Not every piece of Marie Antoinette's clothes was a big success. For example, in 1780, a simple, loose, comfortable dress with loose sleeves, inspired by the Caribbean, got crazy.

"Dress like a servant."

"Louis XIV would have been shocked to see his great-grandson wife in a village girl's dress and apron."

Even the material of the clothes was criticized, as it was muslin from England.

Originally, this kind of clothing was limited to a few people, which is the so-called circle of close friends of the queen, but in 1783, the queen wore this dress and asked her favorite female painter to paint a portrait of herself. The painter had to take it down and put on a painting of "The Queen and the Rose". On the other hand, the queen still went her own way, wearing this dress to and from the Trianon Palace.

The other side of the channel is another scene, led by the Duchess of Devonshire, all women from the age of 15 to 50 wear this kind of loose dress, and it is slightly improved, the collar is not as low as the French one, There are also two lapels, tied with a bow.

Marie Antoinette once said to the jailer's daughter "I am the wife of the king, the mother of the crown prince, ask yourself, as a mother and wife, I am a Frenchman, I will never see Austria again, whether I am happy or not, I am I can only be happy in France, if you love me."

She did, as she said, never return to Austria, even though their carriage had been very close at one point.

Josephine is very good at using some small tricks. If she pretends to see a ghost and let Bonaparte take her back to the bedroom, then there is no need to cover all Malmaison's mirrors with black veils.

Or maybe she was really afraid, and she should not have installed so many mirrors when decorating Malmaison, or take the mirrors off altogether.

The "mischievous ghost" is often with the house. In the 20th century, the Tuileries Palace was no longer on the original site. In fact, the fire in 1871 only burned the interior, and the facade is still there, and it can be rebuilt. But the Third Republic ordered it to be demolished. Where did the demolished facades go?

As if they knew in advance, or had already been alerted, before the fire broke out, all the artworks in the palace had been removed and placed in the underground warehouse of the Louvre, including Hathor's "residence" . This made it necessary for her to find someone to put her "residence" in the Tuileries Palace.

Marie Antoinette's letters, clothes, jewelry, etc. are all collected, and Trelawney also has many admirers.

Neither Pomona nor Georgiana seem to have any followers. Originally, she was liked by many people when she was in Pomona, but that was the effect of her disguise. Now she no longer pretends to be herself, and is unexpectedly I hate it enough to get stuck with a needle.

She was not in the mood to do anything, she was holding a mango like an old man, sitting in a rocking chair, and wasting time while warming up by the fire.

Napoleon also had a first love who loved to eat cherries, as if she had had unreasonable grievances with her "first love" all her life.

She felt a big black dog lying at her feet, but she didn't dare to look down, afraid that it would suddenly disappear.

Death is actually not that terrible, just like Sirius, it was only a moment after he was hit by the Avada Kedavra curse, and he still maintained his graceful appearance in life.

I don’t know how credible what Bertin said, because in the court of trial, Marie Antoinette still maintained an elegant and noble posture, just like at the magnificent Versailles ball. Georgiana had a hard time connecting the woman who was sitting in a wagon full of goods, holding children, and pleading with a mayor's wife.

The first rule of Slytherin's code of conduct is to be graceful at all times. Although not everyone can do it, Crazy Bella also has an elegant side.

She never thought that Severus could dance. He had always been a "bookworm", but he learned to dance from the Death Eaters, and his partner was Bella.

Sometimes it is difficult for people to understand why some pure-blood nobles are so downcast and yet so proud.

She stood up, and the mango who was "hatching the egg" was startled, flapped its wings and flew to the side, and the wind fanned the flames in the fireplace everywhere.

She danced alone, even without anyone's appreciation, as she used to do when she was practicing alone. She could only look at herself in the mirror, so she didn't know whether she danced well or not. It was rare for her to ask someone to comment, but what she got was scolding.

Even if the whole world doesn't accept you and beat you, you still have to accept yourself and don't deny yourself, otherwise you won't be able to live.

Self-denial is the beginning of depression, it drains you of everything, nothing can make you feel happy again, not even delicious candy and chocolate.

While dancing, she prayed to the gods, please give her a way out of this world.

This is actually pretty stupid, because God is proven to not exist, at least not to give you luck and wealth.

However, when you are really helpless and lonely, imagine that it exists and you will not feel so lonely, and he is still willing to open a narrow door for you.

Lily closed the door for Severus, she opened it for him, but his mind still wanted to knock on the closed door again.

Now she's ready to close too.

No matter how noisy and threatening he was outside, she felt so sweet when she was intoxicated by her own dance.

Maybe she looked like Neville now, and he sleepwalked and danced in the bedroom, and the others thought it was weird to see him like that, and thought he was silly.

But he himself feels happy, and he is not tired, and he will not say "I want to rest".

Roundabouts, always roundabouts, also consume energy, why don't you feel tired when dancing?

Many people think that continuous dancing is a phenomenon of obsession. In 1518, a woman in Strasbourg began to dance crazily. There was no music in the street, and she kept dancing from morning to night. As a result, the surrounding villagers joined her in the dance, and some even danced for days until their legs swelled and their feet bled, and no one could stop them.

70 people died of exhaustion, there are other similar examples in history, this symptom is called "dancing plague", the church attributes it to the devil, scientists say it is ergot fungus, psychologists say it is mass psychosis .

In fact, dancing is quite relaxing, just don't pay too much attention to the frightened eyes and whispers of people around you.

By the time she gets tired, she's back to "normal" again, feeling incredibly relaxed.

At the same time, she looked at the person standing in the doorway, and she really wanted to point her wand at the door and slam it shut.

"Bravo." Richard Edgeworth applauded her. "Nice dance, Georgiana."

She didn't want to frighten the non-magic Muggle, so she dismissed the idea.

"You brought friends?" Georgiana said, looking at the person behind him, who forgot to applaud, and stood there with wide-eyed eyes, as if petrified.

"Let me introduce you," said Edgeworth. "This is Mr. William Cockerill from Lancashire. He has developed a new type of loom. He is looking for investors to cooperate with. I think the Industrial Credit Bank will interested."

Georgiana originally wanted to say that according to the procedure, this Mr. Cockerill should go to the bank instead of her, but he is from Lancashire, he is half of the country, and his clothes can only be considered neat, not gorgeous, It seems that he really encountered "financial difficulties".

"Are you going to trade jobs with Stanley?" Georgiana teased, then looked at Cockerill. "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Cockerill froze for a moment, glanced at Edgeworth, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket hesitantly.

Georgiana took one, lit it, sat down on the sofa, and began to puff.

Rose's mother said she didn't like to see Rose smoke, how could a good girl smoke?

But French men and women love to smoke, and she is doing as the Romans do.

"Would you like black tea or coffee?" Georgiana asked the two guests, but they also started smoking.

"That's enough." Richard said with a smile, holding up a cigarette in his hand.

"Me too," Cockerill said with a smile.

"Where are you from?" She had nothing to say.

"Switzerland, I'm sorry I didn't find anyone willing to take out a loan there," Cockerill said.

"Industrial Credit Bank only gives loans to people who open factories in Belgium." Georgiana said.

"That's exactly what I mean. There is a wool textile workshop in Verviers that plans to transition to a factory."

"Where is Verviers?" asked Georgiana.

"Liege," Cockerill said, "it's like a second home for me."

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