Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2323 peterm?nnchen (five)

Chapter 2323 Petermnnchen (five)

The speed with which the Netherlands accumulated wealth in the 17th century is a wonder of the world, especially in Amsterdam, which resisted the Spanish until 1578 and was one of the last Dutch towns to fall.

As soon as the war ended, refugees flooded into it, seeking a more stable environment. They brought wealth, connections and technology from Antwerp and other places. Within a few decades, Amsterdam became the commercial and financial center of northern Europe. From a global perspective Has become a European trade center.

The same pattern played out in America in New Amsterdam, now New York, when a Dutchman named Peter Stewiesan, in 1643, was involved in a failed raid on St. Maarten, still occupied by the Spanish. In 1647, he lost a leg in the war and was appointed governor of New Netherland and Governor of the Leeward Islands. In order to attract people to emigrate, he introduced a new system called "patronage", and anyone who could bring 50 adult males to work as tenant farmers could get a fief from the company.

The company mentioned here is not the company he runs himself, but the Dutch West India Company. Compared with the East India Company, it has no sense of existence, but they did bring a lot of wealth to the Netherlands.

The main business of this company is the trade of slaves and precious metals. Before Georgiana got angry, Faron added that 75% of its trade came from precious metals and 13% from slave trade.

They transported slaves from the Gold Coast of Africa to Suriname, and then sold them to middlemen at a price of 200 guilders, and then brought sugar from the New World back to the Netherlands for trade, and then went south to Africa to form a triangular route. But by 1792, due to the decline in the Dutch national income, the demand for heavy metals and slaves decreased, the West India Company was dissolved due to the debt crisis, and it was reopened in 1800.

The reason for this has a lot to do with the French Revolution. France is a country with a large demand for tobacco and sugar, and with the death of the king, many of the money lent to him have become bad debts, and the banks have collapsed one by one. During the reign, there was almost no other consumption except for military orders. The Third New Holland West India Company chose to use military work as a way to reverse its disadvantages.

But now there is a new turning point for them. Napoleon is obviously looking for a substitute for Santo Domingo, but Belgium can grow sugar, but they cannot produce coffee. Coffee is a tropical plant that is grown in a greenhouse. It is also possible, but the cost is a bit high, and there is another way.

The name of Mocha coffee comes from a port named Mocha. Almost all the coffee beans in the Red Sea in the 15th century were concentrated in the port of Mocha and then exported, so they are collectively called Mocha coffee. The Dutch, who pushed out the Portuguese who would have occupied the place, like the other trading posts.

And they lost the business not because they were squeezed out. Coffee beans are not only the fruit used to make coffee, but also the seeds of coffee. Coffee beans need to be roasted before they can be ground into coffee powder, but in ancient times it was not necessary, roasted coffee could no longer grow into a coffee tree.

With the rise of the Ottoman Empire, coffee also came to Austria with the Turks who marched west, and then was brought to the western countries. The first coffee shop in Europe was opened in Vienna, Austria. The coffee at that time still had a strong Middle Eastern flavor, that is, the ground coffee powder and sugar were added to the copper pot and boiled, and the coffee was stirred and added repeatedly. After about 20 minutes, a small cup of coffee was ready.

It tastes like an herbal medicine, both bitter and "invigorating", and it was originally used as a stomach remedy and refreshing medicine. When Georgiana was in Italy, she saw locals drink espresso in cups the size of a thumb, and drink it in a small amount, without adding a lot of auxiliary ingredients like latte, cappuccino, and "Mocha".

In fact, many people add these "condiments" just because they can't stand the bitter taste of espresso. This actually covers up the original aroma of coffee. Different roasting techniques will have different tastes, but this taste is very light, adding milk I can't taste it anymore.

Just like flowers, coffee is not a necessity of life. You can go without drinking coffee for a month, but you cannot go without eating for a month.

Santo Domingo produced half of the world's sugar and coffee, which originally accounted for one-third of France's total foreign trade, and the remaining share was divided between tobacco and other trade.

That is to say, the defeat of France this time has suffered heavy losses, but most people have not yet reacted, because the Royalist Party has ceded all overseas colonies in order to gain the support of the United Kingdom.

If you don't have it at the beginning, then it's nothing. I'm afraid of getting it and losing it. With Napoleon's current prestige in the Arab world, it is not impossible for him to reopen the "Oriental Trade" in the Port of Mocha.

It's not medieval anymore, and the church is secularized, who cares about heretics.

As for why the Dutch West India Company found Georgiana instead of the West India Company, it was also because of the "tobacco group".

After Napoleon took away the property of private French tobacco merchants, he exchanged the newly received territories, where they could become "lords" and "counts", live in castles like nobles, and continue to use tobacco in France. The company works.

Even if Napoleon didn't use the threat of the guillotine, most people would actually be willing. Otherwise, why would the Rothschild family buy the forest of Chantilly.

The rich have so many hidden assets that they may even forget it. Sometimes the steward will not tell the young master how much your father left for you, but ask him to sign it. When the young master signs it, this property will not be the young master. that's it.

In order to avoid this from happening, it is very important to find a trustworthy person to take care of, usually a trustworthy friend, brother or business partner with good conduct. In the story of "Pride and Prejudice", Mr. Bennett has so many daughters, and everything he inherited was still inherited by a nephew, who was then picked up by the "old girl" Charlotte. After Mr. Bennet's death, whether Mrs. Bennet and the other unmarried daughters can continue to live in their own home depends on Charlotte's face, so there will be a plot to force Elizabeth to agree to Collins' marriage proposal.

In this way, for the sake of sisters and mother-daughter love, Elizabeth will not drive her mother and sisters away. Mrs. De Starr said that she does not want a marriage without love, but no matter how much love is in a poor life Grind into powder and die with the wind.

In fact, even if Napoleon gave his partner status to Georgiana by gift, and Georgiana found a "next home" to change hands, she didn't have to worry about taking risks. Farron and the others had found their goals. It is thriving, and there are still many people who want to join this "quasi-central bank".

As long as Georgiana is not afraid that she will not be able to sleep for the rest of her life, and her sleep quality has always been very good, her greatest hobby is sleeping and dreaming.

After all, people will live in the way they hate the most. How did she look at those people who wore luxury clothes and bought vegetables at the vegetable market?

Georgiana needs to "quiet," although her solution is to go to the noisy vegetable market across the way to buy vegetables for the evening.

Bonaparte's French may not be very good, because this dish called "Vienna Fried Chicken" is pronounced in French as Milanese "à la milanaise". Where did he get this dish? If it is Milan, it will not be called this way.

Or is this the same as the oranges shared by the Queen of Spain?

"You should change your diet, Leon." After she finished speaking, she put on a vegetable basket, wrapped her cloak, and left the palace.

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