Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2337 The Magic Flute of Variations (Part 1)

"Please sit down."

Albus Dumbledore pointed to a row of chairs lined up side by side, and said to Pomona, who was still studying.

"What do you want from me, principal?" she asked nervously.

"Oh, didn't Felius tell you?" Albus asked in surprise.

She shook her head.

"This is related to a little hobby of mine." Dumbledore said to the hanging curtain after sitting down in one place, "You can start now."

As soon as his words fell, the sky-blue curtain floated up by itself, and then she saw Felicity, the head of Ravenclaw in a tuxedo. He bowed to the two of them, and then waved it like a baton. The wand, and then the instruments floated by themselves.

"This is the music Filius prepared for Halloween, and he wanted me to appreciate it," Albus explained.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

"What don't you understand?" said Albus.

"Why, I'm just a student?" Pomona asked inexplicably again.

"I heard that Mr. Black intends to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Hogsmeade on Saturday to go to the Leaky Cauldron in London through the Floo network, and then go to the Beatles' concert. Do you know about this?"

Pomona was as motionless as petrified.

"Sit down, I didn't ask you to snitch." Albus said with a smile "I just want to find someone to accompany me."

Pomona immediately took the seat next to Albus. In fact, Sirius did invite her to the Beatles concert before, of course not the two of them, and there was also someone who was also curious about Muggle rock James Potter.

"Relax, you're enjoying it." Albus said with a relaxed smile.

She still felt nervous.

"I have a friend." Albus said softly. "He is not a good listener. Sometimes he, like most people, regards music as a background sound."

"Isn't it?" Pomona asked back.

"Tell me what you think?"

"If you're going to dance, you have to have music."

Ah Bu thought for a while and said, "You mean similar decorations?"


"There's one man you need to know. His name is Beethoven. He's a very famous musician. I think many wizards know him." Albus said. It is a work of art that needs to be appreciated seriously, seriously, and quietly, which means that you must listen carefully to understand the mystery."

"Cough cough".

She glanced at Felius, who was staring at them.

"Listen carefully, and tell me later what you heard." Albus finished with a smile, and stopped explaining, leaving Pomona sitting stiffly beside him.

At this time, the sound of the flute has spread slowly like flowing water.

Duboer played the Ave Maria, and although Georgiana asked him to "surprise" him, he didn't. According to the priests next to him, this gentleman is the chief cellist of the Berlin Palace Church, once played for Frederick the Great, and cooperated with Beethoven and Mozart, and was also the music teacher of King Frederick William II of Prussia.

Since the 17th century, people have discovered that music requires a mixture of treble, bass, and middle tones to form harmony, so that the tune sounds beautiful. Bach's equal temperament is done very cleverly, several voices are hidden in a melody, so that a solo without accompaniment will not feel incomplete.

Today, the master played solo in the church, mainly to try to hear what Georgiana said about being kissed by an angel.

In addition to Michelangelo's superb sculpture skills, he also pays attention to the characters behind each story. There are no scenes of quarreling among the Holy Family described in the Bible, but it is strange for children to quarrel with their mothers, and some children even ran away from home.

In "Pieta", although Maria's face is still like a girl, and the time seems to be frozen when she gave birth to him, but the son has grown up, from the baby sitting on her lap and having a temper with her to becoming taller than her , but the son in her arms has lost his life, like a cold stone.

It is not so much that he gave life to the stone, but rather that he freed the soul trapped in the stone.

In Sistine's zenith painting, both Adam and the Son who execute the doomsday judgment are in their prime of life, without the unbearable aging or the fragility of a child. It's a pity that the lives of living people cannot stay at that moment like sculptures and paintings, just like the puzzle of the Sphinx, from morning to evening, from dawn to twilight.

The planets are revolving around in circles, people die but will not be resurrected, the superposition of years will always bring some changes to people, some we like to see, some we don't want to see, such as the wrinkles on the beauty's face , or the gradually loose muscles of the hero.

This church holds both the baptism of newborns and the funeral of old people. It has hardly changed since the day it was built. What the son sees is almost the same as his father and grandfather, and they are also carved out of the same mold. Both appearance and character.

Is this a continuation of life?

When the father dies, the son continues the trajectory of his life.

Although Baroque originated from Mannerism, what it brings is impact, like a meteorite falling from the sky, bringing impact and change to this immutable and routine world.

When Bach's music full of baroque style sounded in this Gothic church, "change" had already happened quietly. The bishop admonished.

However, the celestial body is also playing a silent song. Someone heard this silent song, and then Kepler's law and the law of universal gravitation deduced by Newton inspired by it came into being.

She had heard that Beethoven had written a variation on the Magic Flute called "The Man Who Knows Love," and she hoped Mr. Dipper could play it for her after leaving the church.

Although the Magic Flute is also performing the theme of the victory of light over darkness, it is telling stories about ancient Egypt. This kind of "pagan" theme should not be played here.

As long as you don't want to steal it, no one will touch Michelangelo's sculpture even if it is left there. When people understand what sin is, they know what not to do. This is better than any advanced Anti-theft measures work well.

On the contrary, the more advanced the anti-theft measures are, the more eager people are to try and challenge the "impossible".

It is a pity that the famous painting in the church was stolen in the end. The priests copied a copy based on the photo and put it on the wall, and wrote a sign about what happened to it and stood it aside.

This is a kind of silent condemnation. Of course, those who steal paintings can also turn a deaf ear and enjoy the huge wealth obtained after selling the famous paintings they have stolen. in the private collection.

Rather than proving the existence of God, what human beings need to solve more urgently is the problem that after the collapse of past ethics, "what goes around with good and evil with good" no longer works. People no longer fear that they will go to hell after death, because this world There is no heaven and no hell. People no longer fear eternal punishment after death, and they will be unscrupulous when they are alive.

She is still willing to listen to Duboer's music, even though she can't bring her pleasure. What's wrong with her?

Is it because he's a celebrity? If she doesn't understand, will she appear to be unqualified?

Treatment isn't always pleasant, and both corrections and surgery can be painful, but what does she need to correct?

She couldn't figure it out. Fortunately, Di Boer was going on a tour. The first stop was Paris, France, and he happened to be on the same road as her.

On the way she might figure it out.

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