According to Machiavelli's account, in 1378, when people from various regions and guilds gathered in Florence to celebrate St. John's Day, they probably didn't realize that there were some militants with ulterior motives among them.

When the Guelphs found that once the ruling group changed, the new regime would be hostile and suppress them, and they could not prevent Salvestero de Medici from being elected as the standard bearer of justice by means of elections, they chose The old Guelph faction occupied the palace and seized power by driving out the hostile forces by force.

However, the development of the situation was completely beyond their control, and the whole city was shrouded in flames and earth-shattering noise, so they all hid at home one by one.

The common people opened the prison, got support, and snatched the banner of justice representing the highest power in Florence from the person who carried the banner. Under the cover of this banner, they rushed into the homes of many citizens and burned them. robbery. Some people took the opportunity to avenge their personal revenge by bringing these mobs to the enemy's house and setting fire to it, because as long as this flag leads the way to which house, it can guarantee that the house of that family will be reduced to ashes.

Although these "ragged men" were brutally exploited by "fat men", they hoped to solve the problem through reform at first. However, the people meeting in the meeting room were not discussing these, but dealing with private cases. This is what Salvestro de' Medici said in front of everyone when he left the meeting room: "I It is believed that these cases should be tried by special judges at regular intervals. The duty of the standard-bearer of justice is to defend the city-state, correct the arrogance of powerful figures, and modify the laws that lead the republic to ruin. Unfortunately, some people have bad intentions and are very opposed to it. These fair plans of mine are simply to deprive me of all opportunities to do good things, and to deprive others of the possibility of helping me, and even denying others the opportunity to listen to me. This may be because I am incompetent, or others think that I am So, I see that I can't serve the interests of the republic, and I can't benefit the people of the whole city, so I can't see any reason for me to continue to maintain this official position, so I have no choice but to retire and go home. Someone who is more virtuous than me, or who has better luck than me, will take over."

Behemoth is a huge, cumbersome monster, and it needs enough power to move, otherwise it will be like an early steam engine, not to mention generating power, it cannot even be driven by its own weight.

Salvestro left after saying those words. Every substance has its own ignition point. Before reaching the ignition point, no matter how high or unstable the temperature is, it will not ignite. As long as appropriate measures are taken Still able to stop the fire. However, there was chaos in the hall, and many dignitaries were scolded and threatened by the craftsmen in the courtyard, until someone shouted "Take up arms", and the situation completely got out of control.

Before Michele Lando became the standard-bearer of justice, there was a ruler on horseback trying to put out the fire, and behind him were many citizens who were also armed. The newly formed government was friendly and order-loving, and the people were on them. Seeing hope, the new banner bearer of justice is not only facing the restoration of peace and order, but also the challenges of those who want to take advantage of the fire and fish in troubled waters.

Fortunately, Michele Di Lando annihilated the riot in the city, and did not spread to the countryside or even other cities, avoiding the already chaotic Italy from falling into even greater chaos.

When Napoleon was in Italy in 1797, his total army strength was 80,000, and the "army strength" in the west was said to be 200,000. They profusely print pamphlets of sympathetic poetry to Louis XVI, and there is that prophecy that a prince in ravaged Europe will rise up against the obscurantists and oppressors who threaten us unscrupulously, and thus become humane, Guardian of justice and culture. Some people took the liberty of adding "bourbon" in front of the "prince".

Originally, one Kadudar was troublesome enough, but now a Pishiglu was added. He was originally exiled to Cayenne in French Guiana. A famous Porsche sports car has the same name as that place. Cayenne means pepper in Spanish. Guyana is one of the origins of pepper. It began in the period of Louis XIV. Just immigrating there.

Spicy is actually a kind of pain, but spicy enough to numb can relieve the pain. Ancient Mexican doctors used it to treat toothache and shingles. In fact, the pain is not so sad compared to the itching.

The purpose of the royal movement is not just to restore the monarchy, and the participants are not only to change the regime.

The French nobles after Louis XIV were actually raised in captivity in Versailles, so that those nobles could be uprooted from their local supporters. In addition, their city walls and stud farms were demolished, so that they could not organize an army. Formed an army like the Fronde.

These Versailles nobles thought that life in the provinces was vulgar, without social fun, like hell, and they preferred the life in the city, or the life in the palace, to the life in the provinces. Outings, theater performances, concerts, hunting, chess and cards, etc., both men and women spend a lot of thought on clothing. They love the earth and the forest. When they speak, they deliberately prolong their voices to make them pleasant. Military service, what about going to the forest to be a robber?

The common people are unwilling to participate in this "king's game". If they want to persuade the common people to participate in this game, they must meet the conditions, and then return to the previous question, what do the participants of the king protection movement want to do?

There is no conflict between the nobles with swords and the nobles with robes. They have formed a community through marriage. On the contrary, the new nobles and the old nobles cannot accept equal status and require the other party to provide a pedigree of more than four generations. Some of these new aristocrats are businessmen, some are military aristocrats, that is, they have obtained titles by virtue of their military exploits. For example, Pishiglu’s father is a farmer. He has made such great achievements that he even surpassed his master. What reward should he be given?

People who participate in this game will not feel unfair, and will choose to quit if they feel unfair. In Father Sies' pamphlet, it is said that privilege is immunity, which is good for the privileged and disheartening for the rest, and the true third degree enjoys no immunity whatsoever. The law must at least be impartial, but as an accomplice of privilege, for whom does the law seem to be appointed?

Gellert Grindelwald also asked this question. Even though not all wizards have experienced what happened to Ariana and the Dumbledore family, they are somewhat bound by the law, while Muggles are not. There was even judicial murder on charges of witchcraft, where a Muggle maid was killed in the name of a witch.

It was enough for the peasants that the nobles paid the same taxes as they did, and Arthur Young got away with it, but for a new generation of educated people, they would not be accustomed to this oppressive order. It's an endless topic, and one that can stir up angry emotions. Grindelwald then gave the wizards a reason for justice-to prevent Muggles from destroying the world, and then everything will be logical.

No matter what kind of privilege, its purpose is to avoid the control of the law.

The three Muggle children who hurt Arianna were not only underage, but there was no relevant law to sanction them. The 1735 Witchcraft Act ostensibly banned witchcraft accusations, but if wizards were proved to be true, then they would be punished. When it comes to the verdict, for example, a prophet predicts that there will be a world war, not that she is blind and happens to be right, and then she will be convicted of treason for leaking secrets.

Someone cursed another person to have sores on his head, and he really did, and he and several people who were also cursed reported together, and then entered the link of proving the existence of witchcraft. The Inquisition required the prisoner to admit that he was a witch. The "divine judgment" is used only if the prisoner refuses to admit it.

A normal person would definitely die if he got into the water without breathing, but if he floated up, it would prove that he was possessed by a devil, and he would also die at the stake, so why not admit that he is a witch?

There is almost no criminal cost for a person who makes a false accusation, but if he succeeds in the false accusation, he can kill the other party. Even if he does not die, the torture in the Inquisition is enough.

In 1692, wizards asked the king to recognize wizards, and it was impossible to legislate to protect wizards. Newt Scamander asked werewolves to register, accept management and protection, but no one came, because it meant admitting that they were werewolves. But unlike registering an Animagus, the same "witch" that exists in the official records will definitely be treated the same as a werewolf.

The people of Paris destroyed the Bastille, which is not the same as the tax gate.

Frederick the Great of Prussia at least set an example to satisfy the people on the issue of windmills, although he could have used the king's privileges to refuse to pay for the windmill outside the Sanssouci Palace, and did not allow the miller to rebuild or destroy it. View of the Palace of Sanssouci.

There is nothing worse than frustration. Depression means loss of confidence, and loss of confidence means loss of many things. Churchill gave a speech in order to restore confidence to the British army after the Dunkirk retreat.

And too strong self-confidence is prone to paranoia, thinking that one can rule the world, and all those who do not follow the rules of the game set by themselves will be eliminated or put in prison. This is the case with Grindelwald and Voldemort in the later stages.

Since the problem of wizards and Muggles cannot be solved by their method, it should be changed, but Georgiana feels that she has no confidence and feels that she can do it.


While Georgiana was changing clothes, Leila took a leaflet and came in happily.

"New show, someone wants to perform jumping off a hot air balloon!"

Georgiana froze for a moment, then turned her head and glanced out the window. Today's weather is indeed good, suitable for hot air balloons to take off.

"Won't it hurt to jump from such a high place?" Ferrier asked.

Matilda and Margaret snickered.

"What are you laughing at?" Georgiana asked, smiling.

"We've already seen this performance." Matilda said calmly and proudly, "Someone performed it in Paris in 1797."

"When does the show start?" Georgiana asked Leila.

"10 o'clock in the morning."

Georgiana glanced at the clock and simply called the two representatives to watch the show together.

If you have anything to say, let's talk on the road.

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