Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2324 peterm?nnchen (six)

Chapter 2324 Petermnnchen (6)

As a small city with a population of less than 100,000 people, Mechelen's vegetable market is not as big as the Paris lobby, and perhaps because of the small number of people, it looks much cleaner, at least the ground is not particularly dirty.

There are fresh fruits and vegetables in the morning, but in the afternoon, there are basically only leftover vegetable leaves picked by others. There are also a lot of sea fish in the fish stalls, and some pork in the vegetable market. "Vienna Schnitzel" does not necessarily have to be fried chicken, and other foods can be fried in the same way, but the chicken is relatively soft and does not need to be hammered like beef and pork. After the steak is relaxed, it should be coated with egg liquid, flour and bread crumbs, usually with a sweet and sour sauce, such as tomato sauce or something. It’s just that pork is very expensive in low-lying countries, but beef, which is very expensive in France, is very cheap here. Vegetable cattle raised in Denmark are fattened and slaughtered in the Netherlands. Much cheaper.

Then there is the Vienna burrito, which can be rolled with anything. Georgiana chose minced meat and cheese, and Mechelen has a lot of dairy products shipped from the Netherlands. When buying cheese, the local aunt told her that cheese can be used to make pancakes and soaked in beef soup, which is what Austrians used to eat in the past.

This is actually a Georgian dish, a bit similar to mutton steamed buns, but the mutton steamed buns are made by breaking the noodles and soaking them in mutton soup. The noodles themselves have no taste. So under the warm introduction of my aunt, Georgiana bought some more cheese, and then a peddler came with a bundle of fresh cabbage. He came a little late today, and the vegetables were not sold out, so Georgiana bought all his vegetables up.

Later, more and more people gathered around her, all vying for her to buy their things. This is different from France. Even if the French hawkers knew who she was, they would not be "special" to her. Treat regular customers with the same indifference.

She returned to the opposite palace before being overwhelmed by the crowd. There were guards guarding the place, and the peddlers did not dare to come, but they still enthusiastically yelled "Come again tomorrow" across the street.

When she returned to the kitchen, she found that her vegetable basket was heavy. When she opened it, there were many things in it that she didn't spend money on. Maybe someone stuffed them in while she was not paying attention. If it was enough for two people I have been eating for several days.

The things in this basket are actually not worth much, but it will be different if it is enlarged to tens of thousands, million times, tens of millions of times, or billion times.

Many banks in this era were still related to industries. For example, many bankers in Lyon were engaged in the cloth business, while bankers in Nantes were engaged in shipbuilding. As for the agency right of tea, even if the West India Company cannot monopolize the two trades of sugar and coffee in France, it can live very well only by relying on Mocha coffee. Moreover, the location of Mocha port is in the Gulf of Aden, Yemen. If coffee beans are transported from Mocha, use There are two ways to transport by ship, one is to go south, bypassing the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, and then bypassing West Africa to reach Europe.

Another one is to enter the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden to Suez. Either dig through the Suez Canal and take the waterway, or transfer the goods to the Mediterranean Sea after unloading in Suez. When the canal is repaired, toll taxes can be collected, and the Egyptians broke out a revolution in order to take back the ownership of the Suez Canal. There is also a strait at the junction of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, called the Mandeb Strait. Once the Suez Canal is open to navigation, that place where no one goes will become a strategic location, and regional conflicts will arise in order to compete for it.

The Netherlands is nicknamed "Sea Coachman", but their navy is not bad. One missing leg, replaced by a wooden one, and a hook for the missing arm, and a pirate figure with a blindfold covering one eye is almost Peter Stuyvesant.

Tobacco advertising was banned in many places in the 20th century, but there is no law prohibiting it now. Steyvesant evokes the Dutch Golden Age, and the North American colonies, rather than the United States of America.

The Leviathan was a monster of the sea, and now that Georgiana had seen a glimpse of what it really was, it was astonishing enough.

Obtaining commodities from one's own colonies at almost free prices is certainly a benefit, but alliances can also be formed through commodity exchanges. When visiting the Louvre in the 20th century, Pomona saw that the ancient Egyptian princesses in the showcases had many from Greece. jewelry made of glass.

This has nothing to do with whether it is a natural diamond. When Mycenae prevented the coalition forces from besieging Troy, why didn't Troy's allies attack Mycenae when it was empty behind Mycenae? In this way, not to mention besieging the city for ten years, it would be good to be able to siege the city for one year.

Andromache will not become a slave because of this, not only losing his favorite child, but also smiling at his enemies.

Even if the news will not reach Egypt for a while because of the lack of news, there will be no news at all after ten years of siege. If the Trojan War happened around 1200 BC, then the Egyptian Pharaoh at that time was Ramses II. Would he miss this rare opportunity?

The image of Hathor, the Egyptian god of love, was shaped according to Nefertari, the favorite queen of Ramses II. She is not the goddess of love like Venus who won the golden apple.

Nefertari and Ramses II participated in the Battle of Kadesh to fight for Syria. The pharaoh dispatched chariots and infantry. At that time, the role of the navy was to transport the army to a greater extent. In order to get the wind to set sail, the heroes wanted to kill Agamemnon's daughter to sacrifice to the gods, but they were stopped by the goddess of hunting, and Agamemnon's wife hated her husband because of this, and killed her with her lover after he triumphed. he.

It was the same on the way back, because there was no wind, and the heroes could not return to their hometown. At this time, the ghost of the dead Achilles appeared, and he appointed Polyxena as a sacrifice.

Polyxena was the last girl of the royal family of Troy, when she was still a girl, Helen falsely told Andromark that the son of Achilles wanted to marry Polyxena, and Polyxena was right Helen looked coldly, and Andromark scolded Helen even more, so Helen had no choice but to tell the truth. The Greeks wanted Polyxena to be sacrificed in front of Achilles' tomb.

Polyxena smiled now.

Why is she laughing? Is it because she worships Achilles and is willing to be his sacrifice, or is it because the subjugated princess would rather die than be a slave?

After the death of Princess Troy, the wind blew up, and the Greeks set sail with a ship full of booty, but it sank in the storm or the attack of a sea monster, and the treasure sank into the sea.

There may be a salvage team some years later, similar to the plot of the Titanic, they are not interested in the sunken ship and the people on board, they just want the heart of the ocean, but they accidentally got a "worthless" love story.

Why Achilles can return to the world, but you don't, Hector, because you are a mortal, not a demigod?

She sighed and sorted out the ingredients in the kitchen. Although she should be socializing with the ladies in the living room instead of this place at this moment, she believes that there are many people who are willing to do it for her, such as Mrs. Devodey.

Because, after all, she is not from that flashy world, which is actually quite good.

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