Dante's Inferno, the people in the Forest of Suicides wailed, regretting that the patron saint of Florence had become John the Baptist, and Dante completed the Divine Comedy before the Woolworkers' Rebellion.

So, is this the role she's playing? To corrupt the conqueror, as the royalist papers put it?

In fact, most people measure the strength and weakness of a country according to the size of the country, even though the land conquered by the conquerors was lost again soon, returned to its original state, and even became smaller than before.

She felt so guilty that Severus took care of her when she was sick, which was more real than any love, any passion, and many people couldn't do it.

Why didn't he come to her?

To be honest, it felt good to be welcomed by the crowd, but if it was the witch in her dream who was sent to the execution ground, she would be thrown eggs and vegetables while riding on a donkey, that would be called parading in the streets.

Some mistakes cannot be made once, and this unforgiving world will not give too many opportunities to repent.

The music ended, the player looked at her, and she wasn't sure if she should go in again.

At this time, there were cheers behind her, and she walked outside the church, and looked up at the sky with others, a hot air balloon was slowly flying over the bell tower of St. Lumodi Church.

And the person who performed the skydiving was different from what she thought. The parachute was not on his back. He was standing in a basket with many ropes tied around it. Hemispherical parasol, when the performer was ready, he asked the assistant on the hot air balloon to cut the rope, and then the parachute fell smoothly, without the process of the parachute unfolding from the backpack, so that it was not as thrilling as imagined, But it still aroused the exclamation of the people standing in the square.

The performer was trying to control the rope around the basket to avoid the basket from swinging back and forth, and the landing blue finally landed smoothly on the open space of the square.

Other than the impact of the landing, which knocked the performer out of the basket, nothing happened, and the crowd surrounded him like a hero.

"Which performance do you prefer?"

She turned around and saw that it was the cellist who had left the shrine and was standing behind her.

Her gaze involuntarily turned to his cello, which reminded her of the violin that Severus threw into the "lake" where six Muggle souls were sealed.

"This... this is..."

"I bought it at an auction. The tone is pretty good." The performer said complacently, "It was made by the Italian violin maker Stradivari, and it once belonged to a doctor in Lyon. He plays the violin well, but unfortunately he may be a good doctor but not a good musician."

"And you, a musician, are not a doctor." Georgiana teased.

"I will also heal people, with my music." The performer said, "Tell me how you felt just now."

Georgiana didn't want to answer his question, his music didn't bring healing, it just gave her pain, like chili peppers for toothache and shingles, that doesn't work, just temporarily paralyzes People feel that the same pain will come back after the "medicine effect" is lost, and it will be even more serious. In the end, it is still necessary to find the right medicine, or the tooth will be pulled out.

Well, that's the Mexican witch doctors, they're phased out as science progresses, and they're not the only ones, unless science is going nowhere, people remember these ancient things, like treasure hunting in a dump, maybe found useful.

"What's your name?" Georgiana asked.

"Jean-Pierre Duport, it is an honor to meet you, Madame," said the performer.

"Do you know anything else?" asked Georgiana.

"Who do you want to hear from?" Dubor asked.

"Surprise me," she said, smiling, and turned into the church.

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