Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2325 peterm?nnchen (seven)

Chapter 2325 Petermnnchen (seven)

Bread and meat are usually side dishes on the table, but in Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations", meat and bread are in competition. Countries with backward farming often have large areas of wasteland, such as those nomads, whose staple food is Meat, while staples like flour can be more expensive.

The land in relatively advanced farming areas has been reclaimed, resulting in less wasteland available for livestock grazing, and the cost of pasture for raising livestock has increased, because people do not know whether they need meat, milk and horses, all of which need pasture, and this large-scale And bulky goods are difficult to transport from a distance.

This is the case in the Netherlands, where their land is used for pasture and their basic food grains are imported from abroad. This has always been the case in many areas of ancient Italy. According to Cicero's records, during the heyday of ancient Rome, raising good livestock on private land was the top priority, and grain was obtained from conquered provinces such as Egypt and Syria at very low or even free cost. The price is shipped in lieu of paying taxes.

Georgia is located in the South Caucasus, borders Turkey and Russia, and is located on the Black Sea. It has been protected by Russia since 1783. It is the place where Jason found the Golden Fleece. Before it was incorporated into Tsarist Russia, it was the Safavid Empire of the Ottoman Empire. target of competition.

Georgiana has been thinking about a question while kneading the cheese pie. Is this plan proposed by the Dutch West India Company really out of good intentions?

In the fourth edition of "The Wealth of Nations", Adam Smith dedicated a special topic to a person, his name is Henry Hope, this person is the owner of the Hope Bank in Amsterdam, or can establish business cooperation with the Hope family Relationship, in the European banking circle at that time, meant a passport to wealth and power, and the founder of Barings Bank, Viscount Francis Barings, was one of them.

During the Seven Years War, the Hope family made a fortune from the slave trade. After the war, they arranged government loans for Sweden, Russia, Portugal, and Bavaria, and led the organization of Anglo-Dutch syndicates to underwrite these national debts. Just like Napoleon, they sent bankers to England and the Netherlands. Like buying food, you can get a commission, and then the family loaned out to planters in West India, and got sugar, coffee and tobacco in return.

The Hope family also provided a large amount of loans to the Portuguese royal family, and Portugal gave the Hope family the right to operate the diamond trade in Brazil, thus making Amsterdam the new European diamond trading center.

Although Mexico's silver mines were exhausted, the discovery of diamonds and gold eased Portugal's financial burden, and the financial inequality between Portugal and Britain had become an unchangeable fact. But in the 18th century, this inequality was offset by gold and diamonds. On the other hand, precious metals led to a new round of gold rush, which triggered an upsurge of Portuguese immigration to Brazil, which led to the sugar cane economy in northeastern Brazil. At the same time The demand for slaves also increased.

Not only plantations, but also mines. The Hope family’s biggest customer for diamonds is Ekaterina II. Although many women love diamonds, Queen Ekaterina II especially likes them. She officially enthroned with The luxurious crown used nearly 5,000 diamonds. In addition to the crowns taken from other European kings, there are many provided by businessmen from various countries. In addition, the queen has a soft spot for bow jewelry, and she even inlaid diamonds on daily necessities.

Diamonds, plus the Hope family gave the Tsarist government a large amount of financing and loans. Catherine II not only gave the Hope family the exclusive right to import Russian cane sugar, but also the European trade of grain and timber. The Hope family also Therefore, he once became the richest man in Europe, not only controlling the Dutch East India Company and the West India Company, but also an ally of the Anglo-Dutch Bank Syndicate.

However, with the accession of Tsar Alexander, at least he didn’t love diamonds so much. The Hope family’s monopoly on the trade of Tsarist Russian grain was replaced by an agent cultivated by Russia itself. Georgiana couldn’t remember his name for a while, but she remembered that he was in Marseilles. Activity.

Marseille is close to the Mediterranean Sea. If a railway is built to lead to Lyon and then transported from Lyon to Paris, it will become a very busy traffic line. The parliament has never approved the construction of a track connecting Paris and Lyon.

Digging through the Suez Canal, allowing Mediterranean trade to flourish, and building another one sounds like a perfect plan. But Bonaparte also instigated Austrian special envoys to take back Silesia, which has become a steel city under Prussian management for many years.

This is also in line with Queen Maria Theresa's long-standing goal of taking back Silesia, but the Prussian envoy also said that as long as the League of Nations is not formed, Prussia can completely protect Silesia.

National debt was issued for war, and bankers underwrote national debt, so that bankers could use financial power to influence the political and foreign affairs of European and American countries.

In many wars, the outcome cannot be determined immediately, and even after the victory is determined, it will take more than ten years or even hundreds of years after the occupation of the area, so it is difficult to get out of the quagmire.

The war debt made the ruler deeper and deeper. Similar to the later Egyptian rulers, after the Suez Canal was built, they engaged in domestic construction. However, agriculture did not make Egypt rich, but owed debts. shares as collateral.

It was a trap, and the Treaty of Amiens, which required Britain to return Malta, was now stuck there like a thorn, and the slightest mention of it would drive Napoleon into a rage.

Now there is also the issue of Santo Domingo. Originally, Prime Minister Addington ordered to hunt down French fishing boats and treat French fishermen like warships. Dieppe’s negligence was also related to Napoleon’s failure to redeem those captives detained in Britain. Then the British A "representative" was sent and the real French warship left Europe for Santo Domingo.

It is not necessarily the British who told Dusan Louverture that France intends to restore slavery. The most unfavorable thing for Britain and France to make peace and even form an alliance is Spain. The "Amiens Peace Treaty" was signed without even a representative. The ambassador of the Republic of Batavia also wore Southeast Asian costumes on the day of the hunt, which may have been a protest against Ceylon.

Everyone is suspected, and everyone is possible, but the criminal cannot be found.

When the king and his wife came to the post station, even if they did not beg the townspeople to let them go, it would not be so easy to resist by force. The men who pulled the horse could kill the horse, so that they would not be able to escape.

But Georgiana can figure it out herself, other people may not necessarily, even though those people are on her side, she also made them endure a lot, and if they let them endure, they can also choose to quit, then Georgiana will really Became a housewife.

The more coins, the better. Aston Martin reminded her before that Napoleon brought a large amount of precious metal currency back to France, just like the Spaniards did when they discovered silver mines. This time the currency of the Holy Roman Empire was confiscated and recast into francs. If it is not done well, it will cause the same problem.

However, Napoleon could also transport all the precious metals in the credit bank when he started the war. In the end, the Dutch owed a big debt. When Napoleon was asked to pay back the money through legal means, he found that he had transferred his share to others. George Anna only has a castle worth 1 million francs and some jewels, can that hole be filled?

There are many women around these successful men, she should think about her own problems instead of worrying about those "international events".

According to the law of the market economy, people will buy cheap and good products, and such products are competitive. Even if Napoleon finds a substitute, the price of coffee will be more expensive than before, and customers will have to pay more to enjoy the same life as before.

Then a few scandals were exposed, and people will understand it in the direction of corruption.

During the period of Edward III, the British wool textile industry was in a state of prosperity, but the price of British wool fell a lot.

One is because it was in the Hundred Years War between Britain and France at that time. Although it was also at war before, Edward III absolutely prohibited England from exporting wool and selling it to the Netherlands. Second, it allowed Spain to import wool duty-free. country export. This has led to the "oversupply" of wool, or the lack of productivity in the wool product manufacturing industry before the industrial revolution to consume so much wool, leading to a fall in prices.

The Netherlands stopped work due to lack of raw materials. Prior to this, Edward III had established his new emblem in Ghent, but Philip II of the Principality of Burgundy expanded his power and gained Flanders.

Scotland also produces wool, but Scotland is busy with the "War of Independence". When Edward III attacked France, King Philip VI of France asked the King of Scotland to invade England, hoping to force Edward III to divide his troops back to save the country, because Scotland was an ally of France at the time , Scotland really sent troops, and Scottish wool could not enter England.

Both the United Kingdom and the Duchy of Burgundy were targeting France, so later the Duchy of Burgundy formed an alliance with England, and Scottish wool could not be sold to Flanders controlled by the Duchy of Burgundy.

But that was at the end of the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, Edward III was dead, and the price of wool began to rise, so it didn't matter who sold it to or not.

There are not so many conflicts of interest that can often stay out of it. Albus always stays alone in his office on the high tower, pacing and thinking. one day.

Maybe it's because she doesn't want to be led by that invisible hand, dancing lightly with the baton in its hand.

The joy and happiness of human beings are like trees, beautiful from a distance, but if you go inside, the beauty disappears. In fact, she quite liked the indifferent attitude of the French, but she didn't know how to return the enthusiasm to others.

She can't just take other people's things, even a carrot.

After kneading the dough, she took the carrot that someone stuffed into her vegetable basket and looked at it in her hand. What should she do with it?

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